
As many schools explore new models of teaching and learning in response to COVID-19, we’ve created free resources, tools, and training to help educators support and engage their students.


This year, going back to school looks very different for schools and students around the world. As educators, you are on the front lines of figuring out how to meet students’ needs in a rapidly changing learning environment — finding engaging ways to teach remotely, quickly getting up to speed with new technologies, and keeping on top of shifting policies and guidelines.

今年,对于世界各地的学校和学生来说,重返校园看起来都大不相同。 作为教育工作者,您处在如何快速变化的学习环境中满足学生需求的最前沿—寻找吸引人的远程教学方法,快速掌握新技术并掌握不断变化的政策和准则。

To make this challenging time easier, we’ve created resources and tools to help you learn and teach Unity and real-time 3D development effectively in the new normal. We’re also launching a new live online series, where we invite you to learn and share best practices, challenges, and successes with a supportive and engaged community of passionate Unity educators.

为了使这一具有挑战性的时间变得更轻松,我们创建了 资源和工具 来帮助您在新的常态下有效地学习和教授Unity和实时3D开发。 我们还将推出一个新的在线在线直播系列,邀请您与充满激情的Unity教育工作者的支持和参与社区一起学习和分享最佳实践,挑战和成功。

学习并获得Unity专家和其他教育工作者的实时支持 (Learn and get live support from Unity experts and fellow educators )

This fall, we’re kicking off Unity Educators Live, a new series of free professional development sessions facilitated by Unity Education and our community of Unity instructors. This live series is open to all education professionals at the secondary and post-secondary levels, including instructors, school administrators, program managers, and curriculum designers. You’ll hear from guest speakers from industry and education, as well as engage in structured interactions with other teachers to exchange new ideas, challenges and successes.

今年秋天,我们将启动 Unity Educators Live ,这是一系列新的免费专业开发课程,由Unity Education和我们的Unity指导者社区推动。 本直播系列向所有中级和专上教育专业人士开放,包括讲师,学校管理员,课程经理和课程设计人员。 您将听到来自行业和教育界的演讲嘉宾,以及与其他老师进行的结构化互动,以交流新的思想,挑战和成功。

The biweekly live sessions will focus on a variety of topics, including how to teach Unity across subject areas, helpful pedagogical approaches, educator spotlights, and the latest developments in Unity and the rapidly evolving fields of real-time and interactive development.


The series launches on September 15 with a kick-off session focusing on the current state of interactive development in classrooms. Register here for the entire series, and attend the sessions that best suit your interests and availability.

该系列将于9月15日启动,并启动一个会议,重点讨论教室中交互式开发的当前状态。 在此处 注册 整个系列,并参加最适合您的兴趣和可用性的会议。

You can also connect with other Unity educators by joining the Unity Teach Community Facebook group, an active community of secondary and higher-education instructors sharing best practices, resources, and candid discussion.

您也可以 加入 Unity教学社区 Facebook小组, 与其他Unity教育工作者建立联系, 该论坛 是活跃的中学和高等教育讲师社区,共享最佳实践,资源和坦率的讨论。

免费的Unity教学许可 (Free Unity licenses for teaching and learning )

Did you know that many schools are eligible to receive free Unity licenses for learning and instruction? The Unity License Grant Program can help equip your students with new skills to boost their success. Qualified not-for-profit academic institutions and programs should apply online. Find out if your academic institution or program qualifies for free education grant licenses here.

您是否知道许多学校有资格获得免费的Unity学习和指导许可证? 统一许可的授予程序 可以帮助装备你的学生提供新的技能,以提高他们的成功。 合格的非营利性学术机构和计划应在线申请。 在此处 查找您的学术机构或计划是否有资格获得免费的教育补助金许可 。

Students enrolled at an accredited educational institution may be eligible for a free Unity Student Plan and a selection of free assets to accelerate their projects. They’ll have access to the same real-time 3D development platform and workflows that professionals use to create immersive experiences across industries such as gaming, architecture, film and television, and more. It’s now even easier to get started in Unity with the inclusion of Bolt, a simple visual scripting tool to start creating content in Unity without writing a single line of code. Find out more and get access.

在经认可的教育机构就读的学生可能有资格获得免费的 Unity学生计划 和一系列免费资产,以加速他们的项目。 他们将可以使用专业人士用来在游戏,建筑,电影和电视等行业中创建沉浸式体验的相同实时3D开发平台和工作流程。 现在,通过包含Bolt(一种简单的可视脚本工具)就可以轻松地开始使用Unity,而Bolt是一种简单的可视化脚本工具,无需编写任何代码即可开始在Unity中创建内容。 了解更多并获得访问权限 。

访问强大的学习资源库 (Access a robust library of learning resources )

We’ve created tutorials and webinars to help you get started teaching Unity to your students, whether you’re teaching computer coding, game development, or integrating Unity into your teaching across subjects. We’ll help you to integrate Unity into your curriculum and teach students how to create interactive experiences in 2D, 3D, AR, and VR. Get started here.

我们已经创建了教程和网络研讨会,以帮助您开始向学生教授Unity,无论您是在教计算机编码,游戏开发,还是将Unity集成到跨学科的教学中。 我们将帮助您将Unity集成到您的课程中,并教给学生如何在2D,3D,AR和VR中创建交互式体验。 从这里开始 。

All of these resources and more are available to you for free. We want to help you make the transition to distance and remote learning and also equip your students with skills that will help them succeed in these challenging times. From live learning sessions to tutorials, to free educational Unity licenses to student plans, to a library of resources, to a live, supportive community of other educators who are navigating through this school season along with you, we’ve got the resources you need to make this year a success.

您可以免费使用所有这些资源以及更多资源。 我们希望帮助您过渡到远程和远程学习,并为您的学生提供技能,以帮助他们在充满挑战的时代取得成功。 从现场学习课程到教程,到免费的Unity教育许可证到学生计划,再到资源库,再到与您一起度过本学期的其他教育工作者的实时支持社区,我们拥有您需要的资源使今年取得成功。

Sign up now for Unity Educators Live, and check out more resources to support Unity educators. 

立即注册 Unity Educators Live ,并检查 更多资源 以支持Unity教育者。



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