
1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。优秀的计算机专业英文自我介绍本文是由范文工作室上传的:计算机专业英文自我介绍。您可以通过本文底部的“下载”来下载本文的文档。My name is *, professional. Computerized accounting. I am cheerful self-confidence, is a non-throwing in the towel girl. I am approachable and the students get along well, and actively participated。

2、 in various activities held at the school. As literary members, I have tried for students services, and actively work to help teachers carry out various forms of activities, coordinating the relationship between students and the collective, so that our class to become a vibrant dynamic class group.I。

3、n college, I was always to improve their overall quality as the goal, the overall development of self-direction, establish a correct outlook on life, values and world view.In order to meet the needs of social development, I have to seriously study a variety of professional knowledge and basic grasp 。

4、of the basics of computer hardware and software and theory, be able to master the basic operation. And successfully passed the office automation, computer, a district, the University English Test 3. To tap their potential to participate in the annual summer social practice, which gradually increase 。

5、their learning ability and analytical problem solving skills, as well as the coordination of certain organizational and management capacity.”Learning makes me know enough” is my college study and work motivation. I am systematic and comprehensive way to learn the theoretical basis of this specialize。

6、d knowledge, at the same time to apply theoretical knowledge learned in practice activities, the learned knowledge into hands-on capacity, application ability and creativity. Seek the unity of theory and practice. In the study and master the theoretical knowledge and application of professional skil。

7、ls, it also worked to broaden their knowledge, develop their own ability in other areas. Apart from studying, I also forget to insist on participating in various sports and social activities. In the thinking and behavior, I am fine style of work, treating others with sincerity, can better handle int。

8、erpersonal off the occasion of doing things calm and steady, can reasonably co-ordinated arrangements for the affairs of life.As a positive and optimistic new era of youth, I will not because of his post-secondary diploma and lose confidence, but I will be more pressing demands on themselves and re-enrich enrich enrich. Improve the self-realization of future goals. And I believe that: intentions to win the wonderful!3。


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