
  • 内核执行poll过程
  • 总代码
    • 驱动程序
    • 应用程序

内核:linux -


从代码的角度来看,poll机制是通过应用程序调用poll() 函数,poll()函数的使用方法可以通过man poll进行查看,可仿照最终程序中进行改写,这里不做重复说明。配合驱动函数中相对应的drv_poll() 函数配套使用的。函数执行的入口当然是应用程序中的poll()函数,接着进入内核中的sys_poll() 函数,poll机制的函数在路经:linux/fs/select.c下,原代码如下:

739 asmlinkage long sys_poll(struct pollfd __user *ufds, unsigned int nfds,
740             long timeout_msecs)
741 {
742     s64 timeout_jiffies;
744     if (timeout_msecs > 0) {745 #if HZ > 1000
746         /* We can only overflow if HZ > 1000 */
747         if (timeout_msecs / 1000 > (s64)0x7fffffffffffffffULL / (s64)HZ)
748             timeout_jiffies = -1;
749         else
750 #endif
751             timeout_jiffies = msecs_to_jiffies(timeout_msecs);
752     } else {753         /* Infinite (< 0) or no (0) timeout */
754         timeout_jiffies = timeout_msecs;
755     }
757     return do_sys_poll(ufds, nfds, &timeout_jiffies);
758 }


653 int do_sys_poll(struct pollfd __user *ufds, unsigned int nfds, s64 *timeout){....
670     poll_initwait(&table);                          // 初始化table
709     fdcount = do_poll(nfds, head, &table, timeout);710          // 真正执行poll函数
737 }


582 static int do_poll(unsigned int nfds,  struct poll_list *list,
583            struct poll_wqueues *wait, s64 *timeout)
584 {585     int count = 0;
586     poll_table* pt = &wait->pt;
588     /* Optimise the no-wait case */
589     if (!(*timeout))
590         pt = NULL;
592     for (;;) {593         struct poll_list *walk;
594         long __timeout;
596         set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
597         for (walk = list; walk != NULL; walk = walk->next) {598             struct pollfd * pfd, * pfd_end;
600             pfd = walk->entries;
601             pfd_end = pfd + walk->len;
602             for (; pfd != pfd_end; pfd++) {603                 /*
604                  * Fish for events. If we found one, record it
605                  * and kill the poll_table, so we don't
606                  * needlessly register any other waiters after
607                  * this. They'll get immediately deregistered
608                  * when we break out and return.
609                  */
610                 if (do_pollfd(pfd, pt)) {
611                     count++;
612                     pt = NULL;
613                 }
614             }
615         }
616         /*
617          * All waiters have already been registered, so don't provide
618          * a poll_table to them on the next loop iteration.
619          */
620         pt = NULL;
621         if (count || !*timeout || signal_pending(current))
622             break;
623         count = wait->error;
624         if (count)
625             break;
627         if (*timeout < 0) {628             /* Wait indefinitely */
629             __timeout = MAX_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT;
630         } else if (unlikely(*timeout >= (s64)MAX_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT-1)) {631             /*
632              * Wait for longer than MAX_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT. Do it in
633              * a loop
634              */
635             __timeout = MAX_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT - 1;
636             *timeout -= __timeout;
637         } else {638             __timeout = *timeout;
639             *timeout = 0;
640         }
642         __timeout = schedule_timeout(__timeout);
643         if (*timeout >= 0)
644             *timeout += __timeout;
645     }
646     __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
647     return count;
648 }


for(;;){ if(do_pollfd(pfd, pt)){   // do_pollfd调用我们的drv_poll函数,以及挂载队列,此函数在接下去分析count++;   //如果由我们的drv_poll函数返回值为1,时间发生pt = NULL;}if(count || *timeout || signal_pending(current))  //计数count不为0 或者 超时 或者 有信号在等待处理break;   //不休眠_timeout = schedule_timeout(__timeout);  // 休眠


555 static inline unsigned int do_pollfd(struct pollfd *pollfd, poll_table *pwait)
556 {
557     unsigned int mask;
558     int fd;
560     mask = 0;
561     fd = pollfd->fd;
562     if (fd >= 0) {563         int fput_needed;
564         struct file * file;
566         file = fget_light(fd, &fput_needed);
567         mask = POLLNVAL;
568         if (file != NULL) {569             mask = DEFAULT_POLLMASK;
570             if (file->f_op && file->f_op->poll)
571                 mask = file->f_op->poll(file, pwait);      //执行驱动函数中的drv_poll函数
572             /* Mask out unneeded events. */
573             mask &= pollfd->events | POLLERR | POLLHUP;
574             fput_light(file, fput_needed);
575         }
576     }
577     pollfd->revents = mask;
579     return mask;    //返回mask
580 }


unsigned int botton_drv_poll(struct file *fd, struct poll_table_struct *wait)
{unsigned int mask = 0;poll_wait(fd, &button_waitq, wait); // 不会立即休眠  只是加入等待队列if (ev_press) //若发生中断 返回值mask = 1mask |= POLLIN | POLLRDNORM;return mask;  //若不发生中断返回值 mask = 0


  1. read()中的休眠
  2. poll()中的休眠

但是值得注意的是,进入read的条件为:由于中断被唤醒,所以进入休眠的条件不得到满足(ev_press =1),所以总的来说只有一个中断起作用,相对应的唤醒有两个方式:

  1. 超时
  2. 有中断发生


app: poll(fds, 1, 5000);
kernal: sys_poll()do_sys_poll(..., timeout_jiffies)poll_initwait(&table)init_poll_funcptr(&pwq->pt, __pollwait)table->qproc = __pollwait   // 初始化do_poll(nfds, head, &table, timeout)for(;;){for(输入文件数组){   //如果任意一个满足条件count则不为0if(do_pollfd(pfd, pt)){   dopollfd()>>> mask = file->f_op->poll(file, pwait) >>>__pollwait(file, &button_waitq, p)count++;   //若驱动函数drv_poll的返回值为1条件发生pt = NULL;}}if(count || !*timeout || signal_pending(current))   break; // 如果发生中断或者时间超时则 不休眠__timeout = schedule_timeout(__timeout); //休眠}




#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <asm/irq.h>
#include <asm/io.h>
#include <asm/arch/regs-gpio.h>
#include <asm/hardware.h>
#include <linux/device.h>
#include <linux/kdev_t.h>
#include <linux/compiler.h>
#include <linux/err.h>
#include <linux/irqreturn.h>
//#include <asm/arch-s3c2410/irqs.h>
#include <linux/irq.h>
#include <asm/arch-s3c2410/regs-gpio.h>
#include <linux/poll.h>#define DEV_NAME "button_drv"  // device namestatic struct class *buttondrv_class;
static struct class_device    *buttondrv_class_dev;static DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(button_waitq);
/* 中断事件标志, 中断服务程序将它置1,third_drv_read将它清0 */
static volatile int ev_press = 0;/* 键值: 按下时, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 */
/* 键值: 松开时, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84 */
static unsigned char key_val;volatile unsigned long *gpfcon = NULL;
volatile unsigned long *gpfdat = NULL;
volatile unsigned long *gpgcon = NULL;
volatile unsigned long *gpgdat = NULL;struct pin_desc{volatile unsigned long *key_Register;int key_pin;int key_num;
};struct pin_desc pins_desc[4] = {{0x01, 0,  1},{0x02, 2,  2},{0x03, 3,  3},{0x04, 11, 4},
};static irqreturn_t button_irq(int irq, void *dev_id)
{struct pin_desc *pindesc = (struct pin_desc *)dev_id;key_val = ((*(pindesc -> key_Register)) & (1<<(pindesc -> key_pin))) ? 0 : 1;if(key_val){//    printk("%d", pindesc -> key_num);}printk("%d  ",key_val);printk("%d\n",pindesc->key_num);ev_press = 1;                  /* 表示中断发生了 */wake_up_interruptible(&button_waitq);   /* 唤醒休眠的进程 */return IRQ_HANDLED;
}static int button_drv_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
{pins_desc[0].key_Register = gpfdat;pins_desc[1].key_Register = gpfdat;pins_desc[2].key_Register = gpgdat;pins_desc[3].key_Register = gpgdat;request_irq(IRQ_EINT0,  button_irq, IRQT_BOTHEDGE, "S2", &pins_desc[0]);request_irq(IRQ_EINT2,  button_irq, IRQT_BOTHEDGE, "S3", &pins_desc[1]);request_irq(IRQ_EINT11, button_irq, IRQT_BOTHEDGE, "S4", &pins_desc[2]);request_irq(IRQ_EINT19, button_irq, IRQT_BOTHEDGE, "S5", &pins_desc[3]);return 0;
ssize_t button_drv_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t size, loff_t *ppos)
{if(size == -1)return -EINVAL;    /* 如果没有按键动作, 休眠 */wait_event_interruptible(button_waitq, ev_press);/* 如果有按键动作, 返回键值 */copy_to_user(buf, &key_val, 1);ev_press = 0;return 1;
}static int EINTkey_close(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
{// FREE IRQ free_irq(IRQ_EINT0, &pins_desc[0]);free_irq(IRQ_EINT2, &pins_desc[1]);free_irq(IRQ_EINT11, &pins_desc[2]);free_irq(IRQ_EINT19, &pins_desc[3]);return 0;
}unsigned int botton_drv_poll(struct file *fd, struct poll_table_struct *wait)
{unsigned int mask = 0;poll_wait(fd, &button_waitq, wait); // 不会立即休眠if (ev_press)mask |= POLLIN | POLLRDNORM;return mask;
}static struct file_operations button_drv_fops = {.owner   =   THIS_MODULE,    /* 这是一个宏,推向编译模块时自动创建的__this_module变量 */.open    =   button_drv_open,     .read    =   button_drv_read,.release =   EINTkey_close,.poll    =   botton_drv_poll,
int major;
static int button_drv_init(void)
{major = register_chrdev(0, DEV_NAME, &button_drv_fops); // 注册, 告诉内核// register chrdev. to major (major, "drv name", file operations);buttondrv_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "buttondrv");if(IS_ERR(buttondrv_class)){printk( "ERROR creat key class");}buttondrv_class_dev = class_device_create(buttondrv_class, NULL, MKDEV(major, 0), NULL, "buttons"); /* /dev/xyz */if(buttondrv_class_dev == NULL){printk("ERROR creat dev");}gpfcon = (volatile unsigned long *)ioremap(0x56000050, 16); //remap button GPFCPNgpfdat = gpfcon + 1;                                        //remap button GPFDATgpgcon = (volatile unsigned long *)ioremap(0x56000060, 16); //remap button GPGCPNgpgdat = gpgcon + 1;                                        //remap button GPGDATreturn 0;
}static void button_drv_exit(void)
{unregister_chrdev(major, DEV_NAME); // 卸载class_device_unregister(buttondrv_class_dev);class_destroy(buttondrv_class);iounmap(gpgcon);iounmap(gpfcon);           // unmap virtual address
}module_init(button_drv_init); //When install drv, system will find init function
module_exit(button_drv_exit);   // Uinstall drvMODULE_LICENSE("GPL");


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <poll.h>// button_drv int main(int argc, char **argv)
{int ret;   // poll useint fd;    // unsigned char button_val;fd = open("/dev/buttons", O_RDWR);if (fd < 0)printf("can't open!\n");if(argc != 1)    {printf("error parterner\n");printf("%s\n",argv[0]);return 0;}struct pollfd fds[1];fds[0].fd = fd;fds[0].events = POLLIN;while(1){ret = poll(fds, 1, 5000);if(ret == 0)printf("time out \n");elseread(fd, button_val, sizeof(button_val));}return 0;

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