
本地迁移jase项目目录后,改名上传git仓库后,导入项目发现个这个问题:Some projects cannot be imported because their project description file is corrupted。







Some projects cannot be imported because their project description file is corrupted相关推荐

  1. eclipse报错:The project description file (.project) for ‘common‘ is missing.

    在使用eclipse的时候,我们打开一个长时间没有使用的项目在运行的时候可能会报The project description file (.project) for 'common' is miss ...

  2. The project description file (.project) for 'xxx' is missing.

    正常打开工作空间之后发现项目关闭了,然后要打开它就报错 The project description file (.project) for 'xxx' is missing. This file ...

  3. 解决Eclipse打开某个workspace报错:The project description file (.project) for (项目名)


  4. Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace

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  5. Eclipse(CCES)bug “Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace”

    在用eclipse或者CCES(ADI基于eclipse的开发平台)时,有时需要把工作空间中的某些工程临时删除--并不是从硬盘上"彻底删除",删除后,工程还留在workspace目 ...

  6. 解决delphi直接打开bpg工程组文件后提示PROJECTS macro in project group file missing or incorrect丢失错误

    前言: 所谓.bpg文件就是指在delphi中能一次性打开多个.dpr的工程组文件(Borland Project Group File). 出错环境: Win7-64+Delphi7.0 出错界面: ...

  7. eclipse 项目导入时报错invalid project description

    最近从网络上下载一个开源框架Demo示例,使用Eclipse导入该项目,报错:invalid project description. 经百度后,得知项目文件夹下,.project文件上项目名称必须保 ...

  8. Eclipse在导入项目时显示 “Invalid Project Description”时的处理方法

    1 问题引入 在Eclipse中,可以通过菜单项"File->Import"将已经存在的项目导入.导入项目之后,在Eclipse界面左侧的"Package Expl ...

  9. ADT中导入项目时出错:Invalid project description. xxxx overlaps the location of another project: ‘xxx’

    错误提示如下: Invalid project description.  E:\Dev_Root\android\android_root\DownloadSongtasteMusic overla ...


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