转载自: https://jibranhaider.weebly.com/blog/mesh-information-in-openfoam。

Updated: 29/04/2019
When developing your own code in OpenFOAM, it is almost certain that access to mesh information will be required in order to evaluate various parameters. In this post, I have provided a short description on how to access some of this information which could come in handy while programming. These have been characterized into mesh connectivities, mesh coordinates and some other useful mesh data.


const labelListList& cellPoints = mesh.cellPoints();        // Cell to point connectivity
const labelListList& cellEdges =  mesh.cellEdges();         // Cell to edge connectivity
const cellList& cells = mesh.cells();                       // Cell to face connectivity
const labelListList& cellCells =  mesh.cellCells();         // Cell to cell connectivity
const faceList& faces = mesh.faces();                       // Face to node connectivity
const labelListList& faceEdges = mesh.faceEdges();          // Face to edge connectivity
const labelList& faceOwner = mesh.faceOwner();              // Face to owner cell
const labelList& faceNeighbour = mesh.faceNeighbour();      // Face to neighbour cell
const labelListList& pointPoints = mesh.pointPoints();      // Point to point connectivity
const labelListList& pointEdges = mesh.pointEdges();        // Point to edge connectivity
const labelListList& pointFaces = mesh.pointFaces();        // Point to face connectivity
const labelListList& pointCells = mesh.pointCells();        // Point to cell connectivity
const edgeList& edges = mesh.edges();                       // Edge to point connectivity
const labelListList& edgeFaces = mesh.edgeFaces();          // Edge to face connectivity
const labelListList& edgeCells = mesh.edgeCells();          // Edge to cell connectivity


const volVectorField& C = mesh.C();                         // Cell center coordinates
const surfaceVectorField& Cf = mesh.Cf();                   // Face center coordinates
const pointField& points = mesh.points();                   // Point coordinates// EXAMPLE: COMPUTE EDGE CENTRE COORDINATES
#include "vectorList.H"
vectorList Ce(edges.size(), vector::zero);                  // Edge centre coordinates
forAll(edges, edge)
{const label& own = edges[edge][0];                      // Label of owner pointconst label& nei = edges[edge][1];                      // Label of neighbour pointCe[edge] = 0.5*(points[own] + points[nei]);             // Compute edge centre coordinates


const polyBoundaryMesh& boundaryMesh = mesh.boundaryMesh();           // Boundary mesh// EXAMPLE: LOOP OVER ALL FACES
forAll(faces, face)
{if (mesh.isInternalFace(face))                                     // Check for an internal face{// Do your calculations}else                                                               // Boundary face{const label& patch = boundaryMesh.whichPatch(face);            // Boundary patchIDconst label& facei = boundaryMesh[patch].whichFace(face);      // Local boundary faceID// Do your calculations}
forAll(mesh.boundary(), patch)
{const word& patchName = mesh.boundary()[patch].name();             // Boundary patch nameforAll(mesh.boundary()[patch], facei){const label& bCell = boundaryMesh[patch].faceCells()[facei];   // Boundary cellIDconst label& face = boundaryMesh[patch].start() + facei;       // FaceID// Do your calculations// U.boundaryField()[patch][facei] = vector::zero;}
forAll(mesh.boundary(), patch)
{forAll(boundaryMesh[patch].meshPoints(), pointi){const label& point = boundaryMesh[patch].meshPoints()[pointi];  // PointID// Do your calculations}

Other useful parameters

const scalarField& V = mesh.V();                            // Cell volumes
const surfaceVectorField& Sf = mesh.Sf();                   // Face area normal vectors
const surfaceScalarField& magSf = mesh.magSf();             // Face areas
const surfaceVectorField& N = Sf/magSf;                     // Face normal vectors
const label& nCells = mesh.nCells();                        // Total number of cells in the mesh
const label& nPoints = mesh.nPoints();                      // Total number of points in the mesh
const label& nInternalFaces = mesh.nInternalFaces();        // Number of internal faces in the mesh
const label& nInternalPoints = mesh.nInternalPoints();      // Number of internal points in


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