好象不断有人问关于FFT的问题,我也发一个以前写的FFT程序吧。先发一个复数运算的,过几天再发一个定点的。我自己觉得这个程序的可读性还是比较好的,如果你能理解蝶形运算,你就应该能理解这个程序。我的程序没有用通用的STL复数类,而用了我以前自己写的一个复数运算类,只是做了一些STL化,大学里的老师应该不会骂我了吧:)。我的这个复数类也有其优点,可以支持直角坐标和极坐标的交互运算。比如说,假设第一个数c1是极坐标(1, PI/2),第二个数c2是笛卡尔坐标(3, 4i),你可以不用考虑转换问题直接运算c1(+,-,*,/)c2,运算结果的坐标类型由第一个操作数决定。

好了,看程序吧。 需要指出的是,为了方便,我把复数类的定义和实现写在一个文件里了。


// FILE: my_complex.h


#ifndef _MY_COMPLEX_H_
#define _MY_COMPLEX_H_

#include <cmath>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>

static const double PI = 3.1415926536;
static const double epsilon=1e-8;

class Complex
 double real;
 double img;
 bool is_polar;

#define IsZero(x)  ( (bool)((x)<epsilon && (x)>(-epsilon)) )

void check_zero(void);
 Complex() : real(0.0), img(0.0), is_polar(false) {};

//no explicit here, otherwise you cannot use codes like Complex X=32; etc.
 Complex(double r) : real(r), img(0.0), is_polar(false) { check_zero(); };

Complex(double r, double i, bool polar=false) : real(r), img(i), is_polar(polar)
 { if(is_polar) assert(real>(-epsilon)); check_zero(); };

inline const double get_real() const;
 inline const double get_img() const;
 inline const double get_rho() const;
 inline const double get_theta() const;
 inline const bool IsPolar() const { return is_polar; };

void to_polar(void);
 void to_ri(void);
 void conj(void) { img = -img; };

const Complex& operator = (double a);
 const Complex& operator = (const Complex& a);
 const bool operator == (const Complex& a) const;

const Complex operator -() const;

const Complex operator +(const Complex& a) const;
 const Complex operator -(const Complex& a) const;
 const Complex operator *(double a) const;
 const Complex operator *(const Complex& a) const;
 const Complex operator /(double a) const;
 const Complex operator /(const Complex& a) const;

friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, const Complex& a);

friend const Complex conj(const Complex& a);

void Complex::check_zero(void)
  real = 0.0;
  img = 0.0;

void Complex::to_polar(void)
  double temp_real = get_rho();
  img = get_theta();
  real = temp_real;
  is_polar = true;

void Complex::to_ri(void)
  double temp_real = get_real();
  img = get_img();
  real = temp_real;
  is_polar = false;

const double Complex::get_real() const
 return (is_polar ? real*::cos(img):real);

const double Complex::get_img() const
 return (is_polar ? real*::sin(img):img);

const double Complex::get_rho() const
 return (is_polar ? real:std::sqrt(real*real+img*img));

const double Complex::get_theta() const
  return img;
  return ::atan2(img, real);

inline const Complex& Complex::operator = (double a)
 is_polar = false;
 real = a;
 img = 0;

return *this;

inline const Complex& Complex::operator = (const Complex& a)
 is_polar = a.IsPolar();
 real = (is_polar ? a.get_rho():a.get_real());
 img = (is_polar ? a.get_theta():a.get_img());

return *this;

inline const bool Complex::operator == (const Complex& a) const
 if(is_polar == a.is_polar)
  return (IsZero(real-a.real) && IsZero(img-a.img));
  return (IsZero(get_real()-a.get_real()) && IsZero(get_img()-a.get_img()));

inline const Complex Complex::operator -() const
 return (is_polar ? Complex(real, PI+img, true):Complex(-real, -img));

const Complex Complex::operator +(const Complex& a) const
 Complex temp(get_real()+a.get_real(), get_img()+a.get_img());
 return temp;

const Complex Complex::operator -(const Complex& a) const
 Complex temp(get_real()-a.get_real(), get_img()-a.get_img());
 return temp;

const Complex Complex::operator *(double a) const

  return Complex(get_rho()*a, get_theta(), true);
  return Complex(get_real()*a, get_img()*a);

const Complex Complex::operator *(const Complex& a) const
  return Complex(get_rho()*a.get_rho(), get_theta()+a.get_theta(), true);
  return Complex(get_real()*a.get_real()-get_img()*a.get_img(), get_real()*a.get_img()+get_img()*a.get_real());

const Complex Complex::operator /(double a) const

  return Complex(get_rho()/a, get_theta(), true);
  return Complex(get_real()/a, get_img()/a);

const Complex Complex::operator /(const Complex& a) const
 Complex temp(get_rho()/a.get_rho(), get_theta()-a.get_theta(), true);
 return temp;

std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, const Complex& a)
 return os;

inline const Complex conj(const Complex& a)
 return Complex(a.real, -a.img, a.is_polar);



// FILE: fft_dit_base2.cpp


#include "my_complex.h"

using namespace std;

static const int N=32;

static Complex fft_coeff[N];
static Complex ifft_coeff[N];

void setup_table(void)
 for(int i=0; i<N; ++i)
  fft_coeff[i] = Complex(1.0, -PI*i*2/N, true);
  ifft_coeff[i] = Complex(1.0, PI*i*2/N, true);

void decimation(Complex data[])
 int r=0;
 int i=1;
#define swp(x, y) {Complex temp=(x); (x)=(y); (y)=temp;}

  r += N/2;
  swp(data[i], data[r]);

for(int m=N>>1; !((r^=m)&m); m>>=1);
   swp(data[i], data[r]);
   swp(data[N-1-i], data[N-1-r]);
#undef swp

void fft_dit(Complex data[], bool ifft=false)

Complex *coeff;
  coeff = ifft_coeff;
  coeff = fft_coeff;

int groups=N/2;
 int step = 2;
  for(int i=0; i<groups; ++i)
   int first = i*step;
   int second = first+step/2;
   int coeff_idx = 0;
   for(int j=0; j<step/2; ++j)
    Complex temp = data[second]*coeff[coeff_idx];

data[second] = data[first] - temp;
    data[first]  = data[first] + temp;

     data[first] = data[first]/2;
     data[second] = data[second]/2;

    coeff_idx += groups;
  groups /= 2;
  step *= 2;

int main()

Complex raw_data[N];
 for(int i=0; i<N; ++i)
  raw_data[i] = i+1;

cout<<"The data to be fft-ed are:"<<endl;
 for(int i=0; i<N; ++i)
  cout<<raw_data[i]<<' ';

 cout<<"The fft result are:"<<endl;
 for(int i=0; i<N; ++i)
  cout<<raw_data[i]<<' ';

fft_dit(raw_data, true);
 cout<<"The ifft-ed data are:"<<endl;
 for(int i=0; i<N; ++i)
  cout<<raw_data[i]<<' ';

 return 0;


1. http://www.jjj.de/fxt/, 极具参考价值的网站

2. 任何一本讲信号与系统,或数字信号处理的书

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