
Remove It Permanently (RIP) is a Firefox addon that let you modify a web page layout by blocking HTML elements—very useful when we want to change the look and feel of a web page.


We like to use RIP for creating a printer friendly page or removing advertisements from web pages. We can click on any elements on a web page and remove the elements by selecting the appropriate command from the UI. The second method is by specifying the XPath to the HTML elements that we want to block.

我们喜欢使用RIP创建易于打印的页面或从网页中删除广告。 我们可以单击网页上的任何元素,然后通过从UI中选择适当的命令来删除这些元素。 第二种方法是通过指定要阻止HTML元素的XPath。

Let us take a look at how we can block HTML elements by selecting them and remove it from the UI.


删除广告 (Removing Advertisements)

Regular Geek is one of the many Tech Blogs that I regularly visited to get a daily dose of geek stuff. Let’s take a look at one of his article.

Regular Geek是我经常访问的每天都会收到大量geek东西的众多技术博客之一。 让我们看一下他的一篇文章。


RIP allows us to remove any advertisement from the webpage by selecting each individual ad on the web page.


This is what the article looks like after we remove all the advertisement on the page.


创建一个打印机友好的网页 (Creating a Printer Friendly Webpage)

This is what Regular Geek article looks like out of the printer. Look at the wasted top space by text fields the tabs. We can remove those unnecessary items using RIP to create a cleaner print out of the article.

这是打印机上无法看到的Regular Geek文章。 通过选项卡的文本字段查看浪费的顶部空间。 我们可以使用RIP删除那些不必要的项目,以使文章更整洁。

RIP has a feature where we can remove web page elements by specifying its Xpath.


XPath is a language for finding information in an XML document that we can use to identify specific web elements and remove them from the web page.


The Regular Geek’s article header’s XPath looks like this:

Regular Geek的文章标题的XPath如下所示:



The article has a better print layout without the header.


XPath帮助 (Help on XPath)

Xpath can be a little bit daunting if you do not have any experience with it before. A good place to start learning XPath is by reading W3C’s introduction to XPath. Alternatively we can install Firefox plugin such as X-Ray that gives a good visualisation on the web page’s structure.

如果您以前没有任何经验,那么Xpath可能会有些令人生畏。 阅读W3C对XPath的介绍是开始学习XPath的好地方。 或者,我们可以安装Firefox插件(例如X-Ray) ,以在网页结构上提供良好的可视化效果。

结论 (Conclusion)

RIP is one option that we can use to remove unwanted web page elements to create a more readable web page. There are other alternatives such as Clippable , an easy to use bookmarklet to produce a printer friendly page version of a web page.

RIP是我们可以用来删除不需要的网页元素以创建更具可读性的网页的一种选择。 还有其他选择,例如Clippable ,这是一种易于使用的书签,用于生成网页的打印机友好页面版本。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/53438/customize-the-web-with-the-rip-extension-for-firefox/



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