1. Download the Native Client SDK
  2. 创建一个vs2013工程:
    • 新建一个Win32项目,类型选DLL
    • 去掉预编译头文件stdafx.h和stdafx.cpp
    • 在项目属性–>配置属性–>C/C++–>预编译头,把预编译头选项的值设置为不使用预编译头。
  3. 将一下代码粘贴到项目中。
#include "ppapi/cpp/instance.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/module.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/var.h"/// The Instance class.  One of these exists for each instance of your NaCl
/// module on the web page.  The browser will ask the Module object to create
/// a new Instance for each occurrence of the <embed> tag that has these
/// attributes:
///     src="hello_tutorial.nmf"
///     type="application/x-pnacl"
/// To communicate with the browser, you must override HandleMessage() to
/// receive messages from the browser, and use PostMessage() to send messages
/// back to the browser.  Note that this interface is asynchronous.
class HelloTutorialInstance : public pp::Instance {public:/// The constructor creates the plugin-side instance./// @param[in] instance the handle to the browser-side plugin instance.explicit HelloTutorialInstance(PP_Instance instance) : pp::Instance(instance){pp::Var var_reply = pp::Var("hello from Pepper Plugin");PostMessage(var_reply);}virtual ~HelloTutorialInstance() {}/// Handler for messages coming in from the browser via postMessage().  The/// @a var_message can contain be any pp:Var type; for example int, string/// Array or Dictinary. Please see the pp:Var documentation for more details./// @param[in] var_message The message posted by the browser.virtual void HandleMessage(const pp::Var& var_message) {// TODO(sdk_user): 1. Make this function handle the incoming message.}
};/// The Module class.  The browser calls the CreateInstance() method to create
/// an instance of your NaCl module on the web page.  The browser creates a new
/// instance for each <embed> tag with type="application/x-pnacl".
class HelloTutorialModule : public pp::Module {public:HelloTutorialModule() : pp::Module() {}virtual ~HelloTutorialModule() {}/// Create and return a HelloTutorialInstance object./// @param[in] instance The browser-side instance./// @return the plugin-side instance.virtual pp::Instance* CreateInstance(PP_Instance instance) {return new HelloTutorialInstance(instance);}
};namespace pp {
/// Factory function called by the browser when the module is first loaded.
/// The browser keeps a singleton of this module.  It calls the
/// CreateInstance() method on the object you return to make instances.  There
/// is one instance per <embed> tag on the page.  This is the main binding
/// point for your NaCl module with the browser.
Module* CreateModule() {return new HelloTutorialModule();
}  // namespace pp

4. 编译生成dll文件,以下是使用electron测试插件。
5. 测试:

var app = require('app');
var BrowserWindow = require('browser-window');
var path = require('path')var mainWindow = null;app.commandLine.appendSwitch('register-pepper-plugins', path.join(__dirname, 'libppapi_hello.so;application/x-hello'))app.on('ready', function() {mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({height: 800,width: 1024,'web-preferences' : {'p


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><!--Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can befound in the LICENSE file.-->
<head><title>hello_tutorial</title><script type="text/javascript">// The 'message' event handler.  This handler is fired when the NaCl module// posts a message to the browser by calling PPB_Messaging.PostMessage()// (in C) or pp::Instance.PostMessage() (in C++).  This implementation// simply displays the content of the message in an alert panel.function handleMessage(message_event) {alert(message_event.data);}</script>
<body><h1>NaCl C++ Tutorial: Getting Started</h1><p><div id="listener"><script type="text/javascript">var listener = document.getElementById('listener');listener.addEventListener('message', handleMessage, true);</script><embed id="hello_tutorial"width=0 height=0type="application/x-hello" /></div></p>


{"main": "main.js","name": "Pepper plugin test","description": "testing third party plugin load","version": "0.0.1","license": "MIT"}


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