photoshop 插件

Photoshop describes Soft Light like this:


Darkens or lightens the colors, depending on the blend color. The effect is similar to shining a diffused spotlight on the image.

使颜色变暗或变亮,具体取决于混合颜色。 效果类似于在图像上照射散光。

If the blend color (light source) is lighter than 50% gray, the image is lightened as if it were dodged. If the blend color is darker than 50% gray, the image is darkened as if it were burned in. Painting with pure black or white produces a distinctly darker or lighter area but does not result in pure black or white.

如果混合色(光源)比50%的灰度浅,则图像变亮,就像被淡化了一样。 如果混合色比50%的灰度暗,则图像会像被烧成一样变暗。使用纯黑色或白色绘画会产生明显更暗或更亮的区域,但不会产生纯黑色或白色。

And here’s what it looks like. Notice that the band of 50% grey doesn’t change the image at all, while the lighter and darker values respectively lighten or darken the image:

这就是它的样子。 请注意,50%的灰度带根本不会改变图像,而较亮和较暗的值分别会使图像变亮或变暗:

In fact, Soft Light works similarly to Overlay, but is more subtle:


(Download sample .psd file)

( 下载示例.psd文件 )

Soft Light can be used to “balance” images that have extreme contrasts of light or dark areas. For example, here’s a photo of me with some friends. Against the bright sky, our faces turned out prety dark:

柔光可用于“平衡”在明暗区域具有极高对比度的图像。 例如,这是我和一些朋友的合影。 在明亮的天空下,我们的脸变暗了:

Using the Levels dialog box, I can significantly lighten our faces. But what if I’m looking for slightly more balance?

使用“色阶”对话框,我可以大大减轻脸部的亮度。 但是,如果我要寻找更多的平衡怎么办?

First, I’ll duplicate the layer, Invert it (Ctrl-I or Command-I), then Desaturate it (Ctrl-U or Command-U to access Hue and Saturation dialog box, then drag the saturation slider all the way to 0).

首先,我将复制该图层,将其反转(Ctrl-I或Command-I),然后对其进行去饱和(Ctrl-U或Command-U以访问“色相和饱和度”对话框),然后将饱和度滑块一直拖动到0 )。

By setting this inverted layer to Soft Light, the lighter areas of the picture are darkened (notice that there is more blue in the sky) and the darker areas of the picture are lightened. Our faces could use a bit more work with other adjustments and blending modes, but the picture as a whole is definitely improved!

通过将此反色层设置为“柔光”,图片的较亮区域会变暗(注意天空中有更多的蓝色),图片的较暗区域会变亮。 我们的脸部在进行其他调整和混合模式时可能需要更多的工作,但是整体上的画面肯定得到了改善!

(Download sample .psd file)

( 下载示例.psd文件 )

You can also use Soft Light to slightly intensify colors in “washed out” photos and create soft “glowing” effects in pictures where someone is wearing light colors. In this example below, “A” is the original, slightly washed-out photo. “B” has a duplicate layer set to Soft Light, and you can see that the colors have been intensified in the tuxedo, bouquet, and wood background, but the skin colors still look natural (which wouldn’t be the case if you had simply upped the saturation of the whole image). “C” added a gaussian blur to the Soft Light duplicate layer, causing the white wedding dress to look even brighter and almost glow!

您还可以使用柔光在“褪色”的照片中略微增强色彩,并在有人穿着浅色的照片中创建柔和的“发光”效果。 在下面的示例中,“ A”是略微褪色的原始照片。 “ B”的重复图层设置为“柔光”,您可以看到燕尾服,花束和木质背景中的颜色已经增强,但是肤色仍然看起来很自然(如果您有只是增加了整个图像的饱和度)。 “ C”为柔光重复图层添加了高斯模糊,使白色婚纱看起来更亮,几乎发光!

(Download sample .psd file)

( 下载示例.psd文件 )


photoshop 插件

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