

#!/usr/bin/env python
import struct
import socket
class Node(object):
__slots__ = ('ip', 'country', 'district')
def __init__(self, ip, country, district):
self.ip = ip
self.country = country
self.district = district
def __str__(self):
return unicode(self).encode('utf-8')
def __unicode__(self):
return u'IPRecord(ip: {}; country: {}; district: {})'.format(
socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!L", self.ip)),
self.country, self.district)
def parse_long_4(bytes_):
return struct.unpack('<L', bytes_)[0]
def parse_long_3(bytes_):
return struct.unpack('<L', bytes_ + '\x00')[0]
def parse_char(bytes_):
return struct.unpack('<b', bytes_)[0]
def read_c_string(data, begin):
end = begin
while data[end] != '\x00':
end += 1
# exclude trailing \0
return data[begin: end].decode('gbk', 'replace'), end + 1
def read_string(data, begin):
mode = parse_char(data[begin: begin + 1])
if mode == 2:
offset = parse_long_3(data[begin + 1: begin + 4])
return read_c_string(data, offset)[0], begin + 4
return read_c_string(data, begin)
def parse_record(data, begin):
ip = parse_long_4(data[begin: begin + 4])
mode = parse_char(data[begin + 4: begin + 5])
begin = begin + 5
if mode == 1:
record_begin = parse_long_3(data[begin: begin + 3])
country, record_begin = read_string(data, record_begin)
district, _ = read_string(data, record_begin)
elif mode == 2:
begin -= 1
country, record_begin = read_string(data, begin)
district, _ = read_string(data, record_begin)
begin -= 1
country, record_begin = read_c_string(data, begin)
district, _ = read_string(data, record_begin)
return Node(ip, country, district)
def parse(data):
ips = []
index_offset_first, index_offset_last = \
parse_long_4(data[0: 4]), parse_long_4(data[4: 8])
while index_offset_first <= index_offset_last:
record = parse_record(data, parse_long_3(
data[index_offset_first + 4: index_offset_first + 7]))
index_offset_first += 7
return ips
class IP2Location(object):
def __init__(self, filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
self.ips = parse(f.read())
for ip in self.ips:
if ip.district == u' CZ88.NET':
ip.district = u''
if self.ips[-1].ip == 0xffffffffL:
self.ips[-1].country = u'IANA保留地址'
self.ips[-1].district = u''
def get_location(self, ip):
if isinstance(ip, str):
ip = struct.unpack('!L', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0]
ips = self.ips
low = 0
len_ = len(ips)
# lower_bound
while len_ > 0:
half_len = len_ / 2
mid = low + half_len
if ips[mid].ip < ip:
low = mid + 1
len_ = len_ - half_len - 1
len_ = half_len
assert low < len(ips)
return ips[low]
class IP2LocationMe(object):
memory efficient
def __init__(self, filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
self.data = f.read()
self.index_begin, index_end = \
parse_long_4(self.data[0: 4]), parse_long_4(self.data[4: 8]) + 7
self.index_len = (index_end - self.index_begin) / 7
def get_location(self, ip):
if isinstance(ip, str):
ip = struct.unpack('!L', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0]
data = self.data
low = self.index_begin
len_ = self.index_len
# lower_bound
while len_ > 0:
half_len = len_ / 2
mid = low + half_len * 7
offset = parse_long_3(data[mid + 4: mid + 7])
mid_ip = parse_long_4(data[offset: offset + 4])
if mid_ip < ip:
low = mid + 7
len_ = len_ - half_len - 1
len_ = half_len
record = parse_record(data, parse_long_3(
data[low + 4: low + 7]))
if record.district == u' CZ88.NET':
record.district = u''
if record.ip == 0xffffffff:
record.country = u'IANA保留地址'
record.district = u''
return record
def get_location(ip):
import os
self_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
client = IP2LocationMe(os.path.join(self_dir, 'ip_to_location.dat'))
globals()['get_location'] = client.get_location
return client.get_location(ip)
def main():
while True:
ip = raw_input('ip:')
loc = get_location(ip)
print hex(loc.ip), loc.country, loc.district
except EOFError:
if __name__ == '__main__':

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