
Working with video games doesn’t sound like a terrible idea, does it? Expressing your creativity through art, coding, audio and storytelling. Providing entertainment and unique experiences to other people, doesn’t that sound nice? Anybody can create games, no matter their skillset or previous experience. This is an account of how I, as somebody with zero coding background, finally found a way into learning game development with Unity.

使用视频游戏听起来不是一个可怕的主意,不是吗? 通过艺术,编码,音频和讲故事来表达您的创造力。 向其他人提供娱乐和独特的体验,听起来不错吗? 任何人都可以创建游戏,无论他们的技能或以前的经验如何。 这说明了我(一个零编码背景的人)如何最终找到一种学习Unity开发游戏的方法。

There are so many options and tools to consider if you want to create a game, but you’ll most likely need a game engine. And when you are new to the world of game development and programming, forming a relationship with an engine can be a tricky thing. If you are off to a bad start, you’ll get a bad impression and things like coding will seem foreign and way too complicated.

如果要创建游戏,可以考虑很多选项和工具,但是您很可能需要游戏引擎。 当您不熟悉游戏开发和编程领域时,与引擎建立关系可能是一件棘手的事情。 如果您开局不好,将会给人留下不好的印象,并且编码之类的东西看起来很陌生,而且过于复杂。

My advice is simple: start with the basics. Become familiar with the editor before you start scripting. You can get pretty far with just the standard assets. If you want more varied graphics or a bit more advanced options, go to the Asset Store and find a finished project there. This way, you can study a functioning prototype before you start coding and creating your own game.

我的建议很简单:从基础开始。 开始编写脚本之前,请熟悉编辑器 。 仅使用标准资产,您就可以走得很远。 如果您想要更多不同的图形或更多高级选项,请转到Asset Store,然后在此处找到完成的项目。 这样,您就可以在开始编写代码和创建自己的游戏之前研究功能正常的原型。

A basic level set up created with Unity’s standard 2D assets


I have been introduced to Unity three times. The first two felt like they didn’t show me what I could do with the game engine. I was a game design and communications student, who took obligatory classes in programming. We went straight to scripting and [csharp][/csharp]Debug.Log(“Hello World”); – something that didn’t feel very efficient or inspiring. The logic was hard to understand and C# didn’t make sense to me. So my options in game development always seemed limited, since I wasn’t able to dedicate a big part of my education to learning how to code. I had just started on a game design degree, not a programmer one.

我已经有3次被介绍给Unity了。 前两个感觉好像他们没有向我展示我可以使用游戏引擎做什么。 我是一名游戏设计和通信专业的学生,​​参加了编程方面的必修课。 我们直接进行脚本编写和 [csharp] [/ csharp] Debug.Log(“ Hello World”); –感觉不太有效或令人鼓舞的东西。 逻辑很难理解,C#对我来说没有意义。 所以我在游戏开发中的选择似乎总是很有限,因为我无法将大部分的学习时间都花在学习如何编码上。 我刚刚开始玩游戏设计学位,而不是程序员。

My second introduction was much the same. Coding, making 3D objects move and so on. There was too much effort and too little reward. In all fairness, we spent an hour or two importing a fully animated character, but couldn’t use him for our corresponding assignment, so he was all but useless in the long run.

我的第二次介绍大致相同。 编码,移动3D对象等。 付出了太多的努力,却没有太多的回报。 公平地说,我们花了一个或两个小时来导入一个完整的动画角色,但无法将他用作我们的相应任务,因此从长远来看,他几乎毫无用处。

I was getting the feeling that the creators behind games like Firewatch and Ori and the Blind Forest were practically wizards or just way more dedicated and motivated that I could ever be. I am pretty passionate about video games, but maybe I just wasn’t meant to create games.

我感觉到,像Firewatch和Ori和Blind Forest这样的游戏背后的创造者实际上是巫师,或者甚至比我更专注,更有动力。 我对视频游戏充满热情,但也许我并不是想创造游戏。

Then came the third encounter. This was a workshop during my internship at Unity, meant to introduce the marketing team to the Unity Engine. I was ready to get a 1.2 second head start on writing “Debug.log(“Hello World”); and get confirmed once again that I didn’t want to be a programmer. But that didn’t happen. Instead, we imported the standard 2D assets and I realized that I quickly could build a small level and run around in it, when the animations were in order.

然后是第三次相遇。 这是我在Unity实习期间的一个讲习班,目的是向Marketing团队介绍Unity Engine。 我准备在编写“ Debug.log(“ Hello World”)”之前获得1.2秒的开始时间; 并再次确认我不想成为一名程序员。 但是那没有发生。 取而代之的是,我们导入了标准的2D素材资源,我意识到我可以很快建立一个小级别并在动画良好的时候在其中运行。

Within an hour, I had created the basics for a small prototype. Not that it was a particularly amazing prototype, just a basic platformer, but it was still something!

一个小时之内,我就为一个小型原型创建了基础知识。 并不是说它是一个特别出色的原型,只是一个基本的平台游戏,但还是有东西!

The first game prototype I made in school was a group effort, and took several days to make.


This introduction felt like the one I had needed from the very beginning. Suddenly, creating a game was just a little more realistic. I could do much with just the standard assets, and even if the graphics weren’t varied, I could find more on The Asset Store, which has almost anything I could think of. Finally it felt like my passion and drive to learn from other developers would be enough if I wanted to make a game.

这种介绍就像我从一开始就需要的介绍。 突然之间,创建游戏变得更加现实。 我可以用标准资产做很多事情,即使图形没有变化,我也可以在The Asset Store上找到更多,几乎可以想到的任何东西。 最终,如果我想开发一款游戏,我的激情和向其他开发者学习的动力就足够了。

The Asset Store even has a good deal of free assets and if you want to look into paid assets, there are regularly sales like the 24 hour deals and the Staff Picks sale.


The creators of Firewatch and Ori and the Blind Forest might still be wizards, but now I was learning magic as well!

Firewatch和Ori和Blind Forest的创造者可能仍然是巫师,但是现在我也在学习魔术!

This level took me a few hours to set up, ready to use with colliders and everything. Uni Arts Pixel SciFi Landscape

这个级别花了我几个小时来设置,可以与对撞机和其他所有东西一起使用。 Uni Arts Pixel SciFi景观

Everyone learns differently and different things motivate people. My ambition wasn’t to know how to code, I wanted to help create games in other ways or help a studio to promote their project to an audience. The purpose of this little ramble is that it is important to start with the basics. The Unity engine is an amazing tool, available for any game developer if they want to. Yet it looked hostile and unapproachable even to a passionate individual like me, because I missed a huge step in actually getting to know the engine.

每个人的学习方式都不一样,不同的事物激励着人们。 我的野心是不知道如何编码,我想以其他方式帮助创造游戏或帮助工作室向观众推广他们的项目。 这次漫无目的的旅行的目的是从基础开始很重要。 Unity引擎是一个了不起的工具,任何游戏开发人员都可以使用。 但是,即使对于像我这样充满热情的人,它看起来也充满敌意和难以接近,因为我错过了真正了解引擎的重大步骤。

If the first thing you encounter seems illogical, possibly very difficult and might take way too long to learn, your motivation may stumble. That’s not the point of introducing such a game engine to hobbyist and beginners. Instead, the idea is that anyone who wants to try should be able to do some game development.

如果您遇到的第一件事似乎是不合逻辑的,可能非常困难并且学习时间可能太长,那么您的动力可能会下降。 向业余爱好者和初学者介绍这种游戏引擎并不是要紧的。 取而代之的是,任何想尝试的人都应该能够进行游戏开发。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/04/01/intern-vs-learning-in-unity/



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