[版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明。





C = Y - 16
D = U - 128
E = V - 128

R = clip(( 298 * C           + 409 * E + 128) >> 8)
G = clip(( 298 * C - 100 * D - 208 * E + 128) >> 8)
B = clip(( 298 * C + 516 * D           + 128) >> 8)

其中 clip()为限制函数,将其取值限制在0-255之间.


Y = ( (  66 * R + 129 * G +  25 * B + 128) >> 8) +  16
U = ( ( -38 * R -  74 * G + 112 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128
V = ( ( 112 * R -  94 * G -  18 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128


int YUV2RGB(void* pYUV, void* pRGB, int width, int height, bool alphaYUV, bool alphaRGB);
int RGB2YUV(void* pRGB, void* pYUVX, int width, int height, bool alphaYUV, bool alphaRGB);




Rdest = Rfg*alpha + Rbg*(1-alpha);
Gdest = Gfg*alpha + Gbg*(1-alpha);
Bdest = Bfg*alpha + Bbg*(1-alpha);

Rdest、Gdest、Bdest 为最终合成后的像素值


Y = ( (  66 * R + 129 * G +  25 * B + 128) >> 8) +  16
U = ( ( -38 * R -  74 * G + 112 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128
V = ( ( 112 * R -  94 * G -  18 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128


(Ydest-16)<<8 = ((Yfg-16)<<8)*alpha + ((Ybg-16)<<8)*(1-alpha);
(Udest-128)<<8 = ((Ufg-128)<<8)*alpha + ((Ubg-128)<<8)*(1-alpha);
(Vdest-128)<<8 = ((Vfg-128)<<8)*alpha + ((Vbg-128)<<8)*(1-alpha);


Ydest = (Yfg-16)*alpha + (Ybg-16)*(1-alpha) + 16;
Udest = (Ufg-128)*alpha + (Ubg-128)*(1-alpha) + 128;
Vdest = (Vfg-128)*alpha + (Vbg-128)*(1-alpha) + 128;


int YUVBlending(void* pBGYUV, void* pFGYUV, int width, int height, bool alphaBG, bool alphaFG)


排列为Y1 U1 Y2 V2, 对于像素点1为(Y1, U1, V1),像素点2为(Y2, U1, V1)。即两个像素点共用U、V信息。

这里假设带有alpha透明度的YUV格式用6个字节来表示两个像素点的YUV以及alpha信息,排列为 Y1 U1 Y2 V1 alpha1 alpha2
其中像素点1为(Y1, U1, V1, alpha1),像素点2为(Y2, U1, V1, alpha2)。其中alpha为对应点的透明度信息。

而带有alpha透明度RGB格式的图片,假设为32bits的BMP图片,每个像素点用4bytes来表示,分别为B G R alpha信息。


// pYUV         point to the YUV data
// pRGB         point to the RGB data
// width        width of the picture
// height       height of the picture
// alphaYUV     is there an alpha channel in YUV
// alphaRGB     is there an alpha channel in RGB
int YUV2RGB(void* pYUV, void* pRGB, int width, int height, bool alphaYUV, bool alphaRGB) {if (NULL == pYUV) {return -1;}unsigned char* pYUVData = (unsigned char *)pYUV;unsigned char* pRGBData = (unsigned char *)pRGB;if (NULL == pRGBData) {if (alphaRGB) {pRGBData = new unsigned char[width*height*4];}elsepRGBData = new unsigned char[width*height*3];}int Y1, U1, V1, Y2, alpha1, alpha2, R1, G1, B1, R2, G2, B2;int C1, D1, E1, C2;if (alphaRGB){if (alphaYUV){for (int i=0; i<height; ++i){for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j){Y1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6);U1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+1);Y2 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+2);V1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+3);alpha1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+4);alpha2 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+5);C1 = Y1-16;C2 = Y2-16;D1 = U1-128;E1 = V1-128;R1 = ((298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);G1 = ((298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8); B1 = ((298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8); R2 = ((298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);G2 = ((298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);B2 = ((298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8); *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+2) = R1<0 ? 0 : R1;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+1) = G1<0 ? 0 : G1;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8) = B1<0 ? 0 : B1;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+3) = alpha1;    *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+6) = R2<0 ? 0 : R2;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+5) = G2<0 ? 0 : G2;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+4) = B2<0 ? 0 : B2;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+7) = alpha2;    }}   }else{int alpha = 255;for (int i=0; i<height; ++i){for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j){Y1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4);U1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+1);Y2 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+2);V1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+3);C1 = Y1-16;C2 = Y2-16;D1 = U1-128;E1 = V1-128;R1 = ((298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);G1 = ((298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8); B1 = ((298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8); R2 = ((298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);G2 = ((298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);B2 = ((298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8); *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+2) = R1<0 ? 0 : R1;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+1) = G1<0 ? 0 : G1;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8) = B1<0 ? 0 : B1;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+3) = alpha; *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+6) = R2<0 ? 0 : R2;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+5) = G2<0 ? 0 : G2;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+4) = B2<0 ? 0 : B2;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+7) = alpha; }}   }}else{if (alphaYUV){for (int i=0; i<height; ++i){for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j){Y1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*4);U1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*4+1);Y2 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*4+2);V1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*4+3);C1 = Y1-16;C2 = Y2-16;D1 = U1-128;E1 = V1-128;R1 = ((298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);G1 = ((298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8); B1 = ((298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8); R2 = ((298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);G2 = ((298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);B2 = ((298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8); *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+2) = R1<0 ? 0 : R1;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+1) = G1<0 ? 0 : G1;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6) = B1<0 ? 0 : B1;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+5) = R2<0 ? 0 : R2;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+4) = G2<0 ? 0 : G2;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+3) = B2<0 ? 0 : B2;}}}else{for (int i=0; i<height; ++i){for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j){Y1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4);U1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+1);Y2 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+2);V1 = *(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+3);C1 = Y1-16;C2 = Y2-16;D1 = U1-128;E1 = V1-128;R1 = ((298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);G1 = ((298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8); B1 = ((298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C1+516*D1 +128)>>8); R2 = ((298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 409*E1 + 128)>>8);G2 = ((298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 - 100*D1 - 208*E1 + 128)>>8);B2 = ((298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8>255 ? 255 : (298*C2 + 516*D1 +128)>>8); *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+2) = R1<0 ? 0 : R1;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+1) = G1<0 ? 0 : G1;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6) = B1<0 ? 0 : B1;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+5) = R2<0 ? 0 : R2;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+4) = G2<0 ? 0 : G2;*(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+3) = B2<0 ? 0 : B2;}}   }}return 0;
// pRGB         point to the RGB data
// pYUV         point to the YUV data
// width        width of the picture
// height       height of the picture
// alphaYUV     is there an alpha channel in YUV
// alphaRGB     is there an alpha channel in RGB
int RGB2YUV(void* pRGB, void* pYUV, int width, int height, bool alphaYUV, bool alphaRGB)
{if (NULL == pRGB){return -1;}unsigned char* pRGBData = (unsigned char *)pRGB;unsigned char* pYUVData = (unsigned char *)pYUV;if (NULL == pYUVData){if (alphaYUV){pYUVData = new unsigned char[width*height*3];}elsepYUVData = new unsigned char[width*height*2];}int R1, G1, B1, R2, G2, B2, Y1, U1, Y2, V1;int alpha1, alpha2;if (alphaYUV){if (alphaRGB){for (int i=0; i<height; ++i){for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j){B1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8);G1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+1);R1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+2);alpha1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+3);B2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+4);G2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+5);R2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+6);alpha2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+7);Y1 = (((66*R1+129*G1+25*B1+128)>>8) + 16) > 255 ? 255 : (((66*R1+129*G1+25*B1+128)>>8) + 16);U1 = ((((-38*R1-74*G1+112*B1+128)>>8)+((-38*R2-74*G2+112*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128)>255 ? 255 : ((((-38*R1-74*G1+112*B1+128)>>8)+((-38*R2-74*G2+112*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128);Y2 = (((66*R2+129*G2+25*B2+128)>>8) + 16)>255 ? 255 : ((66*R2+129*G2+25*B2+128)>>8) + 16;V1 = ((((112*R1-94*G1-18*B1+128)>>8) + ((112*R2-94*G2-18*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128)>255 ? 255 : ((((112*R1-94*G1-18*B1+128)>>8) + ((112*R2-94*G2-18*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128);*(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6) = Y1;*(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+1) = U1;*(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+2) = Y2;*(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+3) = V1;*(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+4) = alpha1;*(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+5) = alpha2;}}   }else{unsigned char alpha = 255;for (int i=0; i<height; ++i){for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j){B1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6);G1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+1);R1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+2);B2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+3);G2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+4);R2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+5);Y1 = ((66*R1+129*G1+25*B1+128)>>8) + 16;U1 = ((-38*R1-74*G1+112*B1+128)>>8+(-38*R2-74*G2+112*B2+128)>>8)/2 + 128;Y2 = ((66*R2+129*G2+25*B2+128)>>8) + 16;V1 = ((112*R1-94*G1-18*B1+128)>>8 + (112*R2-94*G2-18*B2+128)>>8)/2 + 128;Y1 = (((66*R1+129*G1+25*B1+128)>>8) + 16) > 255 ? 255 : (((66*R1+129*G1+25*B1+128)>>8) + 16);U1 = ((((-38*R1-74*G1+112*B1+128)>>8)+((-38*R2-74*G2+112*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128)>255 ? 255 : ((((-38*R1-74*G1+112*B1+128)>>8)+((-38*R2-74*G2+112*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128);Y2 = (((66*R2+129*G2+25*B2+128)>>8) + 16)>255 ? 255 : ((66*R2+129*G2+25*B2+128)>>8) + 16;V1 = ((((112*R1-94*G1-18*B1+128)>>8) + ((112*R2-94*G2-18*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128)>255 ? 255 : ((((112*R1-94*G1-18*B1+128)>>8) + ((112*R2-94*G2-18*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128);*(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6) = Y1;*(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+1) = U1;*(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+2) = Y2;*(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+3) = V1;*(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+4) = alpha;*(pYUVData+i*width*3+j*6+5) = alpha;}}   }}else{if (alphaRGB){for (int i=0; i<height; ++i){for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j){B1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8);G1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+1);R1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+2);B2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+4);G2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+5);R2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*4+j*8+6);Y1 = (((66*R1+129*G1+25*B1+128)>>8) + 16) > 255 ? 255 : (((66*R1+129*G1+25*B1+128)>>8) + 16);U1 = ((((-38*R1-74*G1+112*B1+128)>>8)+((-38*R2-74*G2+112*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128)>255 ? 255 : ((((-38*R1-74*G1+112*B1+128)>>8)+((-38*R2-74*G2+112*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128);Y2 = (((66*R2+129*G2+25*B2+128)>>8) + 16)>255 ? 255 : ((66*R2+129*G2+25*B2+128)>>8) + 16;V1 = ((((112*R1-94*G1-18*B1+128)>>8) + ((112*R2-94*G2-18*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128)>255 ? 255 : ((((112*R1-94*G1-18*B1+128)>>8) + ((112*R2-94*G2-18*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128);*(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4) = Y1;*(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+1) = U1;*(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+2) = Y2;*(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+3) = V1;}}   }else{for (int i=0; i<height; ++i){for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j){B1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6);G1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+1);R1 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+2);B2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+3);G2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+4);R2 = *(pRGBData+(height-i-1)*width*3+j*6+5);Y1 = (((66*R1+129*G1+25*B1+128)>>8) + 16) > 255 ? 255 : (((66*R1+129*G1+25*B1+128)>>8) + 16);U1 = ((((-38*R1-74*G1+112*B1+128)>>8)+((-38*R2-74*G2+112*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128)>255 ? 255 : ((((-38*R1-74*G1+112*B1+128)>>8)+((-38*R2-74*G2+112*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128);Y2 = (((66*R2+129*G2+25*B2+128)>>8) + 16)>255 ? 255 : ((66*R2+129*G2+25*B2+128)>>8) + 16;V1 = ((((112*R1-94*G1-18*B1+128)>>8) + ((112*R2-94*G2-18*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128)>255 ? 255 : ((((112*R1-94*G1-18*B1+128)>>8) + ((112*R2-94*G2-18*B2+128)>>8))/2 + 128);*(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4) = Y1;*(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+1) = U1;*(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+2) = Y2;*(pYUVData+i*width*2+j*4+3) = V1;}}   }}return 0;
// pGBYUV           point to the background YUV data
// pFGYUV           point to the foreground YUV data
// width            width of the picture
// height           height of the picture
// alphaBG          is there an alpha channel in background YUV data
// alphaFG          is there an alpha channel in fourground YUV data
int YUVBlending(void* pBGYUV, void* pFGYUV, int width, int height, bool alphaBG, bool alphaFG)
{if (NULL == pBGYUV || NULL == pFGYUV){return -1;}unsigned char* pBGData = (unsigned char*)pBGYUV;unsigned char* pFGData = (unsigned char*)pFGYUV;if (!alphaFG){if (!alphaBG){memcpy(pBGData, pFGData, width*height*2);}else{for (int i=0; i<height; ++i){for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j){*(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4) = *(pFGData+i*width*2+j*4);*(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4+1) = *(pFGData+i*width*2+j*4+1);*(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4+2) = *(pFGData+i*width*2+j*4+2);*(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4+3) = *(pFGData+i*width*2+j*4+3);}}}}int Y11, U11, V11, Y12, Y21, U21, V21, Y22;int alpha1, alpha2;if (!alphaBG){for (int i=0; i<height; ++i){for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j){Y11 = *(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4);U11 = *(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4+1);Y12 = *(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4+2);V11 = *(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4+3);Y21 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6);U21 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+1);Y22 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+2);V21 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+3);alpha1 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+4);alpha2 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+5);*(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4) = (Y21-16)*alpha1/255+(Y11-16)*(255-alpha1)/255+16;*(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4+1) = ((U21-128)*alpha1/255+(U11-128)*(255-alpha1)/255 + (U21-128)*alpha2/255+(U11-128)*(255-alpha2)/255)/2+128;*(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4+3) = ((V21-128)*alpha1/255+(V11-128)*(255-alpha1)/255 + (V21-128)*alpha2/255+(V11-128)*(255-alpha2)/255)/2+128;*(pBGData+i*width*2+j*4+2) = (Y22-16)*alpha2/255+(Y12-16)*(255-alpha2)/255+16;}}}else{for (int i=0; i<height; ++i){for (int j=0; j<width/2; ++j){Y11 = *(pBGData+i*width*3+j*6);U11 = *(pBGData+i*width*3+j*6+1);Y12 = *(pBGData+i*width*3+j*6+2);V11 = *(pBGData+i*width*3+j*6+3);Y21 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6);U21 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+1);Y22 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+2);V21 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+3);alpha1 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+4);alpha2 = *(pFGData+i*width*3+j*6+5);*(pBGData+i*width*3+j*6) = (Y21-16)*alpha1/255+(Y11-16)*(255-alpha1)/255+16;*(pBGData+i*width*3+j*6+1) = ((U21-128)*alpha1/255+(U11-128)*(255-alpha1)/255 + (U21-128)*alpha2/255+(U11-128)*(255-alpha2)/255)/2+128;*(pBGData+i*width*3+j*6+3) = ((V21-128)*alpha1/255+(V11-128)*(255-alpha1)/255 + (V21-128)*alpha2/255+(V11-128)*(255-alpha2)/255)/2+128;*(pBGData+i*width*3+j*6+2) = (Y22-16)*alpha2/255+(Y12-16)*(255-alpha2)/255+16;}}}return 0;

YUY2(YUV) 与 RGB 格式图片的相互转换相关推荐

  1. YUY2(YUV) 与 RGB 格式图片的相互转换 以及 基于YUY2(YUV)的blending

    这是一个项目里使用的,API里从pool里取出的格式都是YUY2,但是图像处理的API库中要求都是jepg格式. YUY2经常用于电视制式以及许多摄像头的输出格式.而我们在处理时经常需要将其转化为RG ...

  2. 【DSP开发】【VS开发】YUV与RGB格式转换

    [视频处理]YUV与RGB格式转换 YUV格式具有亮度信息和色彩信息分离的特点,但大多数图像处理操作都是基于RGB格式. 因此当要对图像进行后期处理显示时,需要把YUV格式转换成RGB格式. RGB与 ...

  3. 数据压缩实验一:yuv转rgb格式实验报告

    数据压缩实验一:yuv转rgb格式实验报告 一:实验基本原理 yuv转rgb格式转换公式: R=Y+1.4020*(V-128) G=Y-0.3441*(U-128)-0.7141*(V-128) B ...

  4. YUV与RGB格式的相互转换及误差

    一.RGB转YUV 1.原理 a.YUV的计算公式: b.动态保护范围: 2.源代码 源代码为老师发的代码此处略 3.实验结果 a.原rgb: b.转换后yuv: 二.YUV转RGB 1.原理 a.R ...

  5. java+解析png+gif图片_Java 转换png jpg gif格式图片的相互转换的实现

    利用JDK原生支持对png jpg gif格式图片做相互转换,结合脚本就可以达到批量处理的能力,比PS来的快啊!而且是JAVA代码 在Windows和Linux上都可以用. import java.a ...

  6. YUV与RGB格式详解

    YUV 是一种颜色编码方法,和它等同的还有 RGB 颜色编码方法. RGB 颜色编码 RGB 三个字母分别代表了 红(Red).绿(Green).蓝(Blue),这三种颜色称为 三原色,将它们以不同的 ...

  7. YUV 格式与 RGB 格式的相互转换公式总结(C++版)

    YUV 格式与 RGB 格式的相互转换公式 最近在用的一个工业相机,输出的图像格式是 YUY2 格式.而在电脑上显示时需要 RGB 格式,所以就花了些时间在网上查了些相关的资料.说实话,网上关于 YU ...

  8. 图片YUV格式与RGB格式的转换

    YUV格式与RGB格式的转换 YUV格式介绍 YUV420.YUV422.YUV444 (1) YUV4:2:0 (2) YUV4:2:2 (3) YUV4:4:4 内存排列方式 YUV与RGB转换 ...

  9. YUV / RGB 格式及快速转换算法

    1 前言 自然界的颜色千变万化,为了给颜色一个量化的衡量标准,就需要建立色彩空间模型来描述各种各样的颜色,由于人对色彩的感知是一个复杂的生理和心理联合作用 的过程,所以在不同的应用领域中为了更好更准确 ...


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