
With Excel data validation, you can create drop down lists in worksheet cells. Show the same list all the time, or show a "dependent" drop down  list, based on the value entered  in another cell. This video shows how to set one up, and there are written steps too.

使用Excel数据验证,您可以在工作表单元格中创建下拉列表。 根据在另一个单元格中输入的值,始终显示相同的列表,或始终显示“从属”下拉列表。 该视频显示了如何进行设置,并有书面步骤。

Contents Demo Video Setup Tables Main Drop Down Dependent Drop Down Testing Get the Sample File Other Options

内容 演示 视频 安装 表 主要下拉列表 依赖下拉列表 测试 获取样本文件 其他选项

依赖下拉列表演示 (Dependent Drop Down List Demo)

First, here's a quick dependent drop down list demo.  Select Fruit in one column, and the next column's list shows fruit items. Select Vegetable, and the list is different.

首先,这是一个快速相关的下拉列表演示。 在一列中选择“水果”,下一列的列表显示水果项目。 选择蔬菜,并且列表不同。

视频:相关下拉列表 (Video: Dependent Drop Down List)

Watch this video, see how to set up dependent drop down lists. The video timeline is below the video, to help you find a specific step in the setup process.

观看此视频,了解如何设置相关的下拉列表。 视频时间轴在视频下方,以帮助您找到设置过程中的特定步骤。


影片时间表 (Video Timeline)

Here's the video timeline, to help you find a specific part of the video. The full video transcript is on my Contextures site.

这是视频时间轴,可帮助您找到视频的特定部分。 完整的视频成绩单在我的Contextures网站上。

  • 00:00 Intro00:00简介
  • 00:39 Set Up the Worksheets00:39设置工作表
  • 01:15 One-Word Names01:15单字名称
  • 01:41 Create Tables01:41创建表
  • 02:55 Name the List Items02:55为列表项命名
  • 04:15 Main Drop Down List04:15主要下拉列表
  • 05:48 Dependent Drop Down Lists05:48依赖下拉列表

相关下拉列表设置 (Dependent Drop Down List Setup)

There are 3 lists used in this example - Produce Type, Fruit, Vegetable. The lists were typed on a blank worksheet, as shown below.

在此示例中使用了3个列表-生产类型,水果,蔬菜。 列表在空白工作表上键入,如下所示。

This is a simple example, and the main list – Product Type – has 1-word items only.

这是一个简单的示例,并且主列表-产品类型- 包含1个单词的项目

表和命名范围 (Tables and Named Ranges)

Next, each list is formatted as a named Excel Table.

接下来,将每个列表格式化为一个名为Excel Table的格式。

Then, the  items in each table are set as a named range.

然后,将每个表中的项目设置为命名范围 。

  • The main list is named Produce


  • The other two lists have ranges named to exactly match the items in the Produce list – Fruit and Vegetable.

    其他两个列表的名称范围与“农产品”列表中的“ 水果蔬菜 ”项目完全匹配。

添加主下拉菜单 (Add the Main Drop Down)

On the data entry sheet, there are columns for Produce Type and Item.


A normal drop down list is added to the Produce Type column, based on the Produce named range.


依赖下拉 (Dependent Drop Down)

Next, a dependent drop down list is added to the Item column. It will show either the Fruit or Vegetable list, based on what is selected in the Produce Type cell in that row.

接下来,从属下拉列表将添加到“项目”列。 根据该行的“生产类型”单元格中选择的内容,它将显示“水果”或“蔬菜”列表。

Instead of a named range as its source, the dependent drop down uses the INDIRECT function in  a formula..


The INDIRECT function will return a reference to the range that is named in the Produce Type cell.


The dependent drop down is created in cell C3, in this example, and here is the formula used in the Data Validation source box:




测试相关的下拉列表 (Test the Dependent Drop Down)

After you set up the dependent drop down cells, test them, to make sure things are working correctly.


  • Select a Produce Type in cell B3在单元格B3中选择一种生产类型
  • Click the drop down arrow in cell C3单击单元格C3中的下拉箭头
  • The drop down list should show the items for the selected Produce Type下拉列表应显示所选农产品类型的项目

获取样本文件 (Get the Sample File)

Go to my Contextures site, to get the dependent drop down sample file. That page also has detailed written steps for setting up the workbook.

转到我的Contextures网站,以获取相关的下拉样本文件 。 该页面还包含设置工作簿的详细书面步骤。

依赖下拉菜单的其他选项 (Other Options for Dependent Drop Down)

This example shows how to set up a simple set of drop downs, with one-word names used.


For more complex lists, or main lists with many items, there are other options for setting up dependent drop downs.

对于更复杂的列表或包含许多项目的主列表,还有其他选项可用于设置从属下拉列表 。

This video shows a flexible system designed by Roger Govier. Go to my Contextures site for the full details and sample file.

该视频显示了Roger Govier设计的灵活系统。 请访问我的Contextures网站以获取完整的详细信息和示例文件 。


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2019/10/10/dependent-drop-down-list-in-excel/




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