目前fence docker还没有加到epel库中, 所以在centos或rhel中使用, 需要从src编译.
rpm -ivh fence-agents-4.0.11-1.fc20.src.rpm
[root@150 soft_bak]# cd ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
[root@150 SOURCES]# ll
total 2904
-rw-rw-r--. 1 root root  605312 Aug 27 22:04 fence-agents-4.0.11.tar.xz
[root@150 SOURCES]# tar -xvf fence-agents-4.0.11.tar.xz
[root@150 SOURCES]# cd fence-agents-4.0.11
# yum install -y libtool
# ./configure ; make ; make install[root@150 fence-agents-4.0.11]# cd fence/agents/docker/
[root@150 docker]# ll
total 68
-r-x------ 1 root root  4608 Sep 29 15:12 fence_docker
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  4774 Sep 29 15:12 fence_docker.8
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000  4517 Aug  6 15:35
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19126 Sep 29 15:12 Makefile
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000   354 Aug  6 15:35
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18002 Sep 29 15:12

还依赖fence common, 所以暂时不能使用. 可以了解一下先 :

[root@150 docker]# ./fence_docker --help
Usage:fence_docker [options]
Options:-a, --ip=[ip]                  IP address or hostname of fencing device-n, --plug=[id]                Physical plug number on device, UUID oridentification of machine-m, --method=[method]          Method to fence (onoff|cycle) (Default: onoff)-z, --ssl                      Use ssl connection-u, --ipport=[port]            TCP/UDP port to use(default 80, 443 if --ssl option is used)-4, --inet4-only               Forces agent to use IPv4 addresses only-6, --inet6-only               Forces agent to use IPv6 addresses only-o, --action=[action]          Action: status, reboot (default), off or on--tlscert                      Path to client certificate for TLS authentication--tlskey                       Path to client key for TLS authentication--tlscacert                    Path to CA certificate for TLS authentication-v, --verbose                  Verbose mode-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]   Debugging to output file-V, --version                  Output version information and exit-h, --help                     Display this help and exit-C, --separator=[char]         Separator for CSV created by 'list' operation--power-timeout=[seconds]      Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF--shell-timeout=[seconds]      Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command--login-timeout=[seconds]      Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login--power-wait=[seconds]         Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF--delay=[seconds]              Wait X seconds before fencing is started--retry-on=[attempts]          Count of attempts to retry power on

帮助文档 :

[root@150 docker]# man ./fence_docker.8
FENCE_AGENT(8)                                                  FENCE_AGENT(8)NAMEfence_docker - Fence agent for DockerDESCRIPTIONfence_docker  is I/O fencing agent which can be used with the Docker Engine containers. You can use this fence-agent without any authentication, or you can use TLS authentication (use --ssl  option,  more  info  about  TLSauthentication in docker:  accepts  options on the command line as well as from stdin. Fenced sends parameters through stdinwhen it execs the agent. fence_docker can be run by itself with command line options.  This is useful for test-ing and for turning outlets on or off from scripts.Vendor URL: www.docker.ioPARAMETERS-u, --ipport=[port]TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device (Default Value: 80)-n, --plug=[id]Physical plug number, name of virtual machine or UUID This parameter is always required.-6, --inet6-onlyForces agent to use IPv6 addresses only-a, --ip=[ip]IP Address or Hostname This parameter is always required.-4, --inet4-onlyForces agent to use IPv4 addresses only-m, --method=[method]Method to fence (onoff|cycle) (Default Value: onoff)-z, --sslSSL connection-o, --action=[action]Fencing Action (Default Value: reboot)--tlskeyPath to client key (PEM format) for TLS authentication. Required if --ssl option is used.--tlscacertPath to CA certificate (PEM format) for TLS authentication. Required if --ssl option is used.--tlscertPath to client certificate (PEM format) for TLS authentication. Required if --ssl option is used.-v, --verboseVerbose mode-D, --debug-file=[debugfile]Write debug information to given file-V, --versionDisplay version information and exit-h, --helpDisplay help and exit-C, --separator=[char]Separator for CSV created by operation list (Default Value: ,)--power-wait=[seconds]Wait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF (Default Value: 0)--power-timeout=[seconds]Test X seconds for status change after ON/OFF (Default Value: 20)--delay=[seconds]Wait X seconds before fencing is started (Default Value: 0)--login-timeout=[seconds]Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after login (Default Value: 5)--shell-timeout=[seconds]Wait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command (Default Value: 3)--retry-on=[attempts]Count of attempts to retry power on (Default Value: 1)ACTIONSon     Power on    Power off machine.reboot Reboot machine.status This returns the status of the plug/virtual machine.list   List available plugs with aliases/virtual machines if there is support for more then one device. ReturnsN/A otherwise.monitorCheck the health of fence devicemetadataDisplay the XML metadata describing this resource.STDIN PARAMETERSipport TCP/UDP port to use for connection with device (Default Value: 80)port   Physical plug number, name of virtual machine or UUID This parameter is always required.inet6_onlyForces agent to use IPv6 addresses onlyipaddr IP Address or Hostname This parameter is always required.inet4_onlyForces agent to use IPv4 addresses onlymethod Method to fence (onoff|cycle) (Default Value: onoff)ssl    SSL connectionaction Fencing Action (Default Value: reboot)tlskey Path to client key (PEM format) for TLS authentication. Required if --ssl option is used.tlscacertPath to CA certificate (PEM format) for TLS authentication. Required if --ssl option is used.tlscertPath to client certificate (PEM format) for TLS authentication. Required if --ssl option is used.verboseVerbose modedebug  Write debug information to given fileversionDisplay version information and exithelp   Display help and exitseparatorSeparator for CSV created by operation list (Default Value: ,)power_waitWait X seconds after issuing ON/OFF (Default Value: 0)power_timeoutTest X seconds for status change after ON/OFF (Default Value: 20)delay  Wait X seconds before fencing is started (Default Value: 0)login_timeoutWait X seconds for cmd prompt after login (Default Value: 5)shell_timeoutWait X seconds for cmd prompt after issuing command (Default Value: 3)retry_onCount of attempts to retry power on (Default Value: 1)fence_docker (Fence Agent)        2009-10-20                    FENCE_AGENT(8)



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