
We grew up hearing that every individual is different, but surprisingly, I have seen hundreds of students repeating the same mistakes when they start coding. And I have learned that such blunders need to be corrected as soon as possible. Indeed, you have to work hard to learn programming. But hard work without knowing what mistakes to avoid is like trying to beat the wind.

我们从小听说每个人都不一样,但是令人惊讶的是,我看到数百名学生在开始编码时重复同样的错误。 而且我了解到此类错误需要尽快纠正。 确实,您必须努力学习编程。 但是,不知道要避免什么错误的艰苦工作就像试图克服困难。

Yes! Trying to learn by evading blunders made by other programmers is a great way to be a successful coder. The real question is: “How do I detect the mistakes before they kill my motivation and overcome them?” Well, I have created a list of some of the most common mistakes people make while they are learning to program, along with their solutions. Let’s unearth them one by one.

是! 尝试通过逃避其他程序员的过失来学习,是成为成功的程序员的好方法。 真正的问题是:“在错误消除我的动力并克服它们之前,我如何发现错误?” 好吧,我创建了一个列表,列出了人们在学习编程时犯的一些最常见的错误及其解决方案。 让我们一一挖掘。

学习编程时的主要错误 (Top Mistakes While Learning Programming)

永无止境的研究和编码不足 (Never-Ending Research and Not Enough Coding)


问题 (Problem)

So you’re spending hours researching what programming language to start with. But did you actually start coding? I don’t think so. (But if the answer is yes, you can just skip this point and move to the next one as it’s not for you and you are already on the path to becoming a coding ninja).

因此,您花了很多时间研究开始使用哪种编程语言。 但是您实际上开始编码了吗? 我不这么认为。 (但是如果答案是肯定的,您可以跳过这一点而转到下一个问题,因为它不适合您,您已经在成为编码忍者了。)

So, the first mistake students have been making since they considered whether they could be a programmer is getting stuck with research and not moving to actual coding.


Most students are on the fence when it comes to picking the right programming language, as they believe it’s one of the hardest decisions they are supposed to make. They keep researching the most appropriate web framework, structure, or database. In reality, they are wasting their time on the never-ending research instead of actually learning. That’s how many beginners get stuck in the first phase forever.

对于选择正确的编程语言,大多数学生会陷入困境,因为他们认为这是他们应该做出的最困难的决定之一。 他们一直在研究最合适的Web框架,结构或数据库。 实际上,他们将时间浪费在无休止的研究上,而不是实际学习。 那就是有多少新手永远陷入第一阶段。

The truth is: You can’t even learn a single command from reading and researching. It will never make you a great coder unless you actually begin to code. Any language you select will be a great start to learn the fundamental programming concepts.

事实是:您甚至无法通过阅读和研究来学习单个命令。 除非您真正开始编码,否则它永远不会使您成为出色的编码人员。 您选择的任何语言都是学习基本编程概念的一个很好的开始。

Basic skills — such as defining functions, naming variables, or solving some challenging problems — can be found in all kinds of coding. Therefore, there’s no benchmark. So, even if you decide to switch from one language to another, those previous skills will still be useful for you.

在各种编码中都可以找到基本技能,例如定义函数,命名变量或解决一些难题。 因此,没有基准。 因此,即使您决定从一种语言切换到另一种语言,那些先前的技能仍然对您有用。

解 (Solution)

Start with the coding itself instead of just wasting time on the research. The more extensive your coding practice, the more quickly you will learn. It will help you probe the syntax, and you will understand how everything works right from scratch.

从编码本身开始,而不是浪费时间在研究上。 您的编码实践越广泛,您就会学得越快。 它将帮助您探究语法,并且您将从头开始理解一切工作原理。

When you write any program, you utilize syntax in numerous ways. And as most coding platforms prevent syntax from being written identically, you will face complications and try to solve them on your own. Also, trying to think outside of the box will do wonders to expand your skills. Experiment and implement several other solutions to solve a single problem.

编写任何程序时,都可以通过多种方式使用语法。 而且,由于大多数编码平台都无法完全相同地编写语法,因此您将面临各种麻烦并尝试自行解决。 此外,尝试跳出框框思考也将带来奇迹,从而扩展您的技能。 实验并实施其他几种解决方案来解决一个问题。

So, when you learn a new concept, start to code immediately. Find coding exercises and then even in case you think that all information is clear and you don’t need practice, believe me, you do need it. I’ll never get tired of repeating that learning to code is always about practice. Write at least three to five programs after conceptualizing the new stuff. This will help you understand syntax comprehensively.

因此,当您学习一个新概念时,请立即开始编写代码。 查找编码练习,然后即使您认为所有信息都很清楚并且不需要练习,相信我,您也确实需要。 我永远不会厌倦重复学习编码始终是关于实践的事情。 在概念化新内容之后,至少编写三到五个程序。 这将帮助您全面理解语法。

There are several platforms where you can actually get a lot of practice:


  • CodeGym — a gamified Java course for those who just joined the programming world.

    CodeGym —针对刚加入编程领域的人们的Java化游戏课程。

The course is built in the way you spend 20 percent of your time on theory and 80 — practice. The program is based on only one language — Java, so you can dive deeply into learning this technology. This course is very gradual and I would recommend choosing it as the main learning source.

本课程的建立方式是您将20%的时间用于理论和80的实践。 该程序仅基于一种语言-Java,因此您可以深入学习该技术。 本课程是非常循序渐进的,我建议选择它作为主要学习资源。

  • Codecademy — one more solution which I like to call “learn to program by programming”.

    密码学 —另外一个解决方案,我称之为“通过编程学习编程”。

This course is well-structured and it guides you from the very beginning to more advanced levels. I would say this website might be a nice complementary source in learning Java but you will have to find platforms to learn the fundamentals.

本课程结构合理,可从一开始就指导您进入更高水平。 我想说这个网站可能是学习Java的很好的补充资源,但是您将必须找到平台来学习基础知识。

  • Codewars — an online competition for developers.

    密码战 -针对开发人员的在线竞赛。

Exactly, as soon as you feel confident with basics, it’s time to participate in contests. I must admit students love it. You can find competitions in different languages. There are different coding options for you: you can write your code in a browser and investigate it step by step, code individually or solve tasks in a group.

的确,只要您对基本知识充满信心,就该参加比赛了。 我必须承认学生喜欢它。 您可以找到不同语言的比赛。 为您提供了不同的编码选项:您可以在浏览器中编写代码,并逐步进行研究,分别进行编码或成组解决任务。

与他人比较太多,自我怀疑越来越多 (Comparing with Others Too Much and Growing Self-Doubts)

问题 (Problem)

When I started programming, I used to get hit by self-doubt most of the time. As a beginner, clueless, and fearful coder, I started pondering my capabilities, as I saw experienced programmers settling slips within a blink of an eye. Many students do the same.

当我开始编程时,大多数时候我都会受到自我怀疑的打击。 作为一个初学者,笨拙而又令人恐惧的编码器,我开始思考自己的能力,因为我看到经验丰富的程序员在眨眼间就解决了问题。 许多学生都这样做。

Firstly, you must understand that every experienced programmer was once a beginner as well. All of them struggled with very similar issues as you do now.

首先,您必须了解,每个经验丰富的程序员也都是初学者。 他们都像您现在一样在非常相似的问题上苦苦挣扎。

Secondly, if you’re learning with your friends or other beginner developers, and at some point, you start thinking that they are smarter than you because they know some topics better than you, remember that usually it is just a beginner’s illusion. They probably have just spent more time on a specific topic, or maybe it’s easier for them to digest the new information because of the previous knowledge they already have. Finally, everyone has a different pace of studying.

其次,如果您正在与朋友或其他初学者开发人员一起学习,并且在某个时候,您开始认为他们比您更聪明,因为他们比您更了解某些主题,请记住,通常这只是初学者的错觉。 他们可能只是在特定主题上花费了更多时间,或者由于他们已经具有以前的知识,因此他们可能更容易消化新信息。 最后,每个人的学习进度都不同。

I know that sometimes programming might be a nightmare, and as a beginner, people often look at others and start thinking they are not smart problem solvers or have the wrong type of brain for coding. Likewise, they are stuck with numerous ill thoughts in their heads, which makes them feel shaky about their coding capacity.

我知道有时编程可能是一场噩梦,作为一个初学者,人们经常看着别人,并开始认为自己不是聪明的问题解决者,或者大脑的编码类型不正确。 同样,他们的脑海中积numerous着许多不良思想,这使他们对编码能力感到不稳定。

解 (Solution)

The only solution to this problem is to stop comparing yourself with others, especially with experienced programmers. And whenever you feel the slightest self-doubt in your existence, assure yourself that you are pretty steady to overcome any hurdle that comes between you and your coding dreams.

解决此问题的唯一方法是停止与他人(尤其是与经验丰富的程序员)进行自我比较。 并且,每当您对自己的生存感到丝毫怀疑时,都要向自己保证,自己会非常稳定地克服自己与编码梦想之间的任何障碍。

Remember, programming is all about taking challenges and assisting clients to solve their issues. So before trying to help them, help yourself by clearing out all self-doubt.

请记住,编程就是要面对挑战并帮助客户解决问题。 因此,在尝试帮助他们之前,请清除所有自我怀疑,以帮助自己。

Here’s a list of forums where you can meet newbies in programming :


  • Stack Overflow


  • GitHub


  • WebDevelopers (especially good for beginners)

    WebDevelopers (尤其适合初学者)

  • Hacker News


  • SitePoint


  • CodeProject


  • DZone


想你都知道 (Thinking You Know It All)


问题 (Problem)

I know it feels awesome when your initial coding produces bug-free results. Finally, you get that “I am unstoppable” kind of a feeling that heightens your spirit so much you even think to offer training to others.

我知道当您的初始编码产生没有错误的结果时,感觉很棒。 最后,您会获得一种“我无法阻挡”的感觉,这种感觉极大地激发了您的精神,甚至使您想到为他人提供培训。

You start believing you know everything. But, unfortunately, that’s the beginning of the wrong turn. The feeling of knowing everything restricts you from learning more and more, and when you come across any complex project, you get stuck, and the self-doubt cycle is activated once again.

您开始相信自己知道一切。 但是,不幸的是,这是错误转弯的开始。 知道一切的感觉限制了您学习越来越多的知识,当您遇到任何复杂的项目时,都会陷入困境,并且自我怀疑周期会再次激活。

This problem is not only with beginners; I have also seen many proficient programmers have the same dilemma. They had stopped learning and practicing after completing a few chores, so they were losing their value in the IT industry.

这个问题不仅存在于初学者。 我也看到许多熟练的程序员也有同样的困境。 他们完成一些琐事后就停止了学习和练习,因此他们在IT行业失去了价值。

Keep in mind that programming is a never-ending process. There are at least a few new frameworks introduced every day, which certainly requires you to consistently learn new structures.

请记住,编程是一个永无止境的过程。 每天至少引入一些新框架,这当然需要您不断学习新结构。

解 (Solution)

Classified among the best ways to learn programming is recognizing that coding has no end. The moment you get the feeling of knowing everything, involve yourself immediately in finding a complex project that will keep your feet on the ground.

在学习编程的最好方法中,分类法已经认识到编码没有止境。 当您感到一无所知的那一刻,就立即投入到寻找一个复杂的项目中来,这将使您立足。

All successful programmers study all the time because they always want to be realistic and up-to-date on their knowledge to meet the market’s demand. Don’t underestimate or overrate your skills — maintain a humble but confident balance.

所有成功的程序员都一直在学习,因为他们总是想求实和最新的知识来满足市场需求。 不要低估或高估您的技能-保持谦虚但自信的平衡。

像对待测试一样对待学习编码 (Treating Learning to Code Like Studying for a Test)

问题 (Problem)

I often see students try to memorize coding techniques instead of perceiving the notion as information that builds and grows as you learn. Rote memorization can be useful, but it sometimes stops students from seeing the broader view.

我经常看到学生尝试记住编码技术,而不是将其理解为随着您的学习而建立和增长的信息。 死记硬背可能有用,但有时会阻止学生看到更广阔的视野。

Programming is not about being a quiz-topper. It doesn’t matter how good your memorizing ability is — if you fail to grasp the more complex ideas, there’s no way you can qualify as an outstanding programmer in the real world.

编程并不是要成为一个小测验。 记住的能力有多好都没关系-如果您不掌握更复杂的想法,就不可能有资格成为现实世界中杰出的程序员。

Coding is all about offering solutions. You need to understand both the coding language and different approaches to overcoming different challenges. There’s no cheating! All programmers use Google while coding, as the ultimate goal is to find a solution to clear up a certain issue.

编码就是提供解决方案。 您需要了解编码语言和克服不同挑战的不同方法。 没有作弊! 所有程序员在编码时都使用Google,因为最终目的是找到解决特定问题的解决方案。

解 (Solution)

As I have mentioned above, there’s no such thing as “cheating.” So there’s no need to memorize everything by heart because you always have access to different resources.

如上所述,没有“作弊”之类的东西。 因此,无需记住所有内容,因为您始终可以访问不同的资源。

The best approach is to understand architecture, knowing how to combine things and where to find them.


Therefore, taking help from other resources will get your work done accurately. Look for answers to your questions on GitHub, Stack Overflow, Reddit (r/WebDev, r/Frontend, r/AskProgramming, r/LearnProgramming, r/Coding) etc. It will encourage you to understand coding more simply and establish a problem-solving attitude. So that’s the correct answer to the question of how to learn programming in the right way.

因此,从其他资源获得帮助将使您的工作准确地完成。 在GitHub , Stack Overflow , Reddit (r / WebDev,r / Frontend,r / AskProgramming,r / LearnProgramming,r / Coding)等上寻找问题的答案。它将鼓励您更简单地理解编码并建立问题-解决态度。 这就是对如何以正确方式学习编程的正确答案。

独自学习且不愿寻求帮助 (Learning Alone and Being Too Shy to Ask for Help)


问题 (Problem)

No matter how hard you try to live in seclusion, you need a community to survive. The same rule applies to you as a programmer. I know it feels like a blessing to create programs in total isolation, but that’s not the case in the business world. A programmer should be a team player prepared to help clients and his or her fellow teammates.

无论您多么努力地与世隔绝,都需要一个社区来生存。 同样的规则适用于您作为程序员。 我知道完全隔离地创建程序感觉很幸运,但是在商业领域却并非如此。 程序员应该是一个团队合作者,准备帮助客户及其同伴。

When it comes to learning, it feels awesome to share new ideas with someone. Talking to other programmers can help you share and receive new knowledge and experience. Plus, it’s a friendly way to help those who know less than you. Similarly, many developers share their life hacks that actually provide benefits to everyone, as they feel united through a common coding language and the same tasks.

在学习方面,与某人分享新想法感觉很棒。 与其他程序员交谈可以帮助您共享和获得新的知识和经验。 另外,这是一种帮助不了解您的人的友好方式。 同样,许多开发人员共享他们的生活技巧,实际上,他们通过共同的编码语言和相同的任务团结在一起,从而为每个人带来了好处。

解 (Solution)

I believe another element of your best way to learn programming is joining coding communities (I gave you a list of communities earlier in this article). You can find other coder groups or attend meet-ups, or you can simply start your own. Contrarily, you can also become an active member of the coding alliance by participating in online platforms. Remember, the main intention is to increase interaction with other coders, as it will enhance your coding knowledge.

我相信,学习编程的最佳方法的另一个要素是加入编码社区(在本文前面,我为您提供了社区列表)。 您可以找到其他编码员小组或参加聚会,也可以自己开始。 相反,您也可以通过参与在线平台来成为编码联盟的活跃成员。 请记住,主要目的是增加与其他编码人员的互动,因为这将增强您的编码知识。

认为您需要成为数学天才才能擅长编程 (Thinking You Need to Be a Math Genius to Be Any Good at Programming)

问题 (Problem)

Being an average math student, my student was always nervous about choosing his passion, as he heard that only math geniuses can excel in the programming field. But I was so happy when he gradually realized that he was wrong, and those who infiltrated his heart were living with a misconception. Coding is not about how extraordinary you are at math but how quickly you can overcome issues.

作为一名普通的数学学生,我的学生一直对选择自己的热情感到紧张,因为他听说只有数学天才才能在编程领域表现出色。 但是当他逐渐意识到自己错了,而那些渗透他内心的人却生活在一种误解中时,我感到非常高兴。 编码不是关于您在数学上有多出色,而是关于您可以多快地克服问题。

解 (Solution)

Swallow the fact that even an average math person who has failed a calculus exam in college can be a coding wizard. I am not trying to say that programming excludes mathematics, as you do need to know math if you want to work with science programming or create game engines. But in general, you don’t have to be a math genius to turn into a thriving coder.

吞噬一个事实,即使是在大学里没有通过微积分考试的普通数学人员也可以成为编码向导。 我并不是要说编程不包括数学,因为如果您想使用科学编程或创建游戏引擎,则确实需要了解数学。 但总的来说,您不必成为数学天才就可以成为蒸蒸日上的编码器。

Besides, if you know basic math from school, you can achieve great things in programming. And even if you have forgotten that, no problem! You will pick up this knowledge while working on a real-time task and doing the actual coding.

此外,如果您了解学校的基础数学,则可以在编程方面取得巨大成就。 即使您忘记了这一点,也没问题! 您将在进行实时任务并进行实际编码时掌握这些知识。

在即将发生变化之前就放弃 (Giving Up Right Before a Change Is About to Happen)


问题 (Problem)

Last but not least, students sometimes give up easily. See, learning to program, especially if you want to make it your livelihood, takes a lot of hard work. Sometimes people relinquish without knowing they are only a few miles away from the road to success.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,学生有时会轻易放弃。 看,学习编程,特别是如果您想使其成为生计,则需要大量的工作。 有时,人们在不知道自己离成功之路只有几英里的情况下放弃。

In my entire career I’ve never seen a programmer who hasn’t made any errors while coding as a beginner. It’s a natural phenomenon that fades away with time. But quitting is never a choice.

在我的整个职业生涯中,我从未见过有一个程序员在编写初学者时没有犯任何错误。 随着时间的流逝,这是自然现象。 但是,退出绝不是一个选择。

解 (Solution)

When I see my students falling apart and losing their minds, I tell them three magical words: never give up. Indeed, you will feel exhausted and stressed, but that is how you will become a master. Patience is necessary, and diligence is what you need.

当我看到我的学生崩溃并且失去理智时,我告诉他们三个神奇的词:永不放弃。 确实,您会感到精疲力竭和压力重重,但这就是您成为主人的方式。 耐心是必要的,而勤奋是您所需要的。

结论 (Conclusion)

To be honest, most students stumble as soon as they begin to learn programming. However, it’s better to know the most widespread faults instead of simply being unaware of them. I have pointed out all the major mistakes here, so dodge them all.

老实说,大多数学生一开始学习编程就迷迷糊糊。 但是,最好了解最广泛的故障,而不是仅仅不了解它们。 我已经在这里指出了所有主要错误,因此要避免所有错误。

But the main advice is the same as always: keep coding and don’t give up. Try to code as much as possible to achieve your objectives.

但是主要建议与往常一样:继续编码,不要放弃。 尝试编写尽可能多的代码以实现您的目标。

升级编码 (Level Up Coding)

Thanks for being a part of our community! Subscribe to our YouTube channel or join the Skilled.dev coding interview course.

感谢您加入我们的社区! 订阅我们的YouTube频道或参加Skilled.dev编码面试课程

翻译自: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/mistakes-most-students-make-while-learning-programming-90ac3cabdd15




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  • Python之列表和元组的基本操作(超详细)
  • 股权众筹,有点愁


  1. 少儿编程:AI人工智能时代、每个孩子都应该学习编程的8个理由

    ​如果我们想让孩子在学业上取得成功,每个孩子都应该学习编程.为孩子们编程不仅有助于提高他们的数学和写作技能,而且还为他们提供了生活中以及最终在劳动力中的宝贵技能.有各种各样的原因可以解释为什么编程很重 ...

  2. 区分错误类型_形象解释 Python 新手最容易犯的错误

    点击上方"Python编程时光",选择"加为星标"第一时间关注Python技术干货! 一.画蛇添足:多余的分号 Python语言与大多数编程语言不相同,它的语句 ...

  3. python不会编程的人怎么学化妆_奉劝那些想学编程的人

    学编程,从W3Cschool开始! 作为一家在线编程学习平台,W3Cschool已经有10年的历史,在期间,我们见证了无数编程爱好者的学习经历,有成功转行成功的,也有实现了自己的编程梦想的,但更多的人 ...

  4. 华为 编程语言实验室,薪水_作为实验室科学家学习编程

    华为 编程语言实验室,薪水 Stop banging your head against a textbook. 别再撞到教科书上了. Four chapters into "MATLAB ...

  5. matlab输入指令错误怎么修改,在MATLAB中运行程序时,显示错误: 此上下文中不允许函数定义。 怎么修改?...

    点击查看在MATLAB中运行程序时,显示错误: 此上下文中不允许函数定义. 怎么修改?具体信息 答:MATLAB程序运行错误后,切换到MATLAB命令行中,观察命令行中的错误信息,确定错误原因. 1. ...

  6. 计算机系统无法启动 错误恢复怎么办,我电脑在重装系统时出现windows错误恢复怎么办?...

    Win7首次启动出现计算机意外地重启或遇到 故障分析: 首次启动Win7系统时提示:计算机意外地重新启动或遇到错误.Windows 安装无法继续.若要安装Windows,请单击"确定&quo ...

  7. 基于arcgis的python编程秘笈第2版_基于ArcGIS的Python编程秘笈(第2版)

    基于ArcGIS的Python编程秘笈(第2版) 译者简介 审阅人简介 1 面向ArcGIS的Python语言基础 1.1 使用IDLE进行Python脚本开发 1.1.1 Python Shell窗 ...

  8. php 错误关闭_五种方法教你如何关闭php错误回显信息

    有几种方法可以屏蔽错误回显信息: 1.php.ini的display_errors在php.ini文件中找到display_errors设置项,如果前面有分号,需要删去分号,并将值改为off 2.ph ...

  9. mysql编程的作用_数据库系统概论对学习编程的作用?

    偶然看到你这个问题,心血来潮回答一下. 你和当初我学这门课的时候的心态应该差不多:这个门课又不教编程又不教算法,没有一点实际用途,学来干嘛?还不如自己去学点mysql\oracle啥的实用.学校真垃圾 ...


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  2. cad新手必练300图_[CAD]平面练习图,CAD新手练技术练速度的好去处
  3. php 子类调用父类的方法
  4. java 注释 过时_Java 注解
  5. 一个程序员的逗逼瞬间(一)
  6. C++类属性swap
  7. 鸿蒙引领着未来,华为智慧屏V65图赏:鸿蒙OS引领未来
  8. spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf对没有结束符的HTML5标签解析出错
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  11. poj-3176 Cow Bowling poj-1163 The Triangle hihocoder #1037 : 数字三角形 (基础dp)
  12. 计算机专业拼音怎样写,拼音汉字计算机输入方法
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  14. java 批量修改图片名称_java 批量修改文件名称
  15. 人工智能、大数据、云计算概念
  16. KEIL MDK平台 S3C2440 编译链接、烧写调试
  17. Wrong JPEG library version: library is 80, caller expects 62 解决办法
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  20. revit管线插件:当前楼层怎么显示楼板以下的给排水管道?


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  2. 170家!物联网、智慧园区、智慧社区等细分领域龙头全名单!
  3. 高职计算机应用与信息检索,高职计算机应用主题式教学模式实践
  4. 实现一个简单的trim函数,用于去除一个字符串,头部和尾部的空白字符
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