As usual, the link is:

对于这个最著名的CI工具,我已经使用有一段时间了。但是因为有专门的build engineer所以偷懒到今天才来了解一下这个东西的基础知识。

  • 什么是CI和CruiseControl?

要知道CruiseControl的用途,自然得先明白CI是什么。CI, continuous integration。

Technically, the term "Continuous Integration" means that everyone on the team integrates their changes back into the source repository frequently, verifying that the changes didn't break anything.


总的来说CI的目的就是实现 快速开发 + 保证质量。在agile越来越流行的今天,CruiseControl会流行就不足为奇了。


CruiseControl is both a continuous integration tool and an extensible framework for creating a custom continuous build process. It includes dozens of plugins for a variety of source controls, build technologies, and notifications schemes including email and instant messaging. A web interface provides details of the current and previous builds. And the standard CruiseControl distribution is augmented through a rich selection of 3rd Party Tools.

CruiseControl is written in Java but is used on a wide variety of projects. There are builders supplied for Ant, NAnt, Maven, Phing, Rake, and Xcode, and the catch-all exec builder that can be used with any command-line tool or script.

  •  How these Continuous Integration servers are typically set up in a project environment?


1, Boxes of developer.

2, Box of repository.

3, CruiseControl server.


  • Setting Up the Repository and Working Copies

这里在repository server上build一个最最简单的repositiry by using Subversion.安装完Subversion后:

1. First, we need to create the repository itself:

C:/> svnadmin create c:/cia/repositoryserver/svnrepository 2. Second,创建一个Subversion自己要用的临时工作目录: 
C:/> mkdir tmp/project C:/> cd tmp/project C:/tmp/project> mkdir branches C:/tmp/project> mkdir tags C:/tmp/project> mkdir trunk //这个trunk看着相当眼熟吧?
3. 把代码copy到trunk目录下。 
4. import the directory structure into our repository: 
svn import C:/tmp/project file:///c:/cia/repositoryserver/svnrepository -m "Initial import" 5.这时可以将tmp/project删除了。之后就可以在程序员的机器上checkout代码了。 
  • Getting, Installing and Building CruiseControl


main/bin --contains a batch/shell script for launching the CruiseControl process

main/logs --放置每个项目build结果的目录。每个项目会有自己的子目录。

main/dist --contains the cruisecontrol.jar

Reporting --contains the J2EE web application used for reporting CruiseControl build results online after each automated build.

  • Configuring CruiseControl

接下来的工作就是配置CruiseControl to tell it which projects it need to build and how.



<cruisecontrol> root element,可以有 project和plugin子节点。

<project> 多个项目是可以有多个project 节点。The <project> element is where you tell CruiseControl what to build, when to build, how to build, and how to report.

<project> element accepts two attributes. attribute name是project的名字。另一个可选的为buildafterfailed 表示build失败后是否继续build,即使没有新代码提交。

<property>  The <property> element is used to set a property (or set of properties) within the CruiseControl configuration file. 一般可以用 and。

<bootstrappers> The <bootstrappers> element can be used to list bootstrappers, which are executed before the actual build attempt.

<modificationset> The <modificationset> element is where you specify how CruiseControl should figure out whether a build is needed。 这个貌似就是报表中显示的这次build涉及的代码的更改。




we can use the <svn> modificationset task to check whether any changes have been committed to the project associated with our working copy. Under the hood, the <svn> task performs a 'svn log' command to get a list of changes between the last build date and the start of the current build cycle.

注意这个node仅仅是说,在schedule的时间到了以后,参考该node来决定是否起一次build。而不是说,当发现related svn code改变后,就马上起一个build。

There's also a nice little task named <buildstatus> that you can use to trigger your build whenever another CruiseControlled project has had a successful build.

//这个很有用啊,比如build完这个project以后运行itf build。

<schedule> specifies how frequent you want your build cycle to start.

<schedule> takes just one attribute, interval, which represents a duration in seconds that CruiseControl will wait between build attempts.默认5分钟一次,也太短了吧!!

The children of <schedule> are called builders and are used for specifying the 'how' part of our configuration. The built-in builders provided out of the box, <ant> and <maven>, can be used to launch Ant and Maven build scripts, respectively. 这个也很重要!!

<schedule> 并不能单独决定什么时候启动一个build。需要和比如<project>和<modification>结合起来决定。


<publishers> 自然就是通知开发人员的方式了。可以有file,email,web pages and FTP


-rw-r--r--   1   16004 May  5 02:58 build.xml
-rw-r--r--   1   6892 May  5 02:58 config.xml
-rw-r--r--   1   47171 May  5 03:23 go.log
-rw-r--r--   1   65 May  5 02:58
-rw-r--r--   1   1507 May  5 02:58

最后,launch CruiseControl!!

With the configuration file in place under "main/bin", you can finally launch CruiseControl with the following command:

C:/CruiseControl/main/bin> cruisecontrol
作者说要写的Part 2没有找到。。。
set up the reporting web application -- in Part 2...


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