
  1. 现象

Press any key to stop auto-boot...



boot device          : motetsec

unit number          : 0

processor number     : 0

host name            : host

file name            : vxWorks

inet on ethernet (e) :

host inet (h)        :

user (u)             : xygm

ftp password (pw)    : xygm

flags (f)            : 0x8

target name (tn)     : xygm

Booting from flash ...

Loading /vxWorks @ 0xf0400000 ...    Not found

Loading /vxWorks @ 0xf0a00000 ...    Not found @ motetsec0(

Loading... 2269760 + 557152

Starting at 0x100000...




辅助办法 : <1> 点灯,直接操作GPIO引脚,观察启动过程中led的状态变化。

<2> 加汇编指令, 如WRS_ASM(“EIEO”);通过仿真器查看CPU最终的运行状态。

显然方法1 能更快捷的定位问题。



PrjConfig.c (hardWareInterFaceBusInit)



usrInit(prjconfig.c)->SysHwInit(sysLib.c) ->hardWareInterFaceInitprjconfig.c ->hardWareInterFaceBusInit(prjconfig.c)->

usrInit 很有多重要的初始化

void usrInit (int startType)


sysStart (startType);               /* clear BSS and set up the vector table base address. */

usrBootHwInit ();                   /* call usrBootHwInit() routine */

cacheLibInit (USER_I_CACHE_MODE, USER_D_CACHE_MODE); /* include cache support */

excShowInit ();                     /* exception show routines */

excVecInit ();                      /* exception handling */

vxCpuLibInit ();                    /* Enable the initialization of CPU identification routines */

    sysHwInit ();                       /* call the BSPs sysHwInit routine during system startup */

usrCacheEnable ();                  /* optionally enable caches */

objInfoInit ();                     /* object management routines that requires lookup in a list of objects, such as the objNameToId() routine. */


vxMemProbeInit ();                  /* Initialize vxMemProbe exception handler support */

classListLibInit ();                /* object class list management */

semLibInit ();                      /* semaphore support infrastructure */

/* mutex semaphores */

/* mutex semaphore creation routine */

classLibInit ();                    /* object class management */

kernelBaseInit ();                  /* required component DO NOT REMOVE. */

taskCreateHookInit ();              /* user callouts on task creation/deletion */

sysDebugModeInit ();                /* a flag indicating the system is in 'debug' mode */

usrKernelInit (VX_GLOBAL_NO_STACK_FILL); /* context switch and interrupt handling (DO NOT REMOVE). */


usrKernelInit(target/config/comps/src/usrkernel.c) ->usrRoot->

usrRoot  会调用usrAppInit,用户函数入口。

void usrRoot (char *pMemPoolStart, unsigned memPoolSize)


// *(volatile UINT32*)(0xffe00000 + 0xF008) =0; //运行到这里来

usrKernelCoreInit ();               /* core kernel facilities */

poolLibInit();                      /* memory pools of fixed size items */

memEdrInit ();                      /* Memory Error Detection and Reporting */

memInit (pMemPoolStart, memPoolSize, MEM_PART_DEFAULT_OPTIONS); /* full featured memory allocator */

memPartLibInit (pMemPoolStart, memPoolSize); /* core memory partition manager */

memEdrInit2();                      /* Memory Error Detection and Reporting */

usrAimMmuConfig ();                 /* AIM MMU configlette */

if (memDefaultAlignment<16) memDefaultAlignment = 16; /* Because FileSytem use malloc() to allocate ATA I/O buffer, if the buffer is not aligned 16 bytes, driver for some ATA controller(such as, CS5530), will copy data to/from aligned buffer before write/read. This is a serious reduction in efficiency. Include me to avoid it. */

/* basic MMU component */

usrMmuInit ((VIRT_ADDR) pMemPoolStart, memPoolSize); /* MMU global map support */

usrKernelCreateInit ();             /* object creation routines */

memInfoInit ();                     /* memory allocator info routines */

envLibInit (ENV_VAR_USE_HOOKS);     /* unix compatible environment variables */

usrPmInit ();                       /* reboot-safe protected memory region manager */

usrEdrInit ();                      /* reboot-safe protected error log */

edrStubInit ();                     /* protected error log stub initialization */

usrTextProtect ();                  /* write-protect program text */

excIntNestLogInit(); vxMsrSet(vxMsrGet() | taskMsrDefault); /* Enable interrupts at appropriate point in root task */

// *(volatile UINT32*)(0xffe00000 + 0xF008) =0; //运行到这里来

logInitEarly(MAX_LOG_MSGS);         /* ZYHD extend of logLib */

// *(volatile UINT32*)(0xffe00000 + 0xF008) =0; //运行到这里来

usrSysHwInit2();                    /* call the usrSysHwInit2 routine during


void usrSysHwInit2 (void)







system startup

// *(volatile UINT32*)(0xffe00000 + 0xF008) =0; //运行到这里来

sysClkInit ();                      /* System clock component */

void sysClkInit (void)


/* set up the system timer */

sysClkConnect ((FUNCPTR) usrClock, 0);      /* connect clock ISR */

sysClkRateSet (SYS_CLK_RATE);               /* set system clock rate */

sysClkEnable ();                            /* start it */



*(volatile UINT32*)(0xffe00000 + 0xF008) =0; //XXXXX运行BU 到这里来

usrIosCoreInit ();                  /* core I/O system */

// *(volatile UINT32*)(0xffe00000 + 0xF008) =0; //XXXXXX运行BU到这里来

usrKernelExtraInit ();              /* extended kernel facilities */

usrIosExtraInit ();                 /* extended I/O system */

sockLibInit ();                     /* Socket API */

usrNetworkInit ();                  /* Initialize the network subsystem */

selTaskDeleteHookAdd ();            /* selectInit, part 2, install task delete hook */

cpuPwrLightMgrInit (); cpuPwrMgrEnable (TRUE); /* Idle-halt CPU power management */

cplusCtorsLink ();                  /* run compiler generated initialization functions at system startup */

usrCplusLibInit ();                 /* Basic support for C++ applications */

cplusDemanglerInit ();              /* Support library for kernel shell and loader: provides human readable forms of C++ identifiers */

// *(volatile UINT32*)(0xffe00000 + 0xF008) =0; //XXXXXX 没运行到这里来

usrToolsInit ();                    /* software development tools */

usrMmuOptimize ();                  /* Optimize configlette */

// *(volatile UINT32*)(0xffe00000 + 0xF008) =0; //xxxxxx运行不到这里来

usrAppInit ();                      /* call usrAppInit() (in your usrAppInit.c project file) after startup. */

wdbIpAddr();                        /* BOOL wdbIpAddr(BOOL bShow). if not INCLUDE_WDB_COMM_END, the routine is dummy. */



这里解决办法是,修改设备列表的内容,而不是像以前那样注释掉hardWareInit里面的注册函数,两者效果应该是一致的,但是前者可以rebuild,后者rebuild 后要手动修改。


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