FFmpeg 命令行 HDR 转 SDR

ffmpeg -i planet_hdr.MP4 -vf zscale=t=linear:npl=100,format=gbrpf32le,zscale=p=bt709,tonemap=tonemap=hable:desat=0,zscale=t=bt709:m=bt709:r=tv,format=yuv420p planet_ff_hdr2sdr.MP4

ffmpeg -i planet_hdr.MP4 -vf zscale=t=linear:npl=100,format=gbrpf32le,zscale=p=bt709,tonemap=tonemap=hable:desat=0,zscale=t=bt709:m=bt709:r=tv,format=yuv420p planet_ff_hdr2sdr.MP4

一行行来拆解命令行内容,最主要的是 -vf  video filter的一大串命令。


=> 指定zscale模块的转换函数linear,输入参数npl=100


=> 转换格式gbr浮点32 little end


=> 指定zscale模块的设置色域bt709


=> 指定tonemapping转换算法hable,输入参数desat=0


=> 指定zscale模块的转换函数bt709,range=tv. limited


=> 转换格式yuv420p

zscale转换模块是ffmpeg内部引用第三方库zimg,官方介绍地址:FFmpeg Filters Documentation想利用zscale,必须确认ffmpeg编译是--enable-libzimg,zimg库源码:GitHub - sekrit-twc/zimg: Scaling, colorspace conversion, and dithering library



我们可以从zimg代码里面的src / zimg / colorspace / operation.cpp源文件中找到关键函数

std::unique_ptr<Operation> create_gamma_to_linear_operation(const ColorspaceDefinition &in, const ColorspaceDefinition &out, const OperationParams &params, CPUClass cpu)
{zassert_d(in.primaries == out.primaries, "primaries mismatch");zassert_d((in.matrix == MatrixCoefficients::RGB || in.matrix == MatrixCoefficients::REC_2100_LMS) &&(out.matrix == MatrixCoefficients::RGB || out.matrix == MatrixCoefficients::REC_2100_LMS), "must be RGB or LMS");zassert_d(in.transfer != TransferCharacteristics::LINEAR && out.transfer == TransferCharacteristics::LINEAR, "wrong transfer characteristics");if (in.transfer == TransferCharacteristics::ARIB_B67 && use_display_referred_b67(in.primaries, params))return create_inverse_arib_b67_operation(ncl_rgb_to_yuv_matrix_from_primaries(in.primaries), params);elsereturn create_inverse_gamma_operation(select_transfer_function(in.transfer, params.peak_luminance, params.scene_referred), params, cpu);
}std::unique_ptr<Operation> create_inverse_gamma_operation(const TransferFunction &transfer, const OperationParams &params, CPUClass cpu)
{std::unique_ptr<Operation> ret;#if defined(ZIMG_X86)ret = create_inverse_gamma_operation_x86(transfer, params, cpu);
#elif defined(ZIMG_ARM)ret = create_inverse_gamma_operation_arm(transfer, params, cpu);
#endifif (!ret)ret = std::make_unique<GammaOperationC>(transfer.to_linear, 1.0f, transfer.to_linear_scale);return ret;

因为现在是按照PQ感知量化曲线的标准做转换,所以in.transfer不等于ARIB_B67(这是HLG混合对数转换标准),走else逻辑。暂时不考虑平台加速,参照纯C实现 GammaOperationC。配置GammaOperationC之前经过select_transfer_function组合传输函数,继续往下看。

// src / zimg / colorspace / gamma.cpp
TransferFunction select_transfer_function(TransferCharacteristics transfer, double peak_luminance, bool scene_referred)
{zassert_d(!std::isnan(peak_luminance), "nan detected");TransferFunction func{};func.to_linear_scale = 1.0f;func.to_gamma_scale = 1.0f;switch (transfer) {// ... case TransferCharacteristics::REC_709:func.to_linear = scene_referred ? rec_709_inverse_oetf : rec_1886_eotf;func.to_gamma = scene_referred ? rec_709_oetf : rec_1886_inverse_eotf;break;case TransferCharacteristics::ST_2084:func.to_linear = scene_referred ? st_2084_inverse_oetf : st_2084_eotf;func.to_gamma = scene_referred ? st_2084_oetf : st_2084_inverse_eotf;func.to_linear_scale = static_cast<float>(ST2084_PEAK_LUMINANCE / peak_luminance);func.to_gamma_scale = static_cast<float>(peak_luminance / ST2084_PEAK_LUMINANCE);break;case TransferCharacteristics::ARIB_B67:func.to_linear = scene_referred ? arib_b67_inverse_oetf : arib_b67_eotf;func.to_gamma = scene_referred ? arib_b67_oetf : arib_b67_inverse_eotf;func.to_linear_scale = scene_referred ? 12.0f : static_cast<float>(1000.0 / peak_luminance);func.to_gamma_scale = scene_referred ? 1.0f / 12.0f : static_cast<float>(peak_luminance / 1000.0);break;default:error::throw_<error::InternalError>("invalid transfer characteristics");break;}return func;
// src / zimg / colorspace / operation_impl.cpp
class GammaOperationC final : public Operation {gamma_func m_func;float m_prescale;float m_postscale;
public:GammaOperationC(gamma_func func, float prescale, float postscale) :m_func{ func },m_prescale{ prescale },m_postscale{ postscale }{}void process(const float * const *src, float * const *dst, unsigned left, unsigned right) const override{EnsureSinglePrecision x87;for (unsigned p = 0; p < 3; ++p) {const float *src_p = src[p];float *dst_p = dst[p];for (unsigned i = left; i < right; ++i) {dst_p[i] = m_postscale * m_func(src_p[i] * m_prescale);}}}

提醒一句,要注意组装GammaOperationC的两个参数prescale / postscale的入参是什么。

PQ感知量化曲线的标准是SMPTE ST 2084,非线性光情况,所以传输函数是用st_2084_eotf。

constexpr float ST2084_M1 = 0.1593017578125f;
constexpr float ST2084_M2 = 78.84375f;
constexpr float ST2084_C1 = 0.8359375f;
constexpr float ST2084_C2 = 18.8515625f;
constexpr float ST2084_C3 = 18.6875f;
constexpr float FLT_MIN 1.17549435082228750797e-38Ffloat st_2084_eotf(float x) noexcept
{// Filter negative values to avoid NAN.if (x > 0.0f) {float xpow = zimg_x_powf(x, 1.0f / ST2084_M2);float num = std::max(xpow - ST2084_C1, 0.0f);float den = std::max(ST2084_C2 - ST2084_C3 * xpow, FLT_MIN);x = zimg_x_powf(num / den, 1.0f / ST2084_M1);} else {x = 0.0f;}return x;


create_gamma_to_linear_operation-> create_inverse_gamma_operation-> select_transfer_functioncase TransferCharacteristics::ST_2084:func.to_linear = scene_referred ? st_2084_inverse_oetf : st_2084_eotf;func.to_linear_scale = static_cast<float>(ST2084_PEAK_LUMINANCE / peak_luminance);break;

第二步,HDR的线性模拟光信号 ToneMapping转换到 SDR的线性模拟光信号

此步骤就是对应的代码是在ffmpeg的video filter视频滤镜处理当中,具体文件路径是ffmpeg \ libavfilter \ vf_tonemap.c,静态方法tonemap,具体代码如下:

#define MIX(x,y,a) (x) * (1 - (a)) + (y) * (a)
static void tonemap(TonemapContext *s, AVFrame *out, const AVFrame *in,const AVPixFmtDescriptor *desc, int x, int y, double peak)
{int map[3] = { desc->comp[0].plane, desc->comp[1].plane, desc->comp[2].plane };const float *r_in = (const float *)(in->data[map[0]] + x * desc->comp[map[0]].step + y * in->linesize[map[0]]);const float *g_in = (const float *)(in->data[map[1]] + x * desc->comp[map[1]].step + y * in->linesize[map[1]]);const float *b_in = (const float *)(in->data[map[2]] + x * desc->comp[map[2]].step + y * in->linesize[map[2]]);float *r_out = (float *)(out->data[map[0]] + x * desc->comp[map[0]].step + y * out->linesize[map[0]]);float *g_out = (float *)(out->data[map[1]] + x * desc->comp[map[1]].step + y * out->linesize[map[1]]);float *b_out = (float *)(out->data[map[2]] + x * desc->comp[map[2]].step + y * out->linesize[map[2]]);float sig, sig_orig;/* load values */*r_out = *r_in;*g_out = *g_in;*b_out = *b_in;/* desaturate to prevent unnatural colors */if (s->desat > 0) {float luma = s->coeffs->cr * *r_in + s->coeffs->cg * *g_in + s->coeffs->cb * *b_in;float overbright = FFMAX(luma - s->desat, 1e-6) / FFMAX(luma, 1e-6);*r_out = MIX(*r_in, luma, overbright);*g_out = MIX(*g_in, luma, overbright);*b_out = MIX(*b_in, luma, overbright);}/* pick the brightest component, reducing the value range as necessary* to keep the entire signal in range and preventing discoloration due to* out-of-bounds clipping */sig = FFMAX(FFMAX3(*r_out, *g_out, *b_out), 1e-6);sig_orig = sig;switch(s->tonemap) {default:case TONEMAP_NONE:// do nothingbreak;case TONEMAP_LINEAR:sig = sig * s->param / peak;break;case TONEMAP_GAMMA:sig = sig > 0.05f ? pow(sig / peak, 1.0f / s->param): sig * pow(0.05f / peak, 1.0f / s->param) / 0.05f;break;case TONEMAP_CLIP:sig = av_clipf(sig * s->param, 0, 1.0f);break;case TONEMAP_HABLE:sig = hable(sig) / hable(peak);break;case TONEMAP_REINHARD:sig = sig / (sig + s->param) * (peak + s->param) / peak;break;case TONEMAP_MOBIUS:sig = mobius(sig, s->param, peak);break;}/* apply the computed scale factor to the color,* linearly to prevent discoloration */*r_out *= sig / sig_orig;*g_out *= sig / sig_orig;*b_out *= sig / sig_orig;


static float hable(float in)
{float a = 0.15f, b = 0.50f, c = 0.10f, d = 0.20f, e = 0.02f, f = 0.30f;return (in * (in * a + b * c) + d * e) / (in * (in * a + b) + d * f) - e / f;
}static float mobius(float in, float j, double peak)
{float a, b;if (in <= j)return in;a = -j * j * (peak - 1.0f) / (j * j - 2.0f * j + peak);b = (j * j - 2.0f * j * peak + peak) / FFMAX(peak - 1.0f, 1e-6);return (b * b + 2.0f * b * j + j * j) / (b - a) * (in + a) / (in + b);

简单看着不太懂其数学含义,tonemap其实就是一个编码压缩曲线,可以简单的理解为把[0,1024]的空间范围如何较好的压缩映射到[0,255]的空间范围。ToneMapping映射算法不单只是hable和mobius,还有很多其他类型,可以看看这篇文章的结束 Tone mapping进化论 - 知乎

第三步,线性的模拟光信号 经过OETF转换为 数字颜色电信号

对应命令行,zscale=t=bt709:m=bt709:r=tv,指定zscale模块的转换函数bt709,转换矩阵也是bt.709,yuv range为tv. limited。这里提醒一下,经过ToneMapping处理后的线性模拟光信号,已经是SDR范围的数据,所以不要再使用smpte st 2084的HDR标准,指定使用bt.709,线性光场景的光电转换函数rec_709_oetf


create_linear_to_gamma_operation-> create_gamma_operation-> select_transfer_functioncase TransferCharacteristics::REC_709:func.to_gamma = scene_referred ? rec_709_oetf : rec_1886_inverse_eotf;break;    
constexpr float REC709_ALPHA = 1.09929682680944f;
constexpr float REC709_BETA = 0.018053968510807f;
float rec_709_oetf(float x) noexcept
{x = std::max(x, 0.0f);if (x < REC709_BETA)x = x * 4.5f;elsex = REC709_ALPHA * zimg_x_powf(x, 0.45f) - (REC709_ALPHA - 1.0f);return x;


逻辑流程上面已经分析的很清楚了,废话不多说,直接上GLSL. fragment shader的代码。

#version 320 es
precision highp float;
uniform int bitMark; // 双字节(16bit)存储10位数据的 位掩码个数
uniform lowp float imgWidth;
uniform lowp float imgHeight;
uniform highp usampler2D tex_unsigned_y; // GL_R16UI、GL_RED_INTEGER、GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT
uniform highp usampler2D tex_unsigned_uv;// GL_RG16UI、GL_RG_INTEGER、GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT
in  vec2 vTextureCoord;
out vec4 _FragColor;highp vec3 YuvConvertRGB_BT2020(highp uvec3 yuv, int normalize) {highp vec3 rgb;highp int y = highp int(yuv.x);highp int u = highp int(yuv.y);highp int v = highp int(yuv.z);// [64, 960]float r = float(y - 64) * 1.164384                             - float(v - 512) * -1.67867;float g = float(y - 64) * 1.164384 - float(u - 512) * 0.187326 - float(v - 512) * 0.65042;float b = float(y - 64) * 1.164384 - float(u - 512) * -2.14177;rgb.r = r;rgb.g = g;rgb.b = b;if (normalize == 1) { rgb.r = r / 1024.0; rgb.g = g / 1024.0; rgb.b = b / 1024.0; }// 归一化处理,10位数据共有1024个色阶return rgb;
}highp float ST2084_M1 = 0.1593017578125f;
const float ST2084_M2 = 78.84375f;
const float ST2084_C1 = 0.8359375f;
const float ST2084_C2 = 18.8515625f;
const float ST2084_C3 = 18.6875f;
highp float FLT_MIN = 1.17549435082228750797e-38F;
highp float st_2084_eotf(highp float x)
{highp float xpow = pow(x, float(1.0 / ST2084_M2));highp float num = max(xpow - ST2084_C1, 0.0);highp float den = max(ST2084_C2 - ST2084_C3 * xpow, FLT_MIN);return pow(num/den, 1.0 / ST2084_M1);
}const float REC709_ALPHA = 1.09929682680944f;
const float REC709_BETA = 0.018053968510807f;
highp float rec_709_oetf(highp float x)
{x = max(x, 0.0);if (x < REC709_BETA )x = x * 4.5;elsex = REC709_ALPHA * pow(x, 0.45f) - (REC709_ALPHA - 1.0);return x;
}#define FFMAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define FFMAX3(a,b,c) FFMAX(FFMAX(a,b),c)
void main() {float samplerPosX = vTextureCoord.x * imgWidth;float samplerPosY = vTextureCoord.y * imgHeight;highp uint unsigned_y = texelFetch(tex_unsigned_y, ivec2(int(samplerPosX), int(samplerPosY)), 0).x;highp uint unsigned_u = texelFetch(tex_unsigned_uv, ivec2(int(samplerPosX / 2.0), int(samplerPosY / 2.0)), 0).r;highp uint unsigned_v = texelFetch(tex_unsigned_uv, ivec2(int(samplerPosX / 2.0), int(samplerPosY / 2.0)), 0).g;highp uvec3 yuv10bit = uvec3(unsigned_y >> bitMark, unsigned_u >> bitMark, unsigned_v >> bitMark);highp vec3 rgb10bit = YuvConvertRGB_BT2020(yuv10bit, 1);// 第一步、电 转线性光信号float ST2084_PEAK_LUMINANCE = 10000.0f;float peak_luminance = 800.0f// 参考zscale源代码参数ST2084_PEAK_LUMINANCE固定1w,peak_luminance视频元数据-标峰亮度值,静态元数据的全视频用一个peak,动态元数据的每一帧一个peak// 参考zscale源代码to_linear的GammaOperationC,to_linear_scale赋值是postscale,后处理缩放。float to_linear_scale = ST2084_PEAK_LUMINANCE / peak_luminance;highp vec3 fragColor = to_linear_scale * vec3(st_2084_eotf(rgb10bit.r), st_2084_eotf(rgb10bit.g), st_2084_eotf(rgb10bit.b));// 第二步、HDR线性 ToneMapping映射转成 SDR线性// 参考ffmpeg的tonemap函数,hable算法。highp float sig;highp float sig_orig;sig = FFMAX(FFMAX3(fragColor.r, fragColor.g, fragColor.b), 1e-6);sig_orig = sig;float peak = 540.0f / 100.0f; // 手机设备的最大亮度值MaxCLL / REFERENCE_WHITE(固定100);sig = hableF(sig) / hableF(peak);fragColor.r = fragColor.r * (sig / sig_orig);fragColor.g = fragColor.g * (sig / sig_orig);fragColor.b = fragColor.b * (sig / sig_orig);// 第三步、逆线性光信号,变回电// 参考zscale源代码,rec_709的to_gamma,没有prescale和postscale.fragColor = vec3(rec_709_oetf(fragColor.r), rec_709_oetf(fragColor.g), rec_709_oetf(fragColor.b));_FragColor = vec4(fragColor + vec3(0.0)/*额外曝光调试用*/, 1.0);

所有代码参考来源自FFmpeg和Zimg。流程知识源自 HDR in Android专栏



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