微软 word转换pdf

PDFs are often used when distributing documents so that they’re seen the same way by all parties. Because they’re designed in this way, they can be quite difficult to edit. You may want to convert your PDF to a Word document so that you can make changes to your text more easily.

在分发文档时,通常会使用PDF,以便各方都能以相同的方式查看它们。 因为它们是按这种方式设计的,所以很难编辑。 您可能需要将PDF转换为Word文档,以便可以更轻松地更改文本。

使用Acrobat DC或Acrobat Reader DC将PDF转换为Word文档 (Convert a PDF to a Word Document Using Acrobat DC or Acrobat Reader DC)

Adobe’s own Acrobat DC and Acrobat Reader DC both offer an easy way to convert PDF files to Word documents. The bad news is that it ain’t free.

Adobe自己的Acrobat DC和Acrobat Reader DC都提供了一种将PDF文件转换为Word文档的简便方法。 坏消息是它不是免费的。

The full Acrobat DC has a standard version (Windows only) that runs $12.99 per month and a pro version (Windows and Mac) that runs $14.99 per month. And both require an annual commitment. Pretty overkill if all you need to do is convert a PDF to Word format once in a while. But if you already have Acrobat DC, then you should use that convert your PDFs.

完整的Acrobat DC有一个标准版(仅Windows)每月运行12.99美元,一个专业版(Windows和Mac)每月运行14.99美元。 两者都需要年度承诺。 如果您需要做的只是偶尔将PDF转换为Word格式,那就太过分了。 但是,如果您已经拥有Acrobat DC,则应使用该工具转换PDF。

Acrobat Reader DC, on the other hand is free, but you’ll need to pony up a $1.99 per month fee if you want it to be able to convert PDFs to other formats, like Word. If it’s something you need to do regularly, that fee is probably worth it because using Acrobat is the most reliable way to change your PDFs to Word documents, since it tends to maintain formatting pretty well.

另一方面,Acrobat Reader DC是免费的,但是如果您希望它能够将PDF转换为其他格式(如Word),则需要每月支付$ 1.99的费用。 如果您需要定期执行此操作,那么这笔费用可能是值得的,因为使用Acrobat是将PDF转换为Word文档的最可靠方法,因为它可以很好地保持格式。

We’re going to look at using the full Acrobat DC to make the conversion in our example here. If you’re using Acrobat Reader DC, the process is pretty much the same. You just won’t have quite as many formats to which you can convert. Both support Word, though.

在这里的示例中,我们将研究使用完整的Acrobat DC进行转换。 如果您使用的是Acrobat Reader DC,则过程大致相同。 您将没有太多可以转换成的格式。 两者都支持Word。

First, open up the PDF in Acrobat. Over on the right side of the window, click the “Export PDF” command.

首先,在Acrobat中打开PDF。 在窗口的右侧,单击“导出PDF”命令。

Next, select the “Microsoft Word” option on the left. On the right, selecting “Word Document” converts the PDF to a modern Word document in the DOCX format. Selecting “Word 97-2003 Document” converts the PDF to the older DOC format.

接下来,选择左侧的“ Microsoft Word”选项。 在右侧,选择“ Word文档”会将PDF转换为DOCX格式的现代Word文档。 选择“ Word 97-2003文档”会将PDF转换为较旧的DOC格式。

When you’ve made your choice, click the “Export” button.


On the next screen, choose where you want to save your new Word document.


Type a name for the document, and then click the “Save” button.


Your PDF is now saved as a Word document, so pop it open in Word and get to editing.


使用Microsoft Word将PDF转换为Word文档 (Convert a PDF to a Word Document Using Microsoft Word)

You can also convert your PDF to a Word document using just Microsoft Word. Converting in Word often leads to style and formatting issues, so it’s not always the most reliable method. However, it certainly works well enough for simple documents or when you just need to get stuff into an editable format.

您也可以仅使用Microsoft Word将PDF转换为Word文档。 在Word中进行转换通常会导致样式和格式问题,因此它并不总是最可靠的方法。 但是,对于简单的文档或仅需要将内容转换为可编辑格式时,它肯定可以很好地工作。

Click “File” on the Word ribbon.


In the sidebar that opens, click the “Open” button.


On the Open page, browse to wherever your PDF is stored (This PC, OneDrive, whatever).


Locate and select your PDF, and then click the “Open” button.


A warning pop ups, indicating that your new document may lose some of the formatting it had as a PDF. Don’t worry. Your original PDF will remain intact; this is just letting you know that the new Word document you’re creating from the PDF might not look exactly the same. Click the “OK” button.

弹出警告,表明您的新文档可能会失去一些PDF格式。 不用担心您的原始PDF将保持不变; 这只是让您知道从PDF创建的新Word文档可能看起来并不完全相同。 点击“确定”按钮。

Word converts the PDF and opens up your new Word document right away.


使用Google文档将PDF转换为Word文档 (Convert a PDF to a Word Document Using Google Docs)

Google Docs provides another safe and reliable way to convert your PDF to a Word document. It’s a two-step process where you first convert the file to a Google Docs document, and then convert it to a Word document—so you’ll probably lose some formatting along the way. If you have Word, you’re really better off just doing it in Word. But, this method can be useful if you don’t have Word, but need to convert a PDF to a Word document you plan to send along to someone else.

Google文档提供了另一种安全可靠的方式,可将PDF转换为Word文档。 这是一个分为两个步骤的过程,在此过程中,您首先将文件转换为Google Docs文档,然后再将其转换为Word文档-这样一来您可能会丢失一些格式。 如果您有Word,那么最好只使用Word。 但是,如果您没有Word,但需要将PDF转换为计划发送给其他人的Word文档,则此方法很有用。

Open up your Google Drive, and then click the “New” button.


Click the “File Upload” option.


Locate your PDF file, and then click the “Open” button.


Your new file will now appear in your Google Drive.


Next, right click your file in Google Drive, click the “Open With” menu, and then click the “Google Docs” option.

接下来,右键单击您在Google云端硬盘中的文件,单击“打开方式”菜单,然后单击“ Google文档”选项。

Your file is now open as a Google Doc document.

您的文件现在已作为Google Doc文档打开。

Now, click the “File” menu.


Click the “Download As” menu, and then click the “Word Document (.docx)” option.

单击“下载为”菜单,然后单击“ Word文档(.docx)”选项。

Your Google Docs file will be converted to Word format and downloaded to your local PC as a Word document.

您的Google Docs文件将转换为Word格式,并作为Word文档下载到本地PC。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/360499/how-to-convert-a-pdf-to-a-microsoft-word-document/

微软 word转换pdf

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