





Computers are now essential in many areas of life– modern

banking,retailand informationexchange amongothers.However,

thisis not true foreducation.At a simple levelsome subjects

may be bettertaughtusing computers,but to explainimportant

concepts a human teacher is still indispensable.

Why computers do well, with examples

There are some subjects in which a computer can be


elementarylanguage leaning,any area which requiresa student

to memorize basic facts through repetition is well suited to

computer learning. The computer can be programmed to provide

an endless number of simple questions, and as the student

answers these questionsthe factsare learnedand reinforced.

What computers cannot be, with an example


complex ideas, the computer is not adequate. A computer can

evaluate an answer as right or wrong, but it cannot determine why. It cannot find out why a student is making mistakes, and then re-present important concepts in a different way so the

student will understand. It cannot determine at what stage in a mathematics problem the student has made an error, it can only indicate that the final answer is wrong. Tasks involving

reasoning cannot be taught by computers, as there are too many variables for a computer to deal with successfully.

Conclusion re-states main ideas Thus, while computers may be useful as a tool for

practicing simple skills, they are not an essential feature

of modern education, because they cannot monitor a student’

s grasp of concepts, nor evaluate a student ’s reasoning. Until further developments in computers are made the human teacher

will remain indispensable.英语作文范文英文作文模板英文作



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