

第一步: 用JS封装一个对象或者采用ES6的Class写法,并将地图经纬度转成坐标点

class ScanFill {allPoints = [] // 存多边形的经纬度数据map = null // 地图实例angel = 45 // 线的度数 180 45 90strokeStyle = 'solid' // dashed 折线的样式strokeColor = "#fff" // 折线的颜色interval = 10 // 平行折线之间间隔pxconstructor() {this.watch() // 赋值后就画}watch(obj) {Object.defineProperty(this, 'allPoints', {get: () => {return []},set: value => {this.lnglatToPixel(value)}})}/** 地图经纬度转成坐标 */lnglatToPixel(points) {const pixel = points.map(it => {const lnglat = new AMap.LngLat(it.lng, it.lat)const pixel = this.mapInstance.lngLatToContainer(lnglat)const x = pixel.xconst y = pixel.yreturn { x, y }})this.findPoints(pixel, points) }

第二步: 利用两个点之间建立一条直线,与所设定的直线算出相交的点

/** 算出所有边的函数 */
calc_side_Function(pointsPixel) {const length = pointsPixel.lengthconst coefficient = []for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {const x2 = pointsPixel[(i + 1) % length].xconst y2 = pointsPixel[(i + 1) % length].yconst x1 = pointsPixel[i].xconst y1 = pointsPixel[i].yconst a = (x2 - x1) ? (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) : 0const b = (x1 - x2) ? (y2 * x1 - y1 * x2) / (x1 - x2) : 0coefficient.push({ a, b, x: x1 })}return coefficient // 每条边都是一元一次方程,存放一元一次方程的的a,b, y = a * x + b
/***  以45度角度的线为填充线,则它的公式是 y = x + b, 所以他的范围取决于 b = y - x, *  将多边形的路径以b排序分别获得填充的最大的值和最小的值*/
scanLine(pointsPixel) {const angel = this.angelif (angel === 45) {return pointsPixel.map(it => it.y - it.x).sort((a, b) => a - b)}if (angel === 180) {return pointsPixel.map(it => it.y).sort((a, b) => a - b)}if (angel === -45) {return pointsPixel.map(it => it.y + it.x).sort((a, b) => a - b)}
/** 根据两条线的系数算出所有相交的点 */
equation(a, b, i, xs) {let x = 0let y = 0const angel = this.angelif (angel === 45) {x = (b - i) / (1 - a)y = x + i}if (angel === 180) {x = a ? (i - b) / a : 0y = i}if (angel === -45) {x = (1 + a) ? (i - b) / (1 + a) : 0if (a === 0 && b === 0) {x = xs}y = i - x}return { x, y }
/** 找出相交的点 */
findPoints(pointsPixel, points) {const interval = this.intervalconst sortPixel = this.scanLine(pointsPixel)const min = Math.floor(sortPixel[0])const max = Math.ceil(sortPixel[sortPixel.length - 1])const coefficient = this.calc_side_Function(pointsPixel)const intersection_point = []const ring = points.map(it => {return new AMap.LngLat(it.lng, it.lat)})for (let i = min; i <= max; i += interval) {let arr = coefficient.map(it => {const coordinate = this.equation(it.a, it.b, i, it.x)const pixel = new AMap.Pixel(coordinate.x, coordinate.y)return this.mapInstance.containerToLngLat(pixel)})arr = arr.filter(it => {return AMap.GeometryUtil.isPointOnRing(it, ring) // 这里在去除一下不在边上的点})let filterArr = []for (let i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) {filterArr.push(arr.slice(i, i + 2)) // 这里把所有点分成多个线段}if (filterArr.length !== 0) {filterArr.forEach((it) => {const lnglat0 = new AMap.LngLat(it[0].lng, it[0].lat)const pixel0 = this.mapInstance.lngLatToContainer(lnglat0)const x0 = pixel0.xconst y0 = pixel0.yconst lnglat1 = new AMap.LngLat(it[1].lng, it[1].lat)const pixel1 = this.mapInstance.lngLatToContainer(lnglat1)const x1 = pixel1.xconst y1 = pixel1.yconst centerX1 = (x1 + x0) / 2const centerY1 = (y1 + y0) / 2const centerX2 = (x1 + centerX1) / 2const centerY2 = (y1 + centerY1) / 2const pixelc1 = new AMap.Pixel(centerX1, centerY1)const lnglatc1 = this.mapInstance.containerToLngLat(pixelc1)const pixelc2 = new AMap.Pixel(centerX2, centerY2)const lnglatc2 = this.mapInstance.containerToLngLat(pixelc2)// 判断线段的中心点和线段中心的中心点是否在地块中,不在就去掉if (AMap.GeometryUtil.isPointInRing(lnglatc1, ring) && AMap.GeometryUtil.isPointInRing(lnglatc2, ring)) {intersection_point.push(it) }})}filterArr = []arr = []}this.draw(intersection_point)

第三步: 用高德地图的API画出这些即可

/** 构建折线 */
draw(polylinePoints) {polylinePoints.forEach((it, index) => {const polyLineOption = {strokeColor: this.strokeColor,strokeWeight: 2,borderWeight: 0,strokeStyle: this.strokeStyle,path: it,bubble: false,extData: this.polylineName}const polyLine = new AMap.Polyline(polyLineOption)this.map.add(polyLine)})

第四步: 调用顺序及其使用

/** 计算向内扩展点坐标 */
this.scanFill.map = this.map // 你创建的高德地图实例
this.scanFill.allPoints = path // 多边形的路径经纬度


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