1. 考研动机目的 为什么选择这个学校 为什么选这个专业

Why do you choose this university?(为什么选择我们学校)
你为什么选择这所大学? (为什么选择我们学校)
Why do you want to graduate school instead of hunting for a job

As for my choice of university, I should say love this university very much. When I came here for the first time, I was deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere of this university.
In addition,as one of the Famous school in our country ,your university enjoys a high reputation in computer science and I want to stay in wuhan in the future.so Wuhan University of Technology is the best choice for me.

至于我选择大学,我应该说非常爱这所大学。 当我第一次来到这里时,这所大学的学术氛围给我留下了深刻的印象。

2.About major
why do you think you are qualified for the postgraduate program?(why do you choose this major)
为甚麽选择这个专业 为甚麽深造 你认为什么样的人应该被接受

First of all, I really love this major and I am always curious about things in computer technology.
Secondly,I have mastered the basic theoretical and practical knowledge.Putting theoretical knowledge into practice is of great important.
what is more important is that Computer technology updates quickly and I am ready to become a lifelong learner.
so I think I need further study.


3.家庭 家乡(套用最喜欢的城市)
About family
Could you tell me some thing about your family ?
What do you think about living with your parents ?

There are three members in my family .my parents and me.My father is a businessmen.He is very busy but he keeps reading to enrich his knowledge,which affects me very much.My mother is a house-wife.She lets me know how to be independent .During my preparation for coming here ,my parents’ love and support have always been my power and I hope I will be able to repay them in the future.


4.About hometown city…
Tell me something about your hometown?
Where are you from?
Is there any local specialty in your hometown?

The city I like most is wuhan…
My hometown is Wuhan,just this city. It is famous for its delicious breakfast. There are many beautiful scenes, for example, the East Lake and Han Street. Each year many people come here for vacation. So I believe that, with the efforts of every person in my city, a better future is going to be seen.

我的家乡是武汉,就在这个城市。 它以美味的早餐而闻名。 有许多美丽的场景,例如东湖和汉街。 每年都有很多人来这里度假。所以我相信,在我的城市每个人的努力下,一个更美好的未来将被看到。

5.本科学校 母校
What’s your mother school?
Is there anything you want to say about your university?

I graduated from Wuhan Textile University which has a history of 50 years.The past few years in school was the best time in my life .We often organize many activities. Through those experiences, my abilities have been greatly improved. Even though my undergraduate school is not a famous school but I really love it and I sincerely appreciate everything that it has given me.


6.性格 能力 优缺点
What are your strengths and weaknesses /Describe your greatest strengths and weaknesses 优缺点 advantage
Do you think you have any advantages to be valued by a teacher?

As for my strength ,I think I’m a strong-minded person.Once I set a goal,I will just persist on no matter what difficulties may be in the way.
As for my weakness, I feel that my greatest weakness is that I always expect others to perform beyond their capacities. This weakness makes me sad sometimes,I will try my best to overcome it.


7.研究生期间 失败计划 职业规划
what do you expect to achieve during your study if you are enrolled into this university?(自己的计划,学习计划)
What do you expect to achieve in your study if you are enrolled?

As for my graduate study, l have also made some plans. First, I will devote myself to the professional courses. What’ more, I will pay attention to hot issues of the discipline, try to improve my professional quality through reading many literature.


10.What would you be doing in five years from now?

Five years is quite a long time.
First of all.I will try my best to grasp the theoretical knowledge and set the solid foundation for my further study.
Five years later I want to be an excellent software engineer.

五年是相当长的时间.首先。 我将努力掌握理论知识,为我的进一步学习奠定坚实的基础。五年后我想成为一名优秀的软件工程师。

What are your hobbies?你的爱好是什么?
What do you usually do in your spare time?

In my spare time ,I like playing basketball ,which can help me to keep fit. you know It’s not good for programmers to sit indoors all day. otherwise I like to write technical blogs to summarize my usual problems.That’s all,thank you.

12.What kind of books do you enjoy reading? 你喜欢读什么样的书?
What is your favorite book?

I like reading Fiction.
My favorite book is the Old man and the sea which is written by Hemingway,one of the greatest American writers.
This story tell us not to give up and the final success will come right after the last try,which affects me a lot.


13.what do you do during your spring festival? 你在春节期间做什么?
What is your favorite festival?

My favorite festival is spring festival .
I usually spend the time with my parents. We eat delicious food,visit family and friends,and read books .I also like to contact my school friends and see what they are doing .that’s all thank you.

我通常花时间和父母在一起。我们吃美味的食物,拜访家人和朋友,和看书。 我也喜欢联系我的学校朋友,看看他们在做什么,仅此而已,谢谢。

the person I admire most 最敬佩的人

As for this question.The person I admire most is my mother.
Though she got little education,she was determined to study by herself and got the certificate of accountant .She lets me know how to be independent .During my preparation for coming here ,my parents’ love and support have always been my power and I hope in the future I will be able to repay them.


15.what is the most memorable thing in your childhood?

I remember that when I was young,one day I went out by myself and got lost. When I was helpless,an old man gave me a favor and sent me home. It impressed me deeply. And I often tell to myself that I should try my best to help others.

我记得我年轻的时候,有一天我一个人出去迷路了。 当我无助的时候,一个老人帮了我一个忙,把我送回家了。 这给我留下了深刻的印象。 我经常告诉自己,我应该尽力帮助别人。

16.how do you feel about your progress to date?

To be honest,compared with myself from three years ago,I have made great progress with the help of my classmates and friends and under the guidance of my teachers.
However, this is not enough.As a lifelong learner ,I will keep improving myself.thank you.

老实说,与三年前的自己相比,我在同学和朋友的帮助下,在老师的指导下,取得了很大的进步。然而,这还不够。 作为一个终身学习者,我将不断提高自己。谢谢。

17.Do you think English is important in future work and life?

I think English is very important in our future work and life. Especially for our industry. We need to be able to read English paper. In addition, almost all programs are written in English. So I think English is very important.

我认为英语在我们今后的工作和生活中是非常重要的。 尤其是对我们这个行业。 我们需要能够阅读英语论文。 此外,几乎所有的程序都是用英语写的。 所以我认为英语很重要。

18.Talk about your graduation design?来谈谈你的毕业设计吗?

My graduate thesis-------the design and implementation of textile museum based on mobile augmented reality. The reason I chose the project was that I visited the Textile Museum, because of the lack of knowledge of textile, I could not correctly identify the difference between each product. Therefore, I want to design a app that can help visitors identify the exhibits and display the relevant information on the app.
I used augmented reality technology in my graduation project. When visitors use mobile phones to scan exhibits, the mobile phone will display the relevant knowledge of the exhibits in AR form.



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