

1.Gai, Keke; Qin, Xiao; Zhu, Liehuang. “An Energy-aware High Performance Task Allocation Strategy in Heterogeneous Fog Computing Environments”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. PP, no. 99, pages 1, 2020. CCF A类

2.Gai, Keke; Guo, Jinnan; Zhu, Liehuang; Yu, Shui. “Blockchain Meets Cloud Computing: A Survey”, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. PP, no. 99, pages 1, 2020. 中科院1区,顶级期刊

3.Gai, Keke; Zhu, Liehuang; Qiu, Meikang; Xu, Kai; Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond, “Multi-Access Filtering for Privacy-preserving Fog Computing”, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, vol. PP, no. 99, pages 1, 2019. 中科院1区,顶级期刊

4.Gai, Keke; Wu, Yulu; Zhu, Liehuang; Zhang, Zijian; M. Qiu. “Differential Privacy-based Blockchain for Industrial Internet of Things”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. PP, no. 99, pages 1, 2019. 中科院1区,顶级期刊

5.Gai, Keke; Wu, Yulu; Zhu, Liehuang; Xu, Lei; Zhang, Yan. “Permissioned Blockchain and Edge Computing Empowered Privacy-preserving Smart Grid Networks”. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, no. 5, pages 7992-8004, 2019. 中科院1区,顶级期刊

6.Gai, Keke; K.K.R. Choo, Qiu, Meikang; Zhu, Liehuang. “Privacy-Preserving Content-Oriented Wireless Communication in Internet-of-Things”, IEEE Internet-of-Things Journal, vol. 5, no. 4, pages 3059-3067, IEEE, 2018. 中科院1区,顶级期刊

7.Gai, Keke; Qiu, Meikang; “Reinforcement Learning-based Content-Centric Services in Mobile Sensing”, IEEE Network Magazine, vol. 32, no. 4, pages 34-39, IEEE, 2018. 中科院1区,顶级期刊

8.Gai, Keke; Lu, Zhihui; Qiu, Meikang; Zhu, Liehuang. “Toward Smart Treatment Management for Personalized Healthcare”, IEEE Network, vol. 33, no. 6, pages 30-36, 2019. 中科院1区,顶级期刊

9.Gai, Keke; Xu, Kai; Lu, Zhihui; Qiu, Meikang; Zhu, Liehuang. “Fusion of Cognitive Wireless Networks and Edge Computing”. IEEE Wireless Communication magazine, vol. 26, no. 3, pages 69-75, 2019. 中科院1区,顶级期刊

10. Chen, Wu; Yu, Yong; Gai, Keke*; Liu, Jiamou; Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond. “Time-Efficient Ensemble Learning With Sample Exchange for Edge Computing”, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, vol. PP, no. 99, pages 1, 2020. CCF B类


1.Gai, Keke; Wu, Yulu; Zhu, Lihuang; Qiu, Meikang and Shen, Meng. “Privacy-Preserving Energy Trading Using Consortium Blockchain in Smart Grid”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 15, no. 6 pages 3548-3558, 2019. 中科院1区(工程技术)

2.Gai, Keke and Qiu, Meikang. “Blend Arithmetic Operations on Tensor-based Fully Homomorphic Encryption Over Real Numbers”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 14, no. 8 pages 3590-3598, 2018. 中科院1区(工程技术)

3.Gai, Keke; Qiu, Meikang; Ming, Zhong; Zhao, Hui; Qiu, Longfei. “Spoofing-Jamming Attack Strategy Using Optimal Power Distributions in Wireless Smart Grid Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 8, no. 5, pages 2431-2439, IEEE, 2017. 中科院1区(工程技术)

4.Gai, Keke; Qiu, Meikang; Zhao, Hui; Tao, Lixin; Zong, Ziliang. Dynamic energy-aware cloudlet-based mobile cloud computing model for green computing, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 59, pages 46-54, 2016. 中科院1区(计算机:软件工程)

5.Gai, Keke; Qiu, Meikang; Zhao, Hui. “Energy-aware task assignment for mobile cyber-enabled applications in heterogeneous cloud computing”, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 111, pages 126-135, 2018. CCF B类

6.Zhu, Liehuang; Wu, Yulu; Gai, Keke* and Choo, K.K.R. “Controllable and trustworthy blockchain-based cloud data management”, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 91, pages 527-535, 2018. 中科院1区(计算机:理论方法)

7.Qiu, Meikang; Gai, Keke; Thuraisingham, Bhavani; Tao, Lixin; Zhao, Hui. “Proactive user-centric secure data scheme using attribute-based semantic access controls for mobile clouds in financial industry”, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 80, pages 421-429, 2018. 中科院1区(计算机:理论方法)

8.Qiu, Meikang; Ming, Zhong; Li, Jiayin; Gai, Keke; Zong, Ziliang. “Phase-Change Memory Optimization for Green Cloud with Genetic Algorithm”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 64, no. 12, pages 3528-3540, IEEE 2015.  CCF A类


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