Weakly Supervised Deep Detection Networks

Hakan Bilen, Andrea Vedaldi CVPR, 2016 (PDF) (Citations 581)




PASCAL VOC 数据上隐式学习优于其他弱监督检测系统的目标检测器。



该架构无法检测具有多个同类别物体的图片。华中科技大学的 Peng Tang 等人在 CVPR(2017) 提出 OICR 改善了 WSDDN 的性能,但是同样没有解决这个问题。东京大学的 Kosugi 等人在 ICCV(2019) 提出了 CAPSRN 两种标签,利用空间限制解决了在一张图片上无法检测具有多个同类别物体的问题。

1. Introduction

由于预训练的 CNN 可以很好地泛化到大量任务,它们应该包含有意义的数据表示,WSDDN正是基于这个假设提出的。其网络架构如下图所示:

图1. WSDDN 网络架构

首先在ImageNet数据集上预训练CNN,输入图片经过预训练的CNN获得Feature MapRegion Proposal获得建议区域,所获得的Feature MapRegion Proposal经过SPP池化获得区域特征向量。然后对获得的区域特征向量进行分流(分类流和检测流),最后在通过聚合操作获取区域得分,对所有区域的识别和检测分数进行分类,来预测整个图像的类别,然后在学习过程中注入图像级监督。此处参见了2017CVPR提出的OICR网络架构和2019ICCV提出的CAPSRN标注。

图2. OICR 网络架构

图3. Kosugi 等人提出的 CAP 和 SRN 标注

作者将此方法与多实例学习(MIL)进行比较。 MIL 在选择图像中的哪些区域看起来像感兴趣的对象和使用所选区域估计对象的外观模型之间交替进行。因此,MIL 使用外观模型本身来执行区域选择。我们的技术在根本上与 MIL 不同,因为区域是由网络中的专用并行检测分支选择的,该分支独立于识别分支。通过这种方式,我们的方法有助于避免 MIL 的缺陷之一,即该方法陷入局部最优的趋势。(对于该处,个人对周志华[5]的综述中inexact supervision的理解,作者想表达的是WSDDN与交替学习方法的对比,而非MIL的对比。图2将可以使用WSDDN的多实例检测网络MIDN视为MIL,根据OICR论文的观点,该方法应认识属于MIL范畴。)

2. Related Work

大多数现有的 WSD 方法将此任务表述为 MIL。在这个MIL中,图像被解释为多个区域组成的bag。如果图像被标记为正,则假设其中一个区域紧密包含感兴趣的对象。如果图像被标记为负,则没有区域包含该对象。学习在估计对象外观模型和使用外观模型选择正包中的哪些区域对应于对象之间交替进行。MIL 策略导致非凸优化问题;在实践中,求解器往往会陷入局部最优解,因此解的质量很大程度上取决于初始化。Several papers have focused on developing various initialization strategies and on regularizing the optimization problem. WSD的另一个研究方向是基于识别图像部件之间的相似性的想法。

3. Method

图4. The figure illustrates the architecture of WSDDN.


  • Pre-trained CNN
  • construct the WSDDN as an architectural modification of this CNN
  • train/fine-tune the WSDDN on a target dataset, once more using only image-level annotations

3.1. Pre-trained network

3.2. Weakly supervised deep detection network


ϕ(x;R)=ϕSPP(⋅;R)∘ϕrelu5(x)\phi(\mathbf{x} ; R)=\phi_{\mathrm{SPP}}(\cdot ; R) \circ \phi_{\mathrm{relu} 5}(\mathbf{x}) ϕ(x;R)=ϕSPP​(⋅;R)∘ϕrelu5​(x)

注意到,ϕrelu5\phi_{\mathrm{relu} 5}ϕrelu5​只需要对整个图像计算一次,ϕ(x;R)\phi(\mathbf{x} ; R)ϕ(x;R)对于任何给定区域RRR计算都很快。


而后,ϕ(x;R)\phi(x;R)ϕ(x;R)经过ϕfc6\phi_{\mathrm{fc} 6}ϕfc6​和ϕfc7\phi_{\mathrm{fc} 7}ϕfc7​得到区域Proposal feature vector,进而分为分类流和检测流。

  • Proposal feature vector 经过FC层分别得到 xc,xd∈RC×∣R∣\mathbf{x}^{c},\mathbf{x}^{d} \in \mathbb{R}^{C \times|R|}xc,xd∈RC×∣R∣
  • 分类流,xc\mathbf{x}^{c}xc经过Sofrmax层得到[σclass(xc)]ij=exijc∑k=1Cexkjc\left[\sigma_{class}\left(\mathbf{x}^{c}\right)\right]_{i j}=\frac{e^{x_{i j}^{c}}}{\sum_{k=1}^{C} e^{x_{k j}^{c}}}[σclass​(xc)]ij​=∑k=1C​exkjc​exijc​​, 表示建议区域jjj属于类别iii的概率。
  • 检测流,xd\mathbf{x}^{d}xd经过Sofrmax层得到[σdet(xd)]ij=exijc∑k=1∣R∣exikc\left[\sigma_{det}\left(\mathbf{x}^{d}\right)\right]_{i j}=\frac{e^{x_{i j}^{c}}}{\sum_{k=1}^{|R|} e^{x_{ik}^{c}}}[σdet​(xd)]ij​=∑k=1∣R∣​exikc​exijc​​, 表示图片被分类为iii类时建议区域jjj作的贡献。
  • Combined region scores and detection,初始建议得分矩阵xR=σ(xc)⊙σ(xd)\mathbf{x}^{R}=\sigma\left(\mathbf{x}^{c}\right) \odot \sigma\left(\mathbf{x}^{d}\right)xR=σ(xc)⊙σ(xd),其中每个元素 xijRx^R_{ij}xijR​ 表示建议区域 rjr_jrj​ 对类别iii的得分,然后进行区域得分排序,执行非极大值抑制(NMS),只留下可能性最大的区域。
  • Image-level classification scores,对所有区域建议求和得到图像分类得分yc=∑r=1∣R∣xcrRy_{c}=\sum_{r=1}^{|R|} x_{c r}^{R}yc​=∑r=1∣R∣​xcrR​,表示图像对类别ccc的得分。

3.3. Training WSDDN

E(w)=λ2∥w∥2+∑i=1n∑k=1Clog⁡(yki(ϕky(xi∣w)−12)+12)E(\mathbf{w})=\frac{\lambda}{2}\|\mathbf{w}\|^{2}+\sum_{i=1}^{n} \sum_{k=1}^{C} \log \left(y_{k i}\left(\phi_{k}^{\mathbf{y}}\left(\mathbf{x}_{i} \mid \mathbf{w}\right)-\frac{1}{2}\right)+\frac{1}{2}\right) E(w)=2λ​∥w∥2+i=1∑n​k=1∑C​log(yki​(ϕky​(xi​∣w)−21​)+21​)

The data is a collection of images xi,i=1,…,nx_i, i = 1, \dots , nxi​,i=1,…,n with image level labels yi∈−1,1Cy_i∈ {−1, 1}^Cyi​∈−1,1C. As ϕky(xi∣w)\phi_{k}^{\mathbf{y}}\left(\mathbf{x}_{i} \mid \mathbf{w}\right)ϕky​(xi​∣w) is in range of (0,1)(0, 1)(0,1), it can be considered as a probability of class kkk being present in image xix_ixi​, i.e. p(yki=1)p(y_{ki} = 1)p(yki​=1). When the ground-truth label is positive, the binary log loss becomes log(p(yki=1))log(p(y_{ki} = 1))log(p(yki​=1)), log(1−p(yki=1))log(1− p(y_{ki} = 1))log(1−p(yki​=1)) otherwise.

3.4. Spatial Regulariser

As WSDDN is optimised for image-level class labels, it does not guarantee any spatial smoothness such that if a region obtains a high score for an object class, the neighbouring regions with high overlap will also have high scores. In the supervised detection case, Fast R-CNN takes the region proposals that have IoU with a ground truth box of at least 50% as positive samples and learns to regress them into their corresponding ground truth bounding box. As our method does not have access to ground truth boxes, we follow a soft regularisation strategy that penalises the feature map discrepancies between the highest scoring region and the regions with at least 60% IoU during training: (此处空间正则化项参照博文进行了修改)

1nC∑k=1C12ϕky(xi∣w)∑i=1nk+(ϕkpfc7−ϕkifc7)T(ϕkpfc7−ϕkifc7)\frac{1}{n C} \sum_{k=1}^{C} \frac{1}{2} \phi_{k}^{\mathbf{y}}\left(\mathbf{x}_{i} \mid \mathbf{w}\right)\sum_{i=1}^{n_{k}^{+}} \left(\phi_{k p}^{\mathrm{fc} 7}-\phi_{k i}^{\mathrm{fc} 7}\right)^{\mathrm{T}}\left(\phi_{k p}^{\mathrm{fc} 7}-\phi_{k i}^{\mathrm{fc} 7}\right) nC1​k=1∑C​21​ϕky​(xi​∣w)i=1∑nk+​​(ϕkpfc7​−ϕkifc7​)T(ϕkpfc7​−ϕkifc7​)

where nk+n^+_knk+​ is the number of positive images for the class kkk and kp=arg maxjϕkjykp = \text{arg max}_j\phi^y_{kj}kp=arg maxj​ϕkjy​ is the highest scoring region in image iii for the class kkk. We add this regularisation term to the cost function in eq.(3)eq. (3)eq.(3).

E(w)=λ2∥w∥2+∑i=1n∑k=1Clog⁡(yki(ϕky(xi∣w)−12)+12)+1nC∑k=1C12ϕky(xi∣w)∑i=1nk+(ϕkpfc7−ϕkifc7)T(ϕkpfc7−ϕkifc7)E(\mathbf{w})=\frac{\lambda}{2}\|\mathbf{w}\|^{2}+\sum_{i=1}^{n} \sum_{k=1}^{C} \log \left(y_{k i}\left(\phi_{k}^{\mathbf{y}}\left(\mathbf{x}_{i} \mid \mathbf{w}\right)-\frac{1}{2}\right)+\frac{1}{2}\right)+\frac{1}{n C} \sum_{k=1}^{C} \frac{1}{2} \phi_{k}^{\mathbf{y}}\left(\mathbf{x}_{i} \mid \mathbf{w}\right)\sum_{i=1}^{n_{k}^{+}} \left(\phi_{k p}^{\mathrm{fc} 7}-\phi_{k i}^{\mathrm{fc} 7}\right)^{\mathrm{T}}\left(\phi_{k p}^{\mathrm{fc} 7}-\phi_{k i}^{\mathrm{fc} 7}\right) E(w)=2λ​∥w∥2+i=1∑n​k=1∑C​log(yki​(ϕky​(xi​∣w)−21​)+21​)+nC1​k=1∑C​21​ϕky​(xi​∣w)i=1∑nk+​​(ϕkpfc7​−ϕkifc7​)T(ϕkpfc7​−ϕkifc7​)


[1] B. Zhou, A. Khosla, A. Lapedriza, A. Oliva, and A. Torralba. Object detectors emerge in deep scene CNNs. In ICLR, 2015.

[2] T. G. Dietterich, R. H. Lathrop, and T. Lozano-Pérez. Solving the multiple instance problem with axis-parallel rectangles. Artificial intelligence, 89(1):31–71, 1997.

[3] Tang P , Wang X , Bai X , et al. Multiple Instance Detection Network with Online Instance Classifier Refinement[J]. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition, 2017.

[4] Kosugi S , Yamasaki T , Aizawa K . Object-Aware Instance Labeling for Weakly Supervised Object Detection[J]. 2019.

[5] Zhou Z H. A brief introduction to weakly supervised learning[J]. National science review, 2018, 5(1): 44-53.

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