今天,运行代码出现了一个这样的TypeError: destroyWindow() missing required argument 'winname' (pos 1)错误,从字面的意思看,是destroyWindow()函数缺少必要的’winname’参数。其实就是最后,下面代码最后一行中括号,缺少毁掉窗口的名称。

import cv2 as cv
from PIL import Image
import numpy as npimage = Image.open('liuyifei.jpg')img_crop = image.crop((460, 460, 920, 920))img = np.array(img_crop)
cv.imshow('img_crop', img)cv.waitKey(10000)


D:\anaconda\python.exe "D:/my test project/blur_7.23/test_8.19/imageCopy.py"
Traceback (most recent call last):File "D:/my test project/blur_7.23/test_8.19/imageCopy.py", line 20, in <module>cv.destroyWindow()
TypeError: destroyWindow() missing required argument 'winname' (pos 1)




D:\anaconda\python.exe "D:/my test project/blur_7.23/test_8.19/imageCopy.py"Process finished with exit code 0

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