
1. 学生背景:复旦大学;面试时间:2010年1月28日


A:Sorry to interrupt your work at MSRA today,are you working towards sigcomm?

B:Yes, I am running simulation now. Just let machine run.

A:Ok, cool, I had a few quick questions. I came across your application and found it a strong match with some of my ongoing work. I just wanted to get in touch and see if you're still interested in UIUC

B:Yes, I am interested in working in UIUC.

A:nice, I want to send you some more information about myself.XXXXXXXX.

B:I got it from your homepage.

A:good. I can tell you a little bit more about my work too if it's helpful. but I wanted to get some sense of whether you're interested in some of the work going on in my group.

B:well, I have no time to look into it in detail now, but I do find something interesting. for example, XXXXXX, actually I hope to do something about it as my final project for my bachelor's degree.

A:were there any other areas in particular that you wanted to focus on?

B:Well, you know I am only an undergraduate now, so I only have some ideas in a few areas.

A:Sure, that's reasonable.


A:great! that sound neet. Do you have any sense of what you'd like to do after your PhD?

B:I hope to get a faculty job, or go to a company like MSR

A:good choices. Maybe we can chat in more detail after the sigcomm deadline. Did you have any questions for me?

B:will you attend inforcom this year?

A:good question, probably not, but I bet one of my students is going. Are you going to be there?

B:Yes, I hope to visit some campus after INFOCOM

A:neat, that's good timing.

B:So can I contact you at that time if I could get the admission from UIUC.

A:Exactly. I'll also check in on your application. I haven't been following it (due to sigcomm deadline), but I'll check in on its status. I'll also signal my interest in it. (求达人鉴定这是口头offer么?)

B:Thank you very much. I know it is very busy before the deadline. I have to work at the company until midnight.

A:Yeah, I remember those days. We're doing sth similar here, some of us are in the lab working. it's tricky to figure out how much sleep to miss out on. If you don't get much sleep, you can get a lot done. But if you don't get much sleep often you writing isn't as high of quality, at least in my case(大概是这样,被绕晕了). Anyway, maybe we can sync up in a few days. I think we can talk more after the deadline.

B:That would be great.

A:Ok, talk to you later then, bye.


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