



legitimately/properly adv.正当地
likewise/similarly adv.同样地
reveal/show v.揭示
substantiate/confirm v.证实
suppress/stop by force v.镇压
trend/tendency n.趋势
empirical/based on observation a.凭借经验的
illuminate/light v.照明
progressive/increasing a.逐步的
impediment/obstruction n.阻碍
inflate/enlarge v.膨胀
norm/rule n.规范
signal/communicate v.(发信号)通知
analogous to/similar to 与...类似的
consensus/agreement n.共识
ethic/a set of normal principles n.道德规范
interplay/interaction n.相互作用
intrinsically/fundamentally adv.本质上
meager/thin/very low adj.贫乏的
postulate/hypothesize v.假设
deceive/mislead 欺骗
drastic/extreme 极端的
extended/long 延长的
afford/offer/provide 供给
interlock/link 连结
flow/movement 流动
adept/skillful 熟练的
credible//believable 可信的
paradoxically/surprisingly 自相矛盾地
prestige/status 威望
potent/powerful 有效的
quantifiable/measurable 可量化的
size up/evaluate 估计
assist in/help with 有助于
depict/picture/portray 描述
 fracture/crack 断裂
immobile/motionless 不动的
neglect/fail to do 忽略
overshadow/distract from 使失色
paradox/contradiction 自相矛盾的话
repudiate/reject v.拒绝
course through/run through 流过
verify/establish the truth of v.证实
deviate/endow v.赋予
regard/consider v.把...视为...
core/center n.核心
context/environment n.环境
impose on/place on 把...强加于
prediction/expectation n.预测
endow/provide v.赋予



The servant was bound to its master by much more than just a contract that he could have repudiated at any time.

repudiate=reject 拒接


When reward methods failed, ancient societies successfully kept control over members by threatening to reject or ostracize those who deviated from social norms.

deviate=depart 脱离


Because of numerous impediments to implementation, the new laws will not go into effect until after the President-elect assumes office early next year.

impediment=obstruction 阻碍


Raccoons aren't stupid nocturnal nuisances; they are quite adept at navigating their way through the landscape, rural and urban, to find new sources of food.

adept=skillful 熟练的

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