Dynamic resolution 动态分辨率


Dynamic resolution is a Camera setting that allows you to dynamically scale individual render targets, to reduce workload on the GPU. In cases where the application’s frame rate reduces, you can gradually scale down the resolution to maintain a consistent frame rate instead. Unity triggers this scaling if performance data suggests that the frame rate is about to decrease as a result of the application being GPU-bound. You can also trigger the scaling manually by preempting a particularly GPU-intensive section of the application and controlling the scaling via a script. If scaled gradually, dynamic resolution can be almost unnoticeable.

Supported platforms 支持平台

Unity supports dynamic resolution on Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, iOS/tvOS (Metal only) and Android (Vulkan only).

Impact on render targets 对渲染目标的影响

With dynamic resolution, Unity does not re-allocate render targets. Conceptually, Unity scales the render target; however, in reality, Unity uses aliasing, and the scaled-down render target only uses a small portion of the original render target. Unity allocates the render targets at their full resolution, and then the dynamic resolution system scales them down and back up again, using a portion of the original target instead of re-allocating a new target.

Scaling render targets 缩放渲染目标

With dynamic resolution, render targets have the DynamicallyScalable flag. You can set this to state whether Unity should scale this render texture as part of the dynamic resolution process or not. Cameras also have the allowDynamicResolution flag, which you can use to set up dynamic resolution so that there is no need to override the render target if you just want to apply dynamic resolution to a less complex Scene.

MRT buffers

When you enable Allow Dynamic Resolution on the Camera, Unity scales all of that Camera’s targets.

Controlling the scaling 控制缩放
You can control the scale through the ScalableBufferManager. The ScalableBufferManager gives you control of the dynamic width and height scale for all render targets you have marked for the dynamic resolution system to scale.

As an example, assume your application is running at a desirable frame rate, but under some circumstances the GPU performance decreases, due to a combination of increased particles, post-effects and screen complexity. The Unity FrameTimingManager allows you to detect when the CPU or GPU performance start to decrease. So you can use the FrameTimingManager to calculate a new desired width and height scale to keep the frame rate within your desired range, and bring the scale down to that value to keep performance stable (either instantly or gradually over a set amount of frames). When the screen complexity reduces and the GPU is performing consistently, you may then raise the width and height scale back to a value that you’ve calculated the GPU can handle.
例如,假设您的应用程序以理想的帧速率运行,但是在某些情况下,GPU性能会下降,这是由于粒子增加、后期效果和屏幕复杂性的共同作用。Unity FrameTimingManager允许您检测CPU或GPU性能何时开始下降。因此,您可以使用FrameTimingManager来计算一个新的期望宽度和高度比例,以将帧速率保持在您希望的范围内,并将比例降至该值,以保持性能稳定(在设置的帧数量上可以立即进行,也可以逐步进行)。当屏幕复杂度降低且与GPU执行一致时,您可以将宽度和高度缩放到计算过的GPU可以处理的值上。

This example script demonstrates basic use of the API. Add it to a Camera in your Scene, and check Allow Dynamic Resolution in the Camera settings. You also need to open the Player settings (menu: Edit > Project Settings, then select the Player category) and check the Enable Frame Timing Stats checkbox.
这个示例脚本演示了API的基本用法。将其添加到场景中的相机中,并检查相机设置是否允许动态分辨率。您还需要打开Player设置(菜单:Edit > Project Settings,,然后选择Player类别)并选中Enable Frame Timing Stats复选框。

Clicking the mouse, or tapping the screen with one finger, lowers the height and width resolution by the amount in the scaleWidthIncrement and scaleHeightIncrement variables respectively. Tapping with two fingers raises the resolutions by the same increment.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;public class DynamicResolutionTest : MonoBehaviour
{public Text screenText;FrameTiming[] frameTimings = new FrameTiming[3];public float maxResolutionWidthScale = 1.0f;public float maxResolutionHeightScale = 1.0f;public float minResolutionWidthScale = 0.5f;public float minResolutionHeightScale = 0.5f;public float scaleWidthIncrement = 0.1f;public float scaleHeightIncrement = 0.1f;float m_widthScale = 1.0f;float m_heightScale = 1.0f;// Variables for dynamic resolution algorithm that persist across framesuint m_frameCount = 0;const uint kNumFrameTimings = 2;double m_gpuFrameTime;double m_cpuFrameTime;// Use this for initializationvoid Start(){int rezWidth = (int)Mathf.Ceil(ScalableBufferManager.widthScaleFactor * Screen.currentResolution.width);int rezHeight = (int)Mathf.Ceil(ScalableBufferManager.heightScaleFactor * Screen.currentResolution.height);screenText.text = string.Format("Scale: {0:F3}x{1:F3}\nResolution: {2}x{3}\n",m_widthScale,m_heightScale,rezWidth,rezHeight);}// Update is called once per framevoid Update(){float oldWidthScale = m_widthScale;float oldHeightScale = m_heightScale;// One finger lowers the resolutionif (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")){m_heightScale = Mathf.Max(minResolutionHeightScale, m_heightScale - scaleHeightIncrement);m_widthScale = Mathf.Max(minResolutionWidthScale, m_widthScale - scaleWidthIncrement);}// Two fingers raises the resolutionif (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2")){m_heightScale = Mathf.Min(maxResolutionHeightScale, m_heightScale + scaleHeightIncrement);m_widthScale = Mathf.Min(maxResolutionWidthScale, m_widthScale + scaleWidthIncrement);}if (m_widthScale != oldWidthScale || m_heightScale != oldHeightScale){ScalableBufferManager.ResizeBuffers(m_widthScale, m_heightScale);}DetermineResolution();int rezWidth = (int)Mathf.Ceil(ScalableBufferManager.widthScaleFactor * Screen.currentResolution.width);int rezHeight = (int)Mathf.Ceil(ScalableBufferManager.heightScaleFactor * Screen.currentResolution.height);screenText.text = string.Format("Scale: {0:F3}x{1:F3}\nResolution: {2}x{3}\nScaleFactor: {4:F3}x{5:F3}\nGPU: {6:F3} CPU: {7:F3}",m_widthScale,m_heightScale,rezWidth,rezHeight,ScalableBufferManager.widthScaleFactor,ScalableBufferManager.heightScaleFactor,m_gpuFrameTime,m_cpuFrameTime);}// Estimate the next frame time and update the resolution scale if necessary.private void DetermineResolution(){++m_frameCount;if (m_frameCount <= kNumFrameTimings){return;}FrameTimingManager.CaptureFrameTimings();FrameTimingManager.GetLatestTimings(kNumFrameTimings, frameTimings);if (frameTimings.Length < kNumFrameTimings){Debug.LogFormat("Skipping frame {0}, didn't get enough frame timings.",m_frameCount);return;}m_gpuFrameTime = (double)frameTimings[0].gpuFrameTime;m_cpuFrameTime = (double)frameTimings[0].cpuFrameTime;}

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