


  • Redis版本: Redis 6.0.6

  • Jedis版本: 4.2.2

  • 工具类hutool版本: 5.8.0.M3

  • pom文件:




public class RedisCalculateUtils {static String oneFileString = "/Users/tmp/test-1.txt";static String twoFileString = "/Users/tmp/test-2.txt";static String diffFileString = "/Users/tmp/diff-test.txt";static String interFileString = "/Users/tmp/inter-test.txt";static String unionFileString = "/Users/tmp/union-test.txt";static String oneFileCacheKey = "oneFile";static String twoFileCacheKey = "twoFile";static String diffFileCacheKey = "diffFile";static String interFileCacheKey = "interFile";static String unionFileCacheKey = "unionFile";}


* 初始化数据并写入文件中
public static void writeFile() {File oneFile = new File(oneFileString);List<String> fs = new ArrayList<>(10000);for (int i = 10000; i < 15000; i++) {String s = SecureUtil.md5(String.valueOf(i));fs.add(s);}FileUtil.writeUtf8Lines(fs, oneFile);File twoFile = new File(twoFileString);fs.clear();for (int i = 12000; i < 20000; i++) {String s = SecureUtil.md5(String.valueOf(i));fs.add(s);}FileUtil.writeUtf8Lines(fs, twoFile);}


* 读取文件数据并写入Redis
public static void writeCache() {try(Jedis jedis = new Jedis("", 6379)) {Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();List<String> oneFileStringList = FileUtil.readLines(oneFileString, "UTF-8");for (String s : oneFileStringList) {p.sadd(oneFileCacheKey, s);}p.sync();List<String> twoFileStringList = FileUtil.readLines(twoFileString, "UTF-8");for (String s : twoFileStringList) {p.sadd(twoFileCacheKey, s);}p.sync();} catch (Exception e) {throw new RuntimeException(e);}


/*** oneKey对应的Set 与 twoKey对应的Set 的差集 并写入 threeKey* @param oneKey 差集前面的集合Key* @param twoKey 差集后面的集合Key* @param threeKey 差集结果的集合Key*/public static void diff(String oneKey, String twoKey, String threeKey) {try(Jedis jedis = new Jedis("", 6379)) {long result = jedis.sdiffstore(threeKey, oneKey, twoKey);System.out.println("oneKey 与 twoKey 的差集的个数:" + result);} catch (Exception e) {throw new RuntimeException(e);}}


/*** 将计算的差集数据写入到指定文件*/public static void writeDiffToFile() {File diffFile = new File(diffFileString);try(Jedis jedis = new Jedis("", 6379)) {Set<String> result = jedis.smembers(diffFileCacheKey);FileUtil.writeUtf8Lines(result, diffFile);} catch (Exception e) {throw new RuntimeException(e);}}


/**** @param cacheKeyArray 交集集合Key* @param destinationKey 交集集合结果Key*/public static void inter(String[] cacheKeyArray, String destinationKey) {try(Jedis jedis = new Jedis("", 6379)) {long result = jedis.sinterstore(destinationKey, cacheKeyArray);System.out.println("cacheKeyArray 的交集的个数:" + result);} catch (Exception e) {throw new RuntimeException(e);}}


/*** 将计算的交集数据写入到指定文件*/public static void writeInterToFile() {File interFile = new File(interFileString);try(Jedis jedis = new Jedis("", 6379)) {Set<String> result = jedis.smembers(interFileCacheKey);FileUtil.writeUtf8Lines(result, interFile);} catch (Exception e) {throw new RuntimeException(e);}}


/*** 计算多个Key的并集并写入到新的Key* @param cacheKeyArray 求并集的Key* @param destinationKey 并集结果写入的KEY*/public static void union(String[] cacheKeyArray, String destinationKey) {try(Jedis jedis = new Jedis("", 6379)) {long result = jedis.sunionstore(destinationKey, cacheKeyArray);System.out.println("cacheKeyArray 的并集的个数:" + result);} catch (Exception e) {throw new RuntimeException(e);}}


/*** 将计算的并集数据写入到指定文件*/public static void writeUnionToFile() {File unionFile = new File(unionFileString);try(Jedis jedis = new Jedis("", 6379)) {Set<String> result = jedis.smembers(unionFileCacheKey);FileUtil.writeUtf8Lines(result, unionFile);} catch (Exception e) {throw new RuntimeException(e);}}


SDIFFSTORE destination key [key …]


key1 = {a,b,c,d}
key2 = {c}
key3 = {a,c,e}
SDIFF key1 key2 key3 = {b,d}

SDIFFSTORE 命令的作用和SDIFF类似,不同的是它将结果保存到 destination 集合,而把结果集返回给客户端。

如果 destination 集合已经存在,则将其覆盖。

  • 返回值

SINTERSTORE destination key [key …]


key1 = {a,b,c,d}
key2 = {c}
key3 = {a,c,e}
SINTER key1 key2 key3 = {c}

SINTERSTORE 命令与 SINTER 命令类似,不同的是它并不是直接返回结果集,而是将结果保存在 destination 集合中。

如果 destination 集合存在, 则会被覆盖。

  • 返回值

SUNIONSTORE destination key [key …]


key1 = {a,b,c,d}
key2 = {c}
key3 = {a,c,e}
SUNION key1 key2 key3 = {a,b,c,d,e}

SUNIONSTORE 命令的功能类似于 SUNION,不同的是不反回结果集,而是存储在 destination 中。

如果 destination 已经存在,则被覆盖。

  • 返回值

参考资料: https://www.redis.com.cn/set.html


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