Looking for a quick and easy way to convert your photos into a flash slideshow for your website? Now you can with Photo Flash Maker Free.

是否在寻找一种快速简便的方法将您的照片转换为适合您网站的Flash幻灯片? 现在,您可以使用Photo Flash Maker Free。



Installation for Photo Flash Maker Free is extremely quick with only three install windows (and no EULA) to sort through.

仅需三个安装窗口(无需EULA)即可完成Photo Flash Maker Free的安装。

When you start the program you will see the “Main & Slideshow Wizard Windows”. Notice that you can easily disable the “Slideshow Wizard” (lower left corner) so that it does not appear each time you start the program.

当您启动程序时,您将看到“ Main&Slideshow Wizard Windows”。 请注意,您可以轻松地禁用“幻灯片向导”(左下角),以便在您每次启动程序时都不会出现。

This is what the “Main Window” looks like once you close the “Slideshow Wizard”.


Photo Flash Maker Free in Action

Photo Flash Maker免费使用

There are two ways to start creating your new flash slideshows…using the visible three step toolbar or by using the wizard. Using the three step toolbar will allow you to choose the “between photo” effects to suit your personal style. For our example we chose to use the wizard.

有两种方法可以开始创建新的Flash幻灯片演示:使用可见的三步工具栏或使用向导。 使用三步工具栏将允许您选择“照片之间”效果以适合您的个人风格。 对于我们的示例,我们选择使用向导。

To get things started go to the “File Menu” and select “New Project From Wizard”…


You will be presented with the “Add Images to Slideshow Window” and can browse for the photos that you would like to use.


Once you have selected the photos that you would like to use click “Next”.


Choose the “Frame Style” that you like best and click “Next”. For our example we chose “Photo Only”…

选择您最喜欢的“框架样式”,然后单击“下一步”。 对于我们的示例,我们选择“仅照片”…

The final part is to choose the names that you would like to use for the “swf & html files”. Once that is finished click the “Publish Now! Button”.

最后一部分是选择要用于“ swf和html文件”的名称。 完成后,点击“立即发布! 按钮”。

At this point you can choose to immediately view your files or wait until you have closed the wizard and then view them.


Here is the swf file opened directly in Firefox…


Followed by the html file with the flash file embedded. Notice the “advertisement-type listing” at the bottom…this is extremely easy to remove by editing the html file in Notepad (or your favorite text editor). See screenshot below for the exact text to remove.

随后是嵌入Flash文件的html文件。 请注意底部的“广告类型列表”…通过在记事本(或您喜欢的文本编辑器)中编辑html文件,可以非常轻松地删除它。 有关删除的确切文本,请参见下面的屏幕截图。

The only drawback to using Photo Flash Maker Free is the momentary banner at the end of the slideshow…but it is a very small price to pay for such a nice file.

使用Photo Flash Maker Free的唯一弊端是幻灯片末尾的瞬时横幅广告…但是要花这么好一个文件,这是很小的代价。

For those who would like to remove the textual “advertisement-type listing” at the bottom of the webpage here is the exact code that you will need to select and delete. Afterwards the webpage is clean and ready to go…

对于那些想要删除网页底部的文本“广告类型列表”的人,这里是您需要选择和删除的确切代码。 之后,网页就干净了,可以开始使用了……



The menus for Photo Flash Maker Free are simple and straightforward. Here you can see the “File, View, & Photo Menus”…

Photo Flash Maker Free的菜单非常简单明了。 在这里您可以看到“文件,视图和照片菜单”…

And the “Music, Create, Preference, & Help Menus”.




There are three parts to pay special attention to in the “General Options Area”:


  • You can delete the “Default URL” and leave it blank without any effect on your flash files
  • It is recommended to deselect “Show Title on each photo” to keep your flash files looking clean (unless you want to label your photos)
  • Make certain to set the JPEG quality to 100 to get the best looking result for your photos

Select the settings that best suit your needs for background music (if you are adding any to your files).


Make any background color and scale adjustments that you desire.




If you have been looking for a way to add some photo fun to your website, then Photo Flash Maker is definitely worth taking a look at.

如果您一直在寻找一种向网站添加一些照片乐趣的方法,那么Photo Flash Maker绝对值得一看。



Download Photo Flash Maker Free (version 5.58) via Download.com, be careful not to accept bundled software offers.

通过Download.com下载Photo Flash Maker Free(5.58版) ,请注意不要接受捆绑的软件。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/5930/convert-photos-to-flash-for-your-website/


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