My dissertation, Unspeakable Joy: Rejoicing in Early Modern England, claims
that the act of rejoicing—expressing religious joy—was a crucial rhetorical element of
literary works in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century in England. The
expression of religious joy in literature functioned as a sign of belief and sanctification in
English Protestant theology, and became the emotive articulation of a hopeful union
between earthly passion and an anticipated heavenly feeling. By taking into account the
historical-theological definitions of joy in the reformed tradition, I offer new readings of
late sixteenth-century and early seventeenth-century texts, including the Sidney Psalms,
Donne’s sermons, Spenser’s Epithalamion, Richard Rogers’s spiritual diaries, and
Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale. I suggest that much of early modern poetics stems from
a desire, on behalf of writers, to articulate the ineffable joy so often described by sermons
and tracts. By establishing Renaissance emotional expression as a source of religious
epistemology and negotiating the cognitive and constructive understandings of emotion, I
show that religious rejoicing in Elizabethan Protestantism consists of a series of emotive
speech acts designed to imitate the hoped-for joys of heaven. Finally, these readings
emphasize the ways in which rejoicing not only functions as a reaffirmation of belief in
and commitment to the state church but also becomes the primary agent for spiritual
affect by bestowing grace on an individual believer.
Abstract Approved: ___________________________________
Thesis Supervisor
Title and Department
James Schroder Lambert
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Doctor of
Philosophy degree in English
in the Graduate College of
The University of Iowa
July 2012
Thesis Supervisor: Associate Professor Alvin Snider
Graduate College
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa
This is to certify that the Ph.D. thesis of
James Schroder Lambert
has been approved by the Examining Committee
for the thesis requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy
degree in English at the July 2012 graduation.
Thesis Committee: __________________________________
Alvin Snider, Thesis Supervisor
Miriam Gilbert
Claire Sponsler
Raymond Mentzer
Blaine Greteman
For Maria, Henry, and Calvin, joys unspeakable
“There is not one little blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to
make men rejoice.”
John Calvin (translation William J. Bouwsma), Sermon no. 10 on 1 Corinthians
“Thogh ye se him not, yet do you believe, and rejoyce with joye unspeakeable and
glorious, Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your soules.”
1 Peter 1:8, Geneva Bible
This dissertation is the result of passions regulated and redirected by others
towards productive scholarship and honest argument. To those who have helped me
conform enthusiasms to real work, I owe a great debt. The late Huston Diehl, who
listened to so many of my ideas with a look of determined patience until finally nodding
at the word “joy,” proved to be my most generous advocate, mentor, friend, and
dissertation advisor. I attribute most of the work I am proud of to our initial
conversations. Alvin Snider and Miriam Gilbert, both eagerly stepping in to support me
after the loss of Huston, have since overseen this project with a generosity of time and
spirit, and to them I am greatly indebted.
For crucial guidance, advice, and correction, I thank the faculty in the English
Department at the University of Iowa, notably Blaine Greteman, Adam Hooks, Claire
Sponsler, Garrett Stewart, Lori Branch, and Eric Gidal. I should also thank my peers and
faculty mentors outside the University of Iowa, especially Kimberly Johnson, Brian
Jackson, Adam Bradford, and Bryan Mangano for their comments and critiques, prodding
me towards work that is more precise, clear, and better. I have taken some of these
chapters on the road at the Shakespeare Association of America in Washington, DC, and
the South-Central Renaissance Conference in Saint Louis, and I need to thank Maurice
Hunt, Paul Cefalu, James Kearney, Raymond-Jean Frontain, and my anonymous readers
at SEL and Huntington Library Quarterly for their helpful comments and rigorous
I completed the dissertation with the help of a Graduate College Summer
Fellowship in 2009, the Marcus Bach Fellowship in 2010 and the Ballard/Seashore
Dissertation Fellowship in 2011-2012, and I would be remiss not to mention the College
of Liberal Arts and the Graduate College’s encouragement and support through those
fellowships. All those who facilitated a more efficient working environment and schedule
bear my gratitude, including Cherie Hansen-Rieskamp, Linda Stahle, and Gayle Sand.
Those that staff the Special Collections at the University of Iowa Main Library, the
Newberry Library in Chicago, and the Huntington Library in Pasadena, CA, have had to
deal with a confused graduate student overwhelmed by knowledge in its primary form,
and I am grateful for their patience and help.
My interest in the experience of religious joy in Puritan history stems from a
seminar I took from Marilynne Robinson, whose teaching and prose have had the greatest
influence on my thought, and I need to acknowledge her invisible hand, even when my
own hand bears little trace of her elegance and grace. My own parents, whose emphasis
on the Book of Mormon scripture that “Adam fell that men might be, and men are that
they might have joy,” provided me with an intense curiosity in the way emotions
configure religious experience, and they never ceased to encourage wherever that interest
has taken me. My wife, Kathryn, has been the sounding board for all my good ideas and
the shredder for most of my bad ones, but more importantly, she has been the central
source of encouragement as well as the locus of reward as I wrote this dissertation. I
mention my children Maria, Henry, and Calvin because trying to describe them is the
only way I began to really identify with the central notion of my work, unspeakable joy.
My dissertation, Unspeakable Joy: Rejoicing in Early Modern England, claims
that the act of rejoicing—expressing religious joy—was a crucial rhetorical element of
literary works in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century in England. The
expression of religious joy in literature functioned as a sign of belief and sanctification in
English Protestant theology, and became the emotive articulation of a hopeful union
between earthly passion and an anticipated heavenly feeling. By taking into account the
historical-theological definitions of joy in the reformed tradition, I offer new readings of
late sixteenth-century and early seventeenth-century texts, including the Sidney Psalms,
Donne’s sermons, Spenser’s Epithalamion, Richard Rogers’s spiritual diaries, and
Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale. I suggest that much of early modern poetics stems from
a desire, on behalf of writers, to articulate the ineffable joy so often described by sermons
and tracts. By establishing Renaissance emotional expression as a source of religious
epistemology and negotiating the cognitive and constructive understandings of emotion, I
show that religious rejoicing in Elizabethan Protestantism consists of a series of emotive
speech acts designed to imitate the hoped-for joys of heaven. Finally, these readings
emphasize the ways in which rejoicing not only functions as a reaffirmation of belief in
and commitment to the state church but also becomes the primary agent for spiritual
affect by bestowing grace on an individual believer.
Inward and Outward Joy in Early Modern England ........................................ 7!
Joyfully Expressing the Inexpressible ............................................................ 13!
The Parameters of Joy: A Methodological Admission .................................. 23!
ACCIDENTAL JOYS, AND THE SIDNEY PSALTER .............................. 27
“Until this be reformed”: The Rhetoric of Metrical Psalm Translation ......... 29!
“Seek new expressions”: Religious poetry and the language of delight ........ 43!
“Show us ilanders our joy”: Donne’s Accidental and Essential
Rejoicing ........................................................................................................ 53!
“Now let the isles rejoice”: Psalm 97 ............................................................. 61!
“We thy Sidneian Psalms shall celebrate”: Psalms 95-100 ........................... 64!
SPENSER’S EPITHALAMION ..................................................................... 77
Psalmic Hymns of Poetic and Public Joy: Epithalamion Stanzas 1–16 ........ 86!
The Private Joy of the Marriage Chamber: Stanzas 16–24 .......................... 103!
Coda: The Mystery of Joy ............................................................................ 114!
WRITING INTO JOY ................................................................................. 117!
The Puritan diary and the question of emotion: the expression of joy
through life-writing ...................................................................................... 126!
“Moveing of our affections”: Event into Emotion ....................................... 134!
“Out of order”: The Emotional Micro-narrative of Puritan Exercise .......... 149!
THE WINTER’S TALE ................................................................................. 165!
“Not for joy, not joy”: Joyless Grace and Jealous Assurance ...................... 168!
“Come, lead me to these sorrows”: Emotional Time and the Hidden
Narrative of Joy ............................................................................................ 184!
“It should take joy”: The Emotional Climax of Act V ................................ 192!
“Partake to everyone”: The Collective Joy of Emotional Payoff and
Religious Devotion ...................................................................................... 201!
CONCLUSION: THE LIMITS OF REJOICING ........................................................... 207!
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 211!



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