
A modern epidemic
The first indication that something was not quiet,right with Matteo came when he was 1 month old:oozing skin rash on his face.Over the next few months it got so bad that his skin lesions weren’t healing properly .”Instead of oohing and aahing over my baby,people were disgusted”,says his mom,Cristina.At 5 months,doctors ran some tests and found that Mateo was among the 6 to 8 percent of children under the age of 3 with an allergy to food-in this case,breast milk.His mother put him on soy milk,but after a few months the skin rashes returned,and Meatteo began vomiting.His doctors put him on a predigested chemical milk made from amino acids.Now 2 and a half,Matteo is allergic to tomatoes,many vegetables and can’t even touch milk.Doctors haven’t made any promises,but when Matteo turns 5 they plan to administrer a controlled test of his allergic response to milk and other substances.They are hoping he simply outgrows his allergies.
Implausible as it seems,Matteo’s condition is at the cutting edge of modern pediatric medicine,right up there with hay fever.If a popular magazine had run a children’s health issue a hundred years ago,the first article might have been about diphtheria or cholera-external threats that the West has largely conquered by antibiotics and sanitation.Instead we are examining allergies,a self-generated danger,the result of an immune system out of sync with its surroundings.It’s a threat that may in part be an unintended consequence of our triumph over the infectious scourges of the past.And the urgency is growing .All allergies seem to be on the rise,in fact,but “it’s not just that more kids have allergies”,says Dr.Marc,director of allergy and immunology at hospital.The severity of those allergies has also increased.
An allergy is an overreaction by the immune system to a foreign substance.According to the Food Allergy ,almost any food can trigger an allergy,although eight categories account for 90 percent of all reactions:milk,eggs, peanuts(technically,a legume),tree nuts,fin fish,shellfish,soy and wheat .For reasons not fully understood ,in some people these otherwise harmless substances provoke the same reactions by which the body attempts to rid itself of dangerous pathogens.These may include sneezing,vomiting and the all-purpose localized immune-system arousal known as inflammation .The lungs may affected;allergies are a leading trigger for asthma attacks.In extreme cases,the reaction involves virtually all organ systems and proceed to anaphylaxis ,a dramatic drop in blood pressure accompanied by extreme respiratory distress that may be fatal without prompt treatment.
What can underlie such a self-destructive reaction?An infant who grows violently ill in the presence of as little as one hundredth of a peanut almost surely has some sort of genetic predisposition.Indeed,if one parent has an allergy ,chances are one in three that the child will be allergic,according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America,If both parents have allergies,the odds rise to 70 percent.But the children aren’t necessarily allergic to the same things as the parents-strongly suggesting that some other factors must be at work as well.And genetics cannot explain the rapid rise in allergies over the past few years or for that matter,centuries.
So something must have changed in the environment.One obvious place to look is air pollution.Studies by Dr Saxon,chief of a clinical immunology at UCLA,and his colleague David,have found a strong correlation between pollutants-diesel exhaust and cigarette smoke-and the development of allergies.Researchers don’t believe pollution is the whole story,though;allergies have continued to climb even as smoking and air-pollution rates have fallen.But industrialization has also brought about declines in infectious diseases and close exposure to farm animals.The “hygiene hypothesis” holds that these trends have contributed to the rise in allergies.The human immune system,which evolved in a natural environment teeming with hostile bacteria and parasites,finds itself uncomfortably idle in the antiseptic confines of the modern suburb,and failing to mature properly takes out its frustration on harmless peanuts and shrimp.Numerous studies have lent support to this general notion.But although many researchers accept the hygiene hypothesis in outline,the emerging picture is of a complicated relationship,where does and timing of exposure play important but still uncertain roles,say Dr Scott .
So the hygiene hypothesis has yet to generate any concrete prescriptions.The eventual hope is for a way to artificially stimulate the immune system to reduce allergy risk without having all these diseases .Meanwhile,though,researchers are developing new drug therapies that go beyond epinephrine (for emergency treatment of anaphylaxis) and the growing array over-the-counter antihistamines(Histamine is a key substance in the cascade of biochemical events that constitute an allergic reaction).Newer drugs ,like Singulair in the chain.
Pediatricians have also begun taking allergies more seriously.One key bit of advice to mothers is to breast-feed infants exclusively for six months.Delaying children’s exposure to novel foods in this way is the hallmark for food-allergy prevention,says the American Academy of Pediatrics.once an allergy has been diagnosed,the only thing to do is draw a cordon sanitaire around the child .Susan is allergic to milk products,eggs,fish,nuts and mustard,goes so far as to check out school art supplies;a fourth-grade teacher once mentioned adding eggs to tempera paint for a better texture.Thanks to her vigilance ,her home-cooked and prefrozen meals and New York’s ubiquitous fruit and vegetable markets,David is a healthy,normal boy,an avid skier and alive


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