

  1. 这个写的还是可以的,一个两级流水线:
  2. 流水线定义请看这篇,讲的还蛮详细:
    Verilog十大基本功1(流水线设计Pipeline Design)


  1. 头文件,common.v
/* Used in unblocking */
/* Just to be convenient to watch the waves in RTL level */`define DEL 1/* Define your own macro here */
  1. 功能文件,pipelineadder.v
//*@File name: pipelineadder.v
//*@File type: verilog
//*@Version  : 0.0.1
//*@Author   : Zehua Dong, HITWH
//*@E-mail   :
//*@Date     : 2020-12-12 09:48:26
//*@Function : 4 bit adder in 3 steps pipeline
// Head files
`include "common.v"
//  Module definition
module pipelineadder(clk      ,            rst_n    ,        a        ,     b        ,    cin      ,      cout     ,       sout         );//===========================================================//* Input and output ports//===========================================================//input                     clk    ;                 input                     rst_n  ;              input      [3:0]          a      ;             input      [3:0]          b      ;             input                     cin    ;             output                    cout   ;             output     [3:0]          sout   ;             //===========================================================//* Internal signals//===========================================================//// The middle registers used to store the addendreg [3:0] a_tmp;reg [2:0] a_tmp1;reg [1:0] a_tmp2;reg [0:0] a_tmp3;// The middle registers used to store the augendreg [3:0] b_tmp;reg [2:0] b_tmp1;reg [1:0] b_tmp2;reg [0:0] b_tmp3;// The middle registers used to store the carry in bitreg  cin_tmp;// The middle registers used to store the carry out bitreg  cout_tmp1;reg  cout_tmp2;reg  cout_tmp3;reg  cout_tmp4;// The middle registers used to store the sum reg  sout_tmp1;reg  sout_tmp2;reg  sout_tmp3;reg  sout_tmp4;reg  [2:0] s_reg1;reg  [1:0] s_reg2;reg        s_reg3;// 1st clk// Load the addend and augendalways @( posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) beginif( ~rst_n ) begina_tmp <= #`DEL 4'd0;b_tmp <= #`DEL 4'd0;cin_tmp <= #`DEL 1'b0;endelse begina_tmp <= #`DEL a;b_tmp <= #`DEL b;cin_tmp <= #`DEL cin;endend      // 2nd clk// First step pipelinealways @( posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) beginif( ~rst_n ) begincout_tmp1 <= #`DEL 1'b0;sout_tmp1 <= #`DEL 1'b0;a_tmp1    <= #`DEL 3'd0;b_tmp1    <= #`DEL 3'd0;endelse begin// sum of 0 bit{cout_tmp1, sout_tmp1} <= #`DEL a_tmp[0] + b_tmp[0] + cin_tmp;// Store the remaining bits of addend and augenda_tmp1 <= #`DEL a_tmp[3:1];b_tmp1 <= #`DEL b_tmp[3:1];endend      // 3rd clk// Second step pipelinealways @( posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) beginif( ~rst_n ) begincout_tmp2 <= #`DEL 1'b0;sout_tmp2 <= #`DEL 1'b0;a_tmp2    <= #`DEL 2'd0;b_tmp2    <= #`DEL 2'd0;s_reg1    <= #`DEL 3'b0;endelse begin// sum of 1 bit{cout_tmp2, sout_tmp2} <= #`DEL a_tmp1[0] + b_tmp1[0] + cout_tmp1;// Store the remaining bits of addend and augenda_tmp2 <= #`DEL a_tmp1[2:1];b_tmp2 <= #`DEL b_tmp1[2:1];// Store the sum results_reg1 <= #`DEL {s_reg1[1:0], sout_tmp1};endend      // 4th clk// Third step pipelinealways @( posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) beginif( ~rst_n ) begincout_tmp3 <= #`DEL 1'b0;sout_tmp3 <= #`DEL 1'b0;a_tmp3    <= #`DEL 1'd0;b_tmp3    <= #`DEL 1'd0;s_reg2    <= #`DEL 1'b0;endelse begin// sum of 2 bit{cout_tmp3, sout_tmp3} <= #`DEL a_tmp2[0] + b_tmp2[0] + cout_tmp2;// Store the remaining bits of addend and augenda_tmp3 <= #`DEL a_tmp2[1];b_tmp3 <= #`DEL b_tmp2[1];// Store the sum results_reg2 <= #`DEL {s_reg2[0], sout_tmp2};endend     // 5th clk// Forth step pipelinealways @( posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) beginif( ~rst_n ) begincout_tmp4 <= #`DEL 1'b0;sout_tmp4 <= #`DEL 1'b0;endelse begin// sum of 3 bit{cout_tmp4, sout_tmp4} <= #`DEL a_tmp3 + b_tmp3 + cout_tmp3;// Store the sum results_reg3 <= #`DEL sout_tmp3;endend     // Output cout and soutassign {cout, sout} = {cout_tmp4, {sout_tmp4, s_reg3, s_reg2[1], s_reg1[2]}};endmodule
  1. 激励文件,pipelineadder_tb.v
//*@File name: pipelineadder_tb.v
//*@File type: testbench
//*@Version  : 0.0.1
//*@Author   : Zehua Dong, HITWH
//*@E-mail   :
//*@Date     : 2020-12-12 10:56:37
//*@Function :
//  Module definition
module pipelineadder_tb();reg                 tb_clk    ;                     reg                 tb_rst_n  ;              reg     [3:0]       tb_a      ;             reg     [3:0]       tb_b      ;             reg                 tb_cin    ;             wire                tb_cout   ;             wire    [3:0]       tb_sout   ;             task delay;input [31:0] num;beginrepeat(num) @(posedge tb_clk);#1;endendtaskinitial begintb_clk = 0;endalways #10 tb_clk = ~tb_clk;initial begintb_rst_n = 1;delay(1);tb_rst_n = 0;delay(1);tb_rst_n = 1;endinitial begin$dumpfile(" pipelineadder_tb.vcd ");$dumpvars();endinitial begintb_a = 4'b0000;tb_b = 4'b0000;tb_cin = 1'b0;delay(3);// 1_0000tb_a = 4'b1111;tb_b = 4'b0001;tb_cin = 1'b0;delay(1);// 1_0111tb_a = 4'b1101;tb_b = 4'b1001;tb_cin = 1'b1;delay(1);// 0_1110tb_a = 4'b1100;tb_b = 4'b0001;tb_cin = 1'b1;delay(1);// 1_0110tb_a = 4'b1111;tb_b = 4'b0111;tb_cin = 1'b0;delay(10);$finish;endpipelineadder pipelineadder_u1(.clk    ( tb_clk   )  ,            .rst_n  ( tb_rst_n )  ,        .a      ( tb_a     )  ,     .b      ( tb_b     )  ,    .cin    ( tb_cin   )  ,      .cout   ( tb_cout  )  ,       .sout   ( tb_sout  )      );endmodule
  1. 仿真结果
  2. 综合后的RTL视图(感觉奇奇怪怪的,大家再优化一下代码叭)




  1. 功能文件
//*@File name: pipeline_adder_4bit_2steps.v
//*@File type: verilog
//*@Version  : 0.0.1
//*@Author   : Zehua Dong, HITWH
//*@E-mail   :
//*@Date     : 2020-12-15 12:42:00
//*@Function :
// Head files
`include "common.v"
//  Module definition
module  pipeline_adder_4bit_2steps(s,co,a,b,ci,clk,  rst_n,debug_low_voltage,debug_high_voltage
);input                      clk;input                      rst_n;input             [3:0]    a;input             [3:0]    b;input                      ci;output            [3:0]    s;output                     co;output            [3:0]    debug_low_voltage;output            [3:0]    debug_high_voltage;reg               [3:0]    s;reg                        co;assign debug_low_voltage = 4'b0000;assign debug_high_voltage = 4'b1111;reg    [3:0]       a_tmp;reg    [3:0]       b_tmp;reg                ci_tmp;reg    [1:0]       s_tmp;reg                co_low;reg    [1:0]       s_low;reg                co_hign;reg    [1:0]       s_hign;always@(posedge  clk or negedge  rst_n) beginif(!rst_n)  beginco_low  <= #`DEL   1'b0;s_low   <= #`DEL   2'b0; a_tmp  <= #`DEL   2'b0; b_tmp  <= #`DEL   2'b0; endelse begin                  //低两位相加,缓存高两位{co_low,s_low} <= #`DEL  a[1:0] + b[1:0] + ci;a_tmp <= #`DEL  a[3:2];b_tmp <= #`DEL  b[3:2];endendalways@(posedge  clk or negedge  rst_n) beginif(!rst_n) beginco_hign <= #`DEL  2'b0;s_hign  <= #`DEL  2'b0;endelse begin                   //高两位相加及与之间的低两位一并输出{co_hign,s_hign} <= #`DEL  a_tmp + b_tmp + co_low;s_tmp   <= #`DEL  s_low; //寄存上一级的结果endendalways@(posedge  clk or negedge  rst_n)  beginif(!rst_n)  beginco <= #`DEL  1'b0;s  <= #`DEL  4'b0;endelse  begin{co,s} <= #`DEL  {co_hign,s_hign,s_tmp}; //合并上两级计算结果,输出结果endendendmodule
  1. 仿真文件
//*@File name: pipeline_adder_4bit_2steps_tb.v
//*@File type: testbench
//*@Version  : 0.0.1
//*@Author   : Zehua Dong, HITWH
//*@E-mail   :
//*@Date     : 2020-12-15 13:14:47
//*@Function :
//  Module definition
module  pipeline_adder_4bit_2steps_tb;wire      [3:0]       s;wire                  co;reg       [3:0]       a;reg       [3:0]       b;reg                   ci;reg                   clk;reg                   rst_n;wire      [3:0]       low_voltage;wire      [3:0]       high_voltage;initialbeginclk   = 0;rst_n  = 0;@(posedge clk)   rst_n = 1;a = 4'b0000; b = 4'b0000; ci = 0; // 0_0000@(posedge clk)   a = 4'b1111; b = 4'b1111; ci = 0; // 1_1110@(posedge clk)   a = 4'b1100; b = 4'b1001; ci = 0; // 1_0101@(posedge clk)   a = 4'b0111; b = 4'b0110; ci = 0; // 0_1101@(posedge clk)   a = 4'b0101; b = 4'b0101; ci = 1; // 0_1011@(posedge clk)   a = 4'b1110; b = 4'b1001; ci = 1; // 1_1000@(posedge clk)   a = 4'b0010; b = 4'b0110; ci = 1; // 0_1001@(posedge clk)   a = 4'b0110; b = 4'b1101; ci = 1; // 1_0100repeat(10) @(posedge clk);$finish;endalways #10  clk = ~clk;initial begin$dumpfile(" 4bit_2steps_tb.vcd ");$dumpvars();end  pipeline_adder_4bit_2steps pipeline_adder_4bit_2steps_u1(.s(s),.co(co),.a(a),.b(b),.ci(ci),.clk(clk),.rst_n(rst_n),.debug_low_voltage(low_voltage),.debug_high_voltage(high_voltage));endmodule
  1. 仿真结果
  2. RTL视图


  1. 功能文件
//*@File name: pipeline_adder_32bit_8steps.v
//*@File type: verilog
//*@Version  : 0.0.1
//*@Author   : Zehua Dong, HITWH
//*@E-mail   :
//*@Date     : 2020-12-15 14:57:47
//*@Function :
// Head files
`include "common.v"
//  Module definition
module pipeline_adder_32bit_8steps(clk   ,               rst_n ,           a     ,      b     ,       ci    ,        co    ,        so            );//===========================================================//* Input and output ports//===========================================================//input                     clk   ;                  input                     rst_n ;               input    [31:0]           a     ;            input    [31:0]           b     ;            input                     ci    ;            output                    co    ;            output   [31:0]           so    ;            reg                       co    ;            reg      [31:0]           so    ;      //===========================================================//* Internal signals//===========================================================//reg [27:0] a_tmp1;reg [23:0] a_tmp2;reg [19:0] a_tmp3;reg [15:0] a_tmp4;reg [11:0] a_tmp5;reg [07:0] a_tmp6;reg [03:0] a_tmp7;reg [27:0] b_tmp1;reg [23:0] b_tmp2;reg [19:0] b_tmp3;reg [15:0] b_tmp4;reg [11:0] b_tmp5;reg [07:0] b_tmp6;reg [03:0] b_tmp7;reg  co_tmp1;reg  co_tmp2;reg  co_tmp3;reg  co_tmp4;reg  co_tmp5;reg  co_tmp6;reg  co_tmp7;reg  co_tmp8;reg [3:0] so_tmp1;reg [3:0] so_tmp2;reg [3:0] so_tmp3;reg [3:0] so_tmp4;reg [3:0] so_tmp5;reg [3:0] so_tmp6;reg [3:0] so_tmp7;reg [3:0] so_tmp8;reg [27:0] so_reg1;reg [23:0] so_reg2;reg [19:0] so_reg3;reg [15:0] so_reg4;reg [11:0] so_reg5;reg [07:0] so_reg6;reg [03:0] so_reg7;// 1stepalways @( posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) beginif( ~rst_n ) beginco_tmp1 <= #`DEL 1'b0;so_tmp1 <= #`DEL 4'd0;a_tmp1  <= #`DEL 28'd0;b_tmp1  <= #`DEL 28'd0;endelse begin{co_tmp1, so_tmp1} <= #`DEL a[3:0] + b[3:0] + ci;a_tmp1 <= #`DEL a[31:4];b_tmp1 <= #`DEL b[31:4];endend      //2stepalways @( posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) beginif( ~rst_n ) beginco_tmp2 <= #`DEL 1'b0;so_tmp2 <= #`DEL 4'd0;a_tmp2  <= #`DEL 24'd0;b_tmp2  <= #`DEL 24'd0;so_reg1    <= #`DEL 28'd0;endelse begin{co_tmp2, so_tmp2} <= #`DEL a_tmp1[3:0] + b_tmp1[3:0] + co_tmp1;a_tmp2 <= #`DEL a_tmp1[27:4];b_tmp2 <= #`DEL b_tmp1[27:4];so_reg1 <= #`DEL {so_reg1[23:0], so_tmp1};endend     //3stepalways @( posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) beginif( ~rst_n ) beginco_tmp3 <= #`DEL 1'b0;so_tmp3 <= #`DEL 4'd0;a_tmp3  <= #`DEL 20'd0;b_tmp3  <= #`DEL 20'd0;so_reg2    <= #`DEL 24'd0;endelse begin{co_tmp3, so_tmp3} <= #`DEL a_tmp2[3:0] + b_tmp2[3:0] + co_tmp2;a_tmp3 <= #`DEL a_tmp2[23:4];b_tmp3 <= #`DEL b_tmp2[23:4];so_reg2 <= #`DEL {so_reg2[19:0], so_tmp2};endend     //4stepalways @( posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) beginif( ~rst_n ) beginco_tmp4 <= #`DEL 1'b0;so_tmp4 <= #`DEL 4'd0;a_tmp4  <= #`DEL 16'd0;b_tmp4  <= #`DEL 16'd0;so_reg3    <= #`DEL 20'd0;endelse begin{co_tmp4, so_tmp4} <= #`DEL a_tmp3[3:0] + b_tmp3[3:0] + co_tmp3;a_tmp4 <= #`DEL a_tmp3[19:4];b_tmp4 <= #`DEL b_tmp3[19:4];so_reg3 <= #`DEL {so_reg3[15:0], so_tmp3};endend     //5stepalways @( posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) beginif( ~rst_n ) beginco_tmp5 <= #`DEL 1'b0;so_tmp5 <= #`DEL 4'd0;a_tmp5  <= #`DEL 12'd0;b_tmp5  <= #`DEL 12'd0;so_reg4    <= #`DEL 16'd0;endelse begin{co_tmp5, so_tmp5} <= #`DEL a_tmp4[3:0] + b_tmp4[3:0] + co_tmp4;a_tmp5 <= #`DEL a_tmp4[15:4];b_tmp5 <= #`DEL b_tmp4[15:4];so_reg4 <= #`DEL {so_reg4[11:0], so_tmp4};endend     //6stepalways @( posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) beginif( ~rst_n ) beginco_tmp6 <= #`DEL 1'b0;so_tmp6 <= #`DEL 4'd0;a_tmp6  <= #`DEL 8'd0;b_tmp6  <= #`DEL 8'd0;so_reg5    <= #`DEL 12'd0;endelse begin{co_tmp6, so_tmp6} <= #`DEL a_tmp5[3:0] + b_tmp5[3:0] + co_tmp5;a_tmp6 <= #`DEL a_tmp5[11:4];b_tmp6 <= #`DEL b_tmp5[11:4];so_reg5 <= #`DEL {so_reg5[7:0], so_tmp5};endend     //7stepalways @( posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) beginif( ~rst_n ) beginco_tmp7 <= #`DEL 1'b0;so_tmp7 <= #`DEL 4'd0;a_tmp7  <= #`DEL 4'd0;b_tmp7  <= #`DEL 4'd0;so_reg6    <= #`DEL 8'd0;endelse begin{co_tmp7, so_tmp7} <= #`DEL a_tmp6[3:0] + b_tmp6[3:0] + co_tmp6;a_tmp7 <= #`DEL a_tmp6[7:4];b_tmp7 <= #`DEL b_tmp6[7:4];so_reg6 <= #`DEL {so_reg6[3:0], so_tmp6};endend     //8stepalways @( posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) beginif( ~rst_n ) beginco_tmp8 <= #`DEL 1'b0;so_tmp8 <= #`DEL 4'd0;so_reg7  <= #`DEL 4'd0;endelse begin{co_tmp8, so_tmp8} <= #`DEL a_tmp7[3:0] + b_tmp7[3:0] + co_tmp7;so_reg7 <= #`DEL so_tmp7;endend     always @( posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) beginif( ~rst_n ) beginco <= #`DEL 1'b0;so <= #`DEL 32'd0;endelse begin{co, so} <= #`DEL {co_tmp8, {so_tmp8, so_reg7, so_reg6[7:4], so_reg5[11:8], so_reg4[15:12], so_reg3[19:16], so_reg2[23:20], so_reg1[27:24]}};endend
  1. 仿真文件
//*@File name: pipeline_adder_32bit_8steps_tb.v
//*@File type: testbench
//*@Version  : 0.0.1
//*@Author   : Zehua Dong, HITWH
//*@E-mail   :
//*@Date     :2020-12-15 14:41:59
//*@Function :
//  Module definition
module pipeline_adder_32bit_8steps_tb();reg                 tb_clk    ;                     reg                 tb_rst_n  ;              reg     [31:0]      tb_a      ;             reg     [31:0]      tb_b      ;             reg                 tb_ci     ;             wire                tb_co     ;             wire    [31:0]      tb_so     ;             task delay;input [31:0] num;beginrepeat(num) @(posedge tb_clk);#1;endendtaskinitial begintb_clk = 0;endalways #10 tb_clk = ~tb_clk;initial begintb_rst_n = 1;delay(1);tb_rst_n = 0;delay(1);tb_rst_n = 1;endinitial begin$dumpfile(" 32bit_8steps_tb.vcd ");$dumpvars();endinitial begintb_a = 32'd0;tb_b = 32'd0;tb_ci = 1'b0;delay(3);// 1_0000_0000tb_a = 32'hffff_ffff;tb_b = 32'h1;tb_ci = 1'b0;delay(1);// 1 2300 1247tb_a = 32'hffff_0012;tb_b = 32'h2301_1234;tb_ci = 1'b1;delay(1);// 1 A9EE 1295tb_a = 32'haf10_0090;tb_b = 32'hfade_1204;tb_ci = 1'b1;delay(1);// 0 19B0 9D8Atb_a = 32'h0987_6543;tb_b = 32'h1029_3847;tb_ci = 1'b0;delay(1);// 1 FFFF FFFEtb_a = 32'hffff_ffff;tb_b = 32'hffff_ffff;tb_ci = 1'b0;delay(1);// 0 BB61 572Dtb_a = 32'h0138_4709;tb_b = 32'hba29_1023;tb_ci = 1'b1;delay(1);// 0 2AC9 D17Btb_a = 32'h2937_4dfb;tb_b = 32'h0192_8380;tb_ci = 1'b0;delay(1);// 0 DCDC BBBCtb_a = 32'h0101_1010;tb_b = 32'hdbdb_abab;tb_ci = 1'b1;delay(10);$finish;endpipeline_adder_32bit_8steps pipeline_adder_32bit_8steps_u1(.clk    ( tb_clk   )  ,            .rst_n  ( tb_rst_n )  ,        .a      ( tb_a     )  ,     .b      ( tb_b     )  ,    .ci     ( tb_ci    )  ,      .co     ( tb_co    )  ,       .so     ( tb_so    )      );endmodule
  1. 仿真结果


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