

%% We'll try solving 3x^3-5=0 using the secant method
tol = 10^(-4);          %% set tolerance to 10^(-4).
epsilon = 1;      %% An arbitrarily large value to begin with.
steps = 1;        %% To keep track of the number of iterations; initially = 1.  %% If we get in an infinite loop we'll break out of it
%% break_flag = 0 indicates the default state
%% break_flag = 1 indicates a break
break_flag = 0;%% set the seed points = starting x values.
%% The secant method requires two seed points.
%% Try x0 = -203 and x1 = -10.
x0 = -203;
x1 = -10;
fprintf("{0, %.8f},\n",x0);
fprintf("{1, %.8f},\n",x1);while epsilon > tolx2 =x1-f(x1)*(x1-x0)/(f(x1)-f(x0));          %% compute the new value of x = g(x0,x1)X(steps,1) = x1;    %% At each step store x1 and x2 in matrix XX(steps,2) = x2;fprintf("{%d, %.8f},\n",steps+1,x2);epsilon = abs(x2-x1); %% absolute difference between new and old xsteps = steps + 1;%% If we're in an infinite loop or the solution is diverging%% let's break out if it.if steps > 120000 || epsilon == infbreak_flag = 1;break endx0 = x1;    %% replace x0 with x1x1 = x2;    %% replace x1 with x2
end%% Now let's plot all of the data from our iterations
plot(X(:,1),X(:,2));    %% plot all the data with lines
hold on
scatter(X(:,1),X(:,2)); %% replot all the data with dots
scatter(X(1,1),X(1,2),75,'g','d','filled','MarkerEdgeColor','b'); %% the starting point
scatter(X(end,1),X(end,2),75,'r','d','filled','MarkerEdgeColor','b'); %% the end point
if break_flag   %% a different plot heading for divergent and convergent results heading = sprintf('the secant method did not converge after %d steps',steps-1);
elseheading = sprintf('after %d steps, x = %.8f',steps-1,x1);
title(heading);function ans = f(x)  %%% define the function to compute the roots of.ans = 3.*x^3-5;


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