



[omm@ogdb1 ~]$ gsql -d omm -p 40000 -romm=# create schema testsm;
omm=# create schema testsm1;
2.创建一个用户john, 并将testsm的owner修改为 john,且修改owner前后分别使用\dn+查看模式信息
omm=# CREATE USER john IDENTIFIED BY 'aabb@123';
omm=# alter user john sysadmin;
ALTER ROLE--且修改owner前使用\dn+查看模式信息
omm=# \dn+List of schemasName       | Owner | Access privileges |           Description            | WithBlockChain
-----------------+-------+-------------------+----------------------------------+----------------blockchain      | omm   |                   | blockchain schema                | fcstore          | omm   |                   | reserved schema for DELTA tables | fdb4ai           | omm   | omm=UC/omm       +| db4ai schema                     | f|       | =U/omm            |                                  |dbe_perf        | omm   |                   | dbe_perf schema                  | fdbe_pldebugger  | omm   | omm=UC/omm       +| dbe_pldebugger schema            | f|       | =U/omm            |                                  |dbe_pldeveloper | omm   | omm=UC/omm       +| dbe_pldeveloper schema           | f|       | =U/omm            |                                  |dbe_sql_util    | omm   | omm=UC/omm       +| sql util schema                  | f|       | =U/omm            |                                  |john            | john  |                   |                                  | fpkg_service     | omm   |                   | pkg_service schema               | fpublic          | omm   | omm=UC/omm       +| standard public schema           | f|       | =U/omm            |                                  |snapshot        | omm   |                   | snapshot schema                  | fsqladvisor      | omm   | omm=UC/omm       +| sqladvisor schema                | f|       | =U/omm            |                                  |testsm          | omm   |                   |                                  | ftestsm1         | omm   |                   |                                  | f--将testsm的owner修改为john
omm=# alter schema testsm OWNER TO john;
ALTER SCHEMA--修改owner后使用\dn+查看模式信息omm=# \dn+List of schemasName       | Owner | Access privileges |           Description            | WithBlockChain
-----------------+-------+-------------------+----------------------------------+----------------blockchain      | omm   |                   | blockchain schema                | fcstore          | omm   |                   | reserved schema for DELTA tables | fdb4ai           | omm   | omm=UC/omm       +| db4ai schema                     | f|       | =U/omm            |                                  |dbe_perf        | omm   |                   | dbe_perf schema                  | fdbe_pldebugger  | omm   | omm=UC/omm       +| dbe_pldebugger schema            | f|       | =U/omm            |                                  |dbe_pldeveloper | omm   | omm=UC/omm       +| dbe_pldeveloper schema           | f|       | =U/omm            |                                  |dbe_sql_util    | omm   | omm=UC/omm       +| sql util schema                  | f|       | =U/omm            |                                  |john            | john  |                   |                                  | fpkg_service     | omm   |                   | pkg_service schema               | fpublic          | omm   | omm=UC/omm       +| standard public schema           | f|       | =U/omm            |                                  |snapshot        | omm   |                   | snapshot schema                  | fsqladvisor      | omm   | omm=UC/omm       +| sqladvisor schema                | f|       | =U/omm            |                                  |testsm          | john  |                   |                                  | ftestsm1         | omm   |                   |                                  | f
(14 rows)--或SELECT catalog_name, schema_name, schema_owner FROM information_schema.schemata;omm=# select catalog_name, schema_name, schema_owner from information_schema.schemata;catalog_name |    schema_name     | schema_owner
--------------+--------------------+--------------omm          | pg_toast           | ommomm          | cstore             | ommomm          | pkg_service        | ommomm          | dbe_perf           | ommomm          | snapshot           | ommomm          | blockchain         | ommomm          | pg_catalog         | ommomm          | public             | ommomm          | sqladvisor         | ommomm          | dbe_pldebugger     | ommomm          | dbe_pldeveloper    | ommomm          | dbe_sql_util       | ommomm          | information_schema | ommomm          | db4ai              | ommomm          | testsm1            | ommomm          | john               | johnomm          | testsm             | john
(17 rows)
omm=# alter schema testsm rename to testsm2;
ALTER SCHEMA--再次执行下面的gsql元命令\dn,查看openGauss数据库上有哪些模式
\dn+omm=# \dn+List of schemasName       | Owner | Access privileges |           Description            | WithBlockChain
-----------------+-------+-------------------+----------------------------------+----------------blockchain      | omm   |                   | blockchain schema                | fcstore          | omm   |                   | reserved schema for DELTA tables | fdb4ai           | omm   | omm=UC/omm       +| db4ai schema                     | f|       | =U/omm            |                                  |dbe_perf        | omm   |                   | dbe_perf schema                  | fdbe_pldebugger  | omm   | omm=UC/omm       +| dbe_pldebugger schema            | f|       | =U/omm            |                                  |dbe_pldeveloper | omm   | omm=UC/omm       +| dbe_pldeveloper schema           | f|       | =U/omm            |                                  |dbe_sql_util    | omm   | omm=UC/omm       +| sql util schema                  | f|       | =U/omm            |                                  |john            | john  |                   |                                  | fpkg_service     | omm   |                   | pkg_service schema               | fpublic          | omm   | omm=UC/omm       +| standard public schema           | f|       | =U/omm            |                                  |snapshot        | omm   |                   | snapshot schema                  | fsqladvisor      | omm   | omm=UC/omm       +| sqladvisor schema                | f|       | =U/omm            |                                  |testsm1         | omm   |                   |                                  | ftestsm2         | john  |                   |                                  | f
(14 rows)
omm=# create table testsm1.t1(area_id number,area_name varchar2(25));
omm=# \d testsm1.t1Table "testsm1.t1"Column   |         Type          | Modifiers
-----------+-----------------------+-----------area_id   | numeric               |area_name | character varying(25) |omm=# INSERT INTO testsm1.t1 (area_ID, area_NAME) VALUES (1, 'Europe');
omm=# INSERT INTO testsm1.t1 (area_ID, area_NAME) VALUES (2, 'Americas');
omm=# INSERT INTO testsm1.t1 (area_ID, area_NAME) VALUES (3, 'Asia');
INSERT 0 1--查询记录
omm=# select area_id, area_name from testsm1.t1;area_id | area_name
---------+-----------1 | Europe2 | Americas3 | Asia
(3 rows)omm=# \dt testsm1.t1List of relationsSchema  | Name | Type  | Owner |             Storage
---------+------+-------+-------+----------------------------------testsm1 | t1   | table | omm   | {orientation=row,compression=no}
在gsql客户端会话中,执行命令SET SEARCH_PATH TO testsm1可以修改模式搜索路径,但只在gsql客户端会话的持续过程中起作用,一旦退出gsql客户端会话,这个设置就丢失了。重新登录gsql会话将模式搜索路径恢复为默认值"$user",public。omm=# set search_path to testsm1;
omm=# show search_path;search_path
(1 row)omm=# select * from t1;area_id | area_name
---------+-----------1 | Europe2 | Americas3 | Asia
(3 rows)--退出,重新查看状态omm=# \q
[omm@ogdb1 ~]$ gsql -d omm -p 40000 -r
gsql ((openGauss 3.1.0 build 4e931f9a) compiled at 2022-09-29 14:19:24 commit 0 last mr  )
Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security)
Type "help" for help.omm=# show search_path;search_path
(1 row)发现又回归原状态
omm=# create database tdb;
omm=# alter database tdb set search_path to testm1;
omm=# \c tdb john
Password for user john:
Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security)
You are now connected to database "tdb" as user "john".
tdb=> show search_path;search_path
(1 row)tdb=>--退出,重新查看搜索顺序
[omm@ogdb1 ~]$ gsql -d tdb -p 40000  john -r
Password for user john:
gsql ((openGauss 3.1.0 build 4e931f9a) compiled at 2022-09-29 14:19:24 commit 0 last mr  )
Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security)
Type "help" for help.tdb=> show search_path;search_path
(1 row)
omm=# alter user john set search_path to testsm1;
ALTER ROLE--退出,重新查看搜索顺序
omm=# \q
[omm@ogdb1 ~]$ gsql -d omm -p 40000 john
Password for user john:
gsql ((openGauss 3.1.0 build 4e931f9a) compiled at 2022-09-29 14:19:24 commit 0 last mr  )
Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security)
Type "help" for help.omm=> show search_path;search_path
(1 row)omm=>


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