
foreach ($itemArr as $key => $value){

$items .= "



结果竟报如下错误信息:Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '' (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or number (T_NUM_STRING) in D:\hhp\wamp\www\weixin\wx_sample.php on line 146

从错误信息看是单引号的问题,果断去掉之后就没报错了。然而我就纳闷了,引用下标为字符串的数组元素难道不该加引号吗?到php官方手册去查了关于数组的描述,有一段是这样的:$arr = array('fruit' => 'apple', 'veggie' => 'carrot');

// This will not work, and will result in a parse error, such as:

// Parse error: parse error, expecting T_STRING' or T_VARIABLE' or T_NUM_STRING'

// This of course applies to using superglobals in strings as well

print "Hello $arr['fruit']";

print "Hello $_GET['foo']";

这里给出了两种错误的写法,当一个普通数组变量或超全局数组变量包含在双引号中时,引用索引为字符串的数组元素,索引字符串不应该再添加单引号。那正确的写法是怎样的呢?于是我继续查找官方手册,找到如下说法:$arr = array('fruit' => 'apple', 'veggie' => 'carrot');

// This defines a constant to demonstrate what's going on. The value 'veggie'

// is assigned to a constant named fruit.

define('fruit', 'veggie');

// The following is okay, as it's inside a string. Constants are not looked for// within strings, so no E_NOTICE occurs hereprint "Hello $arr[fruit]"; // Hello apple// With one exception: braces surrounding arrays within strings allows constants// to be interpretedprint "Hello {$arr[fruit]}"; // Hello carrotprint "Hello {$arr['fruit']}"; // Hello apple

$arr = array('fruit' => 'apple', 'veggie' => 'carrot');

// This defines a constant to demonstrate what's going on. The value 'veggie'

// is assigned to a constant named fruit.

define('fruit', 'veggie');

// The following is okay, as it's inside a string. Constants are not looked for

// within strings, so no E_NOTICE occurs here

print "Hello $arr[fruit]"; // Hello apple

// With one exception: braces surrounding arrays within strings allows constants

// to be interpreted

print "Hello {$arr[fruit]}"; // Hello carrot

print "Hello {$arr['fruit']}"; // Hello apple



第二种写法索引字符串也没有添加任何引号,同时将数组变量用一对花括号{ }给包了起来,此时fruit实际上表示一个常量,而不是一个字符串,因此表示获取索引为fruit常量值的数组元素,常量fruit的值是veggie,所以输出carrot。

第三种写法是引用字符串不但添加了单引号,同时也将数组变量用一对花括号{ }给包了起来,此时表示获取索引为字符串fruit的数组元素,输出apple。

后来我继续查找,发现这样一段代码:// Incorrect. This works but also throws a PHP error of level E_NOTICE because

// of an undefined constant named fruit


// Notice: Use of undefined constant fruit - assumed 'fruit' in...

print $arr[fruit]; // apple

print $arr['fruit']; // apple// This defines a constant to demonstrate what's going on. The value 'veggie'// is assigned to a constant named fruit.define('fruit', 'veggie');// Notice the difference nowprint $arr[fruit]; // carrot

print $arr['fruit']; // apple



1. 数组变量未用双引号包括时,

(1) 索引字符串加单引号表示字符串本身



2. 数组变量用双引号包括时,

(1) 索引字符串不加单引号表示字符串本身"$arr[fruit]"

(2) 数组变量加上花括号表示与字符串同名常量"{$arr[fruit]}"

(3) 索引字符串加上单引号且数组变量加上花括号表示字符串本身


(4) 索引字符串加上单引号且数组变量未加上花括号,为错误写法,报错:Parse error: parse error, expecting T_STRING' or T_VARIABLE' or T_NUM_STRING'




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