
在Android SDK更新至23以上时,我们会发现之前在某些地方因计算需要使用到的FloatMath类中的方法如FloatMath.ceil()与FloatMath.sin()等都报错并提示不可用了,FloatMath源码如下:

package android.util;


* Math routines similar to those found in {@link java.lang.Math}.

* 数学例程类似于{@link java.lang.Math}.


Historically these methods were faster than the equivalent double-based

* {@link java.lang.Math} methods. On versions of Android with a JIT they

* became slower and have since been re-implemented to wrap calls to

* {@link java.lang.Math}. {@link java.lang.Math} should be used in

* preference.



All methods were removed from the public API in version 23.

* 所有方法都从版本23的公共API中删除.

* @deprecated Use {@link java.lang.Math} instead.

* 方法过时,应使用java.lang.Math代替.



public class FloatMath {

/** Prevents instantiation. */

private FloatMath() {}


* Returns the float conversion of the most positive (i.e. closest to

* positive infinity) integer value which is less than the argument.


* @param value to be converted

* @return the floor of value

* @removed


public static float floor(float value) {

return (float) Math.floor(value);



* Returns the float conversion of the most negative (i.e. closest to

* negative infinity) integer value which is greater than the argument.


* @param value to be converted

* @return the ceiling of value

* @removed


public static float ceil(float value) {

return (float) Math.ceil(value);



* Returns the closest float approximation of the sine of the argument.


* @param angle to compute the cosine of, in radians

* @return the sine of angle

* @removed


public static float sin(float angle) {

return (float) Math.sin(angle);



* Returns the closest float approximation of the cosine of the argument.


* @param angle to compute the cosine of, in radians

* @return the cosine of angle

* @removed


public static float cos(float angle) {

return (float) Math.cos(angle);



* Returns the closest float approximation of the square root of the

* argument.


* @param value to compute sqrt of

* @return the square root of value

* @removed


public static float sqrt(float value) {

return (float) Math.sqrt(value);



* Returns the closest float approximation of the raising "e" to the power

* of the argument.


* @param value to compute the exponential of

* @return the exponential of value

* @removed


public static float exp(float value) {

return (float) Math.exp(value);



* Returns the closest float approximation of the result of raising {@code

* x} to the power of {@code y}.


* @param x the base of the operation.

* @param y the exponent of the operation.

* @return {@code x} to the power of {@code y}.

* @removed


public static float pow(float x, float y) {

return (float) Math.pow(x, y);



* Returns {@code sqrt(}{@code x}{@code 2}{@code +}

* {@code y}{@code 2}{@code )}.


* @param x a float number

* @param y a float number

* @return the hypotenuse

* @removed


public static float hypot(float x, float y) {

return (float) Math.hypot(x, y);







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