

public class ServiceConfig {

// This value is only available from the Spring Cloud Config Server


private String exampleProperty;

public String getExampleProperty() {

return exampleProperty;




public class S1 {

int i = 1;



public class S2 {


S1 s1;





public class S2Test {


S2 s;


public void t2() {




我的问题是,因为我想单独测试S2类,因为它使用@Autowired我必须在我的测试中有一个Spring上下文,但是当Spring上下文启动时它会尝试创建包含bean的所有3个bean与@Value.由于此值仅可从Spring Cloud Config Server获得,因此无法创建上下文,从而产生错误:org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException:创建名为’serviceConfig’的bean时出错:注入自动连接的依赖项失败;嵌套异常是java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:无法在字符串值“${example.property}”中解析占位符’example.property’.

My Question is: How are properties read from Spring Cloud Config

Server handled in the application when unit tests are run, observe in

my test i dont even care about the config so I dont want to explicitly

have to set a value in my test just for the context to be started?

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