
  1. 安装Brew,安装步骤
  2. 通过Brew安装Tree brew install tree


进入需要展示的目录,可通过tree --help查看 tree 命令说明,如下所示:

usage: tree [-acdfghilnpqrstuvxACDFJQNSUX] [-H baseHREF] [-T title ][-L level [-R]] [-P pattern] [-I pattern] [-o filename] [--version][--help] [--inodes] [--device] [--noreport] [--nolinks] [--dirsfirst][--charset charset] [--filelimit[=]#] [--si] [--timefmt[=]<f>][--sort[=]<name>] [--matchdirs] [--ignore-case] [--fromfile] [--][<directory list>]------- Listing options --------a            All files are listed.-d            List directories only.-l            Follow symbolic links like directories.-f            Print the full path prefix for each file.-x            Stay on current filesystem only.-L level      Descend only level directories deep.-R            Rerun tree when max dir level reached.-P pattern    List only those files that match the pattern given.-I pattern    Do not list files that match the given pattern.--ignore-case Ignore case when pattern matching.--matchdirs   Include directory names in -P pattern matching.--noreport    Turn off file/directory count at end of tree listing.--charset X   Use charset X for terminal/HTML and indentation line output.--filelimit # Do not descend dirs with more than # files in them.--timefmt <f> Print and format time according to the format <f>.-o filename   Output to file instead of stdout.------- File options --------q            Print non-printable characters as '?'.-N            Print non-printable characters as is.-Q            Quote filenames with double quotes.-p            Print the protections for each file.-u            Displays file owner or UID number.-g            Displays file group owner or GID number.-s            Print the size in bytes of each file.-h            Print the size in a more human readable way.--si          Like -h, but use in SI units (powers of 1000).-D            Print the date of last modification or (-c) status change.-F            Appends '/', '=', '*', '@', '|' or '>' as per ls -F.--inodes      Print inode number of each file.--device      Print device ID number to which each file belongs.------- Sorting options --------v            Sort files alphanumerically by version.-t            Sort files by last modification time.-c            Sort files by last status change time.-U            Leave files unsorted.-r            Reverse the order of the sort.--dirsfirst   List directories before files (-U disables).--sort X      Select sort: name,version,size,mtime,ctime.------- Graphics options --------i            Don't print indentation lines.-A            Print ANSI lines graphic indentation lines.-S            Print with CP437 (console) graphics indentation lines.-n            Turn colorization off always (-C overrides).-C            Turn colorization on always.------- XML/HTML/JSON options --------X            Prints out an XML representation of the tree.-J            Prints out an JSON representation of the tree.-H baseHREF   Prints out HTML format with baseHREF as top directory.-T string     Replace the default HTML title and H1 header with string.--nolinks     Turn off hyperlinks in HTML output.------- Input options ---------fromfile    Reads paths from files (.=stdin)------- Miscellaneous options ---------version     Print version and exit.--help        Print usage and this help message and exit.--            Options processing terminator.


  • 输出当前文件夹不包含node_modulesdist路径下的其他文件
  • 输出三层
  • 将输出文件保存到文件file_structure


tree -L 3 -I "node_modules|dist" >> file_structure


├── README.md
├── assets
│   └── README.md
├── components
│   ├── Logo.vue
│   └── README.md
├── file_structure
├── layouts
│   ├── README.md
│   └── default.vue
├── middleware
│   └── README.md
├── nuxt.config.js
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── pages
│   ├── README.md
│   └── index.vue
├── plugins
│   └── README.md
├── server
│   └── index.js
├── static
│   ├── README.md
│   └── favicon.ico
└── store└── README.md

Tip:也可以使用简化版工具 ftmap 进行输出

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