


采纳率:47%    等级:12


Under the background of the times, the computer technology and Internet technology have been deeply integrated into people's learning life and work..

With the development of science and technology, the influence of it is more and more far-reaching, which has caused the deep understanding of the enterprise staff attendance system..

It has had a tremendous impact on the various fields of human life, and plays an important role not to be ignored..

As one of the computer application system, there are not comparable advantages to using artificial management approach in the management of staff attendance information associated with the use of employee attendance system, the use of computer management can not only improve the efficiency of check on work attendance management, get on-the-job personnel in the post working state and management system of the demand for the number of rarely, high efficiency, we can say for sure, today's enterprises and institutions are inseparable from the support system of check on work attendance.

This paper first from the system design background and the significance and the organization structure of is described, then the system related technology were introduced, and then use case diagram of the system needs analysis design the overall structure of the system and the backstage database, and the realization of the use of RFID reader and tag attendance, and attendance information management administrator management module, the Department is responsible for people management module and the general staff management module three function modules.

Finally, the system is tested by the relevant technology of the software testing, and the test shows that the system can successfully complete the employee's attendance.追问: My God,我需要的是人工翻译,不是有道啊谷歌翻译。这个语句都不通顺的......


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