
If you (or someone you love) has vision issues, however, the tiny fonts and complex colors on modern phones can makes them nearly impossible to use. Fortunately, there’s a feature built in to Android that allows users to easily invert the colors, making things much easier for those with poorer eyesight.

但是,如果您(或您所爱的人)有视力问题,那么现代手机上的小字体和复杂的颜色可能会使它们几乎无法使用。 幸运的是,Android内置了一个功能,该功能使用户可以轻松地反转颜色,从而使视力较差的人更容易进行操作。

如何在Stock Android上反转颜色 (How to Invert Colors on Stock Android)

If you’re using a stock Android device, like a Google Pixel, inverting colors is actually a breeze.

如果您使用的是普通的Android设备(例如Google Pixel),那么将颜色反转其实很容易。

First, pull down the notification shade, then give it a second tug. Look for an option that reads “Invert Colors.” If it doesn’t show up on the first panel of the quick settings shade, you may have to swipe over—it’ll be on the second.

首先,拉下通知栏,然后进行第二次拖船。 寻找一个显示为“ Invert Colors”的选项。 如果快速设置阴影的第一个面板上未显示该图标,则可能需要滑过该图标,而第二个才可以。

If, for some reason, it still doesn’t show up here, you can easily add this tile. Tap the little pencil icon at the bottom (this allows you to edit the quick settings panel), find the Invert Colors tile, then drag it to the top area. Similarly, if this tile shows up on the second page and you’d like to have it on the first page for quick access, you can move it into the top nine spots to make sure it always shows up where you need it. If you put it in the top six spots, it will even show up in the persistent quick settings bar, so you won’t have to pull the shade down a second time. It’s all about convenience.

如果由于某种原因仍未在此处显示,则可以轻松添加此图块。 点击底部的铅笔小图标(这使您可以编辑快速设置面板),找到“反转颜色”图块,然后将其拖动到顶部区域。 同样,如果此图块显示在第二页上,并且您希望将其放在第一页上以便快速访问,则可以将其移至前九个位置,以确保始终显示在您需要的位置。 如果将其放在前六个位置,它甚至会显示在持久的快速设置栏中,因此您无需再次拉下阴影。 一切都是为了方便。

如何在三星Galaxy设备上反转颜色 (How to Invert Colors on Samsung Galaxy Devices)

If you’re using a Galaxy device, then you’ll have to dig a little deeper to get to the invert colors setting, as it’s not tethered to a quick setting tile like it is on stock Android. Per the norm, Samsung likes to change stuff for literally no reason.

如果您使用的是Galaxy设备,则必须更深入地了解“反转颜色”设置,因为它没有像现有的Android设备那样与快速设置块绑定。 按照惯例,三星实际上无缘无故喜欢改变东西。

Go ahead and pull the notification shade down and tap the gear icon.


Scroll down until you find the “Accessibility” entry, then tap into that menu. From there, choose “Vision.”

向下滚动,直到找到“辅助功能”条目,然后点按该菜单。 从那里选择“视觉”。

There are a lot of options in this menu, but you need to scroll down almost to the very bottom—the next to last option should read “Negative colors.” Tap the toggle next to it to enable the feature.

此菜单中有很多选项,但是您几乎需要向下滚动到最底端,最后一个选项的下一个应该显示“负色”。 点击其旁边的开关以启用该功能。

Boom, that’s it. If this is something you plan on leaving enabled all the time, that’s fine. The only issue with it being three menus deep is the inconvenience it causes if it’s something you only use part of the time. That’s why I wish there was a toggle in the quick settings panel, like on stock devices.

繁荣,就是这样。 如果您打算一直保持启用状态,那就很好。 仅有三个菜单的唯一问题是,如果您只是部分时间使用它,将会给您带来不便。 这就是为什么我希望快速设置面板中有一个切换功能,例如在库存设备上。




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