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Firmware Reinstaller for PSVita released – Life Insurance if you’re messing around

by Aurora · May 8, 2017

Let’s clear this beforehand; this utility doesn’t allow you to DOWNGRADE your firmware. It could however get you out of a sticky situation if you like messing around with your Vita’s system files or its registry. Thanks to ‘SilicaAndPina’ (yes, he’s the controversial VPK guy; give him a break, he’s done some cool stuff and he’s another human afterall) and ‘CelesteBlue’ (the ePSP bubble installer, i.e Vita Activation without PSN guy); your Vita’s got semi-comprehensive life insurance.

What’s Firmware Reinstaller?

It’s a utility that obviously requires taiHEN which allows you to reinstall your current system Firmware which is 3.60. This is especially useful if you’ve deleted or modified some system files or used the CEX to REX convertor and wish to revert back to stock 3.60. You needn’t use this homebrew unless you’ve messed something up so unless you need to reinstall the FW, I’d recommend you stay away from it. As an extra, you’ll get an added ‘Update Via PSVita Card’ in safe mode to reinstall 3.60 from safe mode if you’ve reinstalled your FW at least once with this utility. Obviously, you need access to safe mode to reinstall so don’t go thinking you can do stupid things such as nuking system partitons.


Installing this is pretty straightforward, simply follow the links below. This is of course a utility that needs unsafe permissions so get the VPK from a trusted source. You should check the source code linked below if you’re skeptic that this homebrew will harm youe Vita and compile it yourself. Make sure you file any issues you have on the GitHub page so this homebrew becomes as bug free as possible.

Download link: https://github.com/SilicaAndPina/Firmware-Reinstall/releases

/talk post: http://wololo.net/talk/viewtopic.php?f=116&t=48111

This is an app i created (in collaboration with CelesteBlue) that allows you to very easily Re-Install firmware 3.60

Useful if your firmware gets corrupted. or if you modified it in some way. (like CEX TO REX for example) and want to get the original files back the easiest and most effective way to do this is to Reinstall the firmware

(Update from 3.60 to 3.60) and thats exactly what this app does!

also as an extra feature. if you run this once you can then reinstall your firmware from safe mode by doing

"Update Via PSVita Card" useful if you ever brick your vita but still have access to safemode.

Download link : https://github.com/SilicaAndPina/Firmware-Reinstall/releases


1. 這東東不能降級,別想騙過索尼的機器

2. 3.60變革系統限定

3. 用途:玩過系統檔修改導致檔案遺失或登錄檔出錯,可以用這東西再度重刷3.60官方系統(如果是磚到安全模式也進不了或無法開機,還是不行的)

4. 只要用此安裝包重新安裝過3.60系統一次以上,就會在安全模式裡多出一個選項叫做"Update Via PSVita Card"(從記憶卡更新PSVita)

5. 感謝 SilicaAndPina 和 ePSP作者CelesteBlue



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