
6.transform 16-float point(hex, binary)
8.switches and routers问题计算
10.计算substring, prefix, suffix


# 1.凯撒密码加密以及破解
import string
A_list = list(string.ascii_uppercase)    # 大写
mode_info = int(input(f'choose 1.加密 2.解密 3.找key 4.判断加密前后是否正确: '))
if mode_info == 1:str1 = input(f'pls enter the string: ')displacement = int(input(f'shift num: '))str2 = ''for i in str1:if i != ' ':str2 += A_list[(A_list.index(i)+displacement) % 26]else:str2 += ' 'print(str2)elif mode_info == 2:str1 = input(f'pls enter the string: ')displacement = int(input(f'shift num: '))str2 = ''for i in str1:if i != ' ':str2 += A_list[(A_list.index(i)-displacement) % 26]else:str2 += ' 'print(str2)elif mode_info == 3:initial = input(f'请输入加密前的字符串: ')decode = input(f'请输入加密后的字符串: ')init_index = A_list.index(initial[0])decode_index = A_list.index(decode[0])if init_index > decode_index:key = (26 - init_index) + decode_indexprint(key)elif init_index < decode_index:key = decode_index - init_indexprint(key)elif mode_info == 4:initial = input(f'请输入加密前/加密后的字符串: ').replace(' ', '')decode = input(f'请输入加密前/加密后的字符串: ').replace(' ', '')key_now = 0init_index = A_list.index(initial[0])decode_index = A_list.index(decode[0])judge = Trueif init_index > decode_index:key_now = (26 - init_index) + decode_indexelif init_index < decode_index:key_now = decode_index - init_indexfor i in range(1, len(initial)):if A_list[(A_list.index(initial[i])+key_now) % 26] != decode[i]:judge = Falsebreakif judge:print("加密解密正确")else:print("error")# 2.块密码加密以及破解
3 516 3 10 4 6 3 11 0 2
2 3
那么就输入:3 2 5 3
请注意! 一定看清题目使用的index是什么,有的时候是从A为0开始,有的时候是从A为1开始
本程序默认使用A从0开始,如需A从1开始,请将A_list = list(string.ascii_uppercase)注释掉,使用下面被注释的A_list
import string
A_list = list(string.ascii_uppercase)    # 大写
# A_list = ['Z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y']
mode_choose = int(input(f'1.加密/解密: '))
if mode_choose == 1:info_string = input(f'pls enter the info_string: ')code_list = input(f'pls enter the encode_list: ').split(' ')mod_num = int(input(f'pls enter the mod_num: '))code_list = [[int(code_list[i+j]) for j in range(0, int(len(code_list)**0.5))] for i inrange(0, len(code_list), int(len(code_list)**0.5))]list1 = [A_list.index(i) for i in info_string]list1 = [[list1[i+j] for j in range(0, len(code_list))] for i in range(0, len(list1), len(code_list))]final_list = []for i in list1:for j in code_list:final_list.append(sum([a * b for a, b in zip(j, i)]))final_list = [A_list[i % mod_num] for i in final_list]print(''.join(final_list))# if mode_choose == 2:# 3.DIFFIE-HELLMAN协议
They have agreed to use p = 31 and g = 11 for the exchange.
Also, Alice uses her private key a = 4 and Bob uses his private key b = 2.
mod_number = 31
base_number = 11
a_private_key = 4
b_private_key = 2
mod_number = int(input('pls enter the mod_number: '))
base_number = int(input('pls enter the base_number: '))
a_private_key = int(input('pls enter the a_private_key: '))
b_private_key = int(input('pls enter the b_private_key: '))
base_number_for_a = base_number
base_number_for_b = base_number
a_value = 0
b_value = 0
times = 1
while True:a_value = (base_number_for_a ** a_private_key) % mod_numberb_value = (base_number_for_b ** b_private_key) % mod_numberif a_value == b_value:print(f'final secret key for both is {a_value}')breakelse:print(f'after {times} times calculate, a is {a_value}, b is {b_value}')base_number_for_a = b_valuebase_number_for_b = a_valueprint('-'*15)times += 1# 4.RSA KEY
p and q is key
Public key = (p, e); Private key = d
P is message P(text mapped from char to numbers somehow)
import random
def Oula(sushu1 , sushu2):return (sushu1-1)*(sushu2-1)
def Is_Huzhi(int_min, int_max):for i in range(2, int_min+1):if int_min % i == 0 and int_max % i == 0:return Falsereturn True
def Creat_E(oula):top = oulawhile True:i = random.randint(2, top)for e in range(i, top):if Is_Huzhi(e, oula):return etop = i
def Compute_D(oula, e):k = 1while (k*oula+1) % e != 0:k += 1return int((k*oula+1)/e)mode_info = int(input('1.计算Private key(d) 2.计算n/m 3.RSA encryption 4.RSA decryption: '))
if mode_info == 1:p = int(input('pls enter the p: '))q = int(input('pls enter the q: '))e = int(input('pls enter the e: '))oula = Oula(p, q)d = Compute_D(oula, e)print(f'Public key(p, e) = {p, e}; Private key(d) = {d}')elif mode_info == 2:p = int(input('pls enter the p: '))q = int(input('pls enter the q: '))print(f'n is {p * q}')print(f'm is {(p - 1) * (q - 1)}')elif mode_info == 3:P = int(input('pls enter the message P(text mapped from char to numbers somehow): '))p = int(input('pls enter the p: '))e = int(input('pls enter the e: '))C = (P ** e) % pprint(f'C is {C}')elif mode_info == 4:C = int(input('pls enter the C: '))d = int(input('pls enter the d: '))p = int(input('pls enter the p: '))P = (C ** d) % pprint(f'P is {P}')# 5.turing(图灵机)
# instruction_list = (1,0,1,2,R)(1,1,1,4,R)(2,0,0,4,R)(2,1,0,3,R)(3,0,1,5,R)(3,1,1,1,R)(4,0,0,2,R)(4,1,0,4,R)(5,0,0,2,R)(5,1,1,5,R)
# instruction_list = (1, 0, 1, 1, R)(1, 1, 0, 1, R)
# init_list = 111100PARITY BIT MACHINE(判断数字是even还是odd):
instruction_list = (1,0,0,1,R)(1,1,1,2,R)(2,0,0,2,R)(2,1,1,1,R)(1,b,1,3,R)(2,b,0,3,R)
如果最后输出的最后三个b的第一个b被改变为1,数字是even,如果是0,数字是odd(init_list输入二进制)UNARY INCREMENTING(输入n,得到n+1):
instruction_list = (1, 1, 1, 1, R)(1, b, 1, 2, R) or (1, 1, 1, 1, L)(1, b, 1, 2, L)
init list = 111....UNARY ADDITION(两个数相加)
instruction_list = (1, 1, b, 2, R) (2, 1, b, 3, R) (3, 1, 1, 3, R)(3, b, 1, 4, R)(3, b, 1, 6, R)
init list = 111b1111切记一点,这个程序的mode2可能无法判断machine halt!请自行判断
import re
mode_choose = int(input("请选择模式 1.判断turing是否能够运行 2.运行turing: "))
instruction_list = input('pls enter the instruction_list: ').replace(' ', '')
instruction_list = instruction_list.replace(' ', '')
re_match_content = re.compile(r'[(](.*?)[)]')
after_spilt_list = re.findall(re_match_content, instruction_list)
if mode_choose == 1:judge = Truenew_judge_list = [f"{after_spilt_list[i][0]},{after_spilt_list[i][2]}" for i in range(len(after_spilt_list))]if len(after_spilt_list) != len(set(after_spilt_list)) or len(after_spilt_list) != len(set(new_judge_list)):print("turing有重复,不能运行")judge = Falsefor i in after_spilt_list:if i[0].isdigit() is False or i[6].isdigit() is False:print(f"({i})这个地方有错误,turing码的1, 4位只能为数字,不能运行")judge = Falsebreakelif i[2] not in ['0', '1', 'b'] or i[4] not in ['0', '1', 'b']:print(f"({i})这个地方有错误,turing码的第2, 3位只能为0, 1或者是'b',不能运行")judge = Falsebreakelif i[-1] not in ['R', "L"]:print(f"({i})这个地方有错误,turing码的第5位只能为'R'或者'L',不能运行")judge = Falsebreakif judge is True:print('可以运行, valid')if mode_choose == 2:init_list = input("pls enter the init_list: ")   # [0, 1, 1]  011init_list = 'bbb' + init_list + 'bbb'init_list = [i for i in init_list]mode_setting = 1position_now = 3times = 0print(f"start_value: init = {init_list}, position = {position_now}, mode_setting = {mode_setting}")while True:judge = Falsefor i in after_spilt_list:if int(i[0]) == mode_setting:if i[2] == init_list[position_now]:init_list[position_now] = i[4]mode_setting = int(i[6])if i[-1] == "R":position_now += 1elif i[-1] == "L":position_now -= 1print(f"init = {''.join(init_list)}, position = {position_now}, mode_setting = {mode_setting}")times += 1judge = Trueif judge is False:print(f'times: {times}')break# 6.transform 16-float point(hex, binary)
# 6004
# C102
mode = int(input(f"select 1.16进制(例:ECC8) 2.判断10进制能否转换为16-float: "))
if mode == 1:point_float = input("pls enter the 16 bits hexmode(ECC8 or 0000000000000000格式): ")final_string = ''if len(point_float) == 4:# point_float = "6004"hex_list = ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F"]for i in point_float:new_element = f'{bin(hex_list.index(i))[2:]}'while len(new_element) < 4:new_element = '0' + new_elementfinal_string += new_elementelse:final_string = point_floatfinal_string = f"{final_string[0]} {final_string[1:10]} {final_string[10]} {final_string[11:]}".split(' ')number = ""power_dict = {"0": 16, "1": 8, "2": 4, "3": 2, "4": 1}# print(final_string)for i in range(len(final_string)):if i == 0 and final_string[i] == "1":number += "-"elif i == 1:number += f"0.{final_string[1]}"elif i == 3:power = sum([power_dict[str(j)] for j in range(len(final_string[i])) if final_string[i][j] != "0"])if final_string[2] == "1":power *= -1number = float(number) * (10 ** power)print(f'二进制结果为:{number}')print(f"不计算二进制小数部分,10进制表示为:{int(str(int(number)), 2)}")
if mode == 2:point = input("请输入十进制:")if "-" in point:binary = bin(int(float(point)))[3:]else:binary = bin(int(float(point)))[2:]binary = binary.rstrip('0')if '.' in point:binary += '小'print(binary)if len(binary) > 9:print("超出位数")else:print("可以转换")# 7.packets计算
1500 28 27000000
mode = int(input("模式选择 1.计算IP packets 2.计算bytes(network layer) 3.计算bytes(data layer): "))
atu = int(input("pls enter the ATU(bytes): "))
header = int(input("pls enter the header(IPV4/UDP/TCP): "))
file_size = int(input("pls enter the file size(bytes): "))
real_packets = (file_size/(atu-header))
packets = round(real_packets)
if mode == 1:print(f'number of packets is: {real_packets}({packets})')
elif mode == 2:total_bytes = (packets * header) + file_sizeprint(f'the total bytes is: {total_bytes}')
elif mode == 3:etr_header = int(input("pls enter the header(frame checksum): "))real_bytes = file_size + (packets * (etr_header + header))print(f'the total bytes is: {real_bytes}')# 8.switches and routers问题计算
2 5
mode = int(input("模式选择 1.switches and routers问题计算 2.计算有关距离延迟问题: "))
switches = int(input("pls enter switches number: "))
routers = int(input("pls enter routers number: "))
if mode == 1:print(f'often by the transport layer: 2')print(f'often by the Network layer: {2+routers}')print(f'often by the Link/data layer: {2 + routers*2 + switches}')
elif mode == 2:length = int()# 9.查找ASCII值
word_list = str("sec89ure")
d, e, j, l, y, z
mode = int(input("模式选择 1.字符转为ascii 2.ascii转为字符: "))
if mode == 1:word_list = input("pls enter the word string(单个字母或字符串): ").replace(' ', '').replace(',', '')ascii_list = [ord(i) for i in word_list]print(f'list: {ascii_list}')print(f'sum of list: {sum(ascii_list)}')
elif mode == 2:word = int(input("pls enter the ascii(数字): "))print(f'result: {chr(word)}')# 10.计算substring, prefix, suffix
abc, bbb
string = input("pls enter the String: ")
substring = ["lambda"]
# substring
for x in range(len(string)):for i in range(len(string) - x):substring.append(string[i:i + x + 1])
print(f"the substring list is: {sorted(list(set(substring)))}")
print(f"number of substring is: {len(list(set(substring)))}")
print(f"number of prefix is: {len(string)+1}")
print(f"number of suffix is: {len(string)+1}")

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