As the end of the year and the holidays are approaching, we thought it would be fun to share with you some of the exciting Made With Unity content from 2017. Take a peek and see what some of the staff here at Unity have been enjoying this year.

随着年底和假期的临近,我们认为与您分享一些2017年令人兴奋的Made With Unity内容非常有趣。快看一看,Unity的一些员工一直在享受这个年。

杯头 (Cuphead)

“Being an old fart of an animator growing up in the 30’s… ok maybe I’m not that old, but growing up in the 70’s I was a big fan of hand animated cartoons. Although at the time I didn’t understand why classic Disney shorts from the 30’s, such as Steamboat Willie were always my favorites. When I saw the first concept art from Cuphead, I knew I was going to love this game. While extremely difficult, the game certainly didn’t disappoint! Absolute perfection of gameplay and style. My only wish is that I bought it on PC so I could play it on the road.”

“是30年代成长的动画制作者的老屁……好吧,也许我还不那么老,但是70年代成长的我是手工动画片的狂热爱好者。 尽管当时我还不明白为什么30年代的经典迪士尼短裤(例如Steamboat Willie)始终是我的最爱。 当我看到Cuphead的第一本概念艺术时,我知道我会爱上这款游戏。 虽然极其困难,但游戏当然并没有让人失望! 绝对完美的游戏玩法和风格。 我唯一的愿望是我在PC上购买了它,因此可以在旅途中玩它。”

Mark Schoennagel, Evangelist Los Angeles, California

传教士Mark Schoennagel,美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶

粉笔房 (La Camera Insabbiata) (The Chalk Room (La Camera Insabbiata))

“Sand Room is a special room in this VR art experience where countless giant chalkboards construct a vast virtual space, like an enormous labyrinth of memories. I was lost in the room with other strangers, where we were following the whispers and stories in every single room. This is the best VR experience I have ever tried.”

“沙室是这种VR艺术体验中的特殊空间,无数巨大的黑板构成了广阔的虚拟空间,就像巨大的迷宫般的回忆。 我和其他陌生人一起迷失在房间里,我们在每个房间里跟着耳语和故事。 这是我尝试过的最佳VR体验。”

Kelvin Lo, Unity Evangelist, Taiwan Taipei, Taiwan

台湾统一传道人罗开文(Kelvin Lo),台湾台北

可可VR体验 (Coco VR Experience)

“It’s an amazing cinematic extension to a great animated movie. I’m a huge fan of Pixar animated movies, and the way they always improve the rendering quality and the stories they bring to us. When I had the chance to try the Coco VR Experience after watching the movie, I was impressed by how much I could be a part of the movie. All I can think about is how Unity is closing the gap between movies and interactive experiences.”

“这是一部出色动画电影的惊人电影扩展。 我是Pixar动画电影的忠实拥护者,他们始终可以改善渲染质量和带给我们的故事。 观看完电影后,当我有机会尝试Coco VR体验时,我为自己能参与其中多少印象深刻。 我能想到的就是Unity如何缩小电影和互动体验之间的差距。”

Arturo Nereu, Technical Evangelist, Americas Mexico City, Mexico

墨西哥墨西哥城,技术传播者Arturo Nereu

超级飞行 (Superflight)

“SuperFlight to me is an elegant, beautiful example of what a small team, a group of students in this case, with a strong idea can achieve using Unity. For me it’s exciting to see small, well executed games like this succeeding in the wider gaming ecosystem and I’m happy that Unity can play a role in that.”

“对我来说,SuperFlight是一个优雅而美丽的示例,它说明了一个小型团队(在这种情况下为一群学生)的强烈想法可以使用Unity来实现。 对于我来说,很高兴看到这样的小型,性能良好的游戏在更广泛的游戏生态系统中取得成功,我很高兴Unity能够在其中发挥作用。”

Matthew Schell, Senior Screencaster,Online Evangelism Berlin, Germany

马修·谢尔(Matthew Schell),网上福音传教士,德国柏林,

《卡通男孩》动画短片VideoGyan (Tootoo Boy animated short by VideoGyan)

“VideoGyan’s Tootoo boy series is a very entertaining cartoon show involving every day scenarios re-imagined from the point of view of a kid. They are wildly popular among babies and kindergarten kids including my daughter and nephews. VideoGyan is relatively small and it requires a fairly large investment to buy render farms and licenses to rendering engines in order to render their videos. With Unity they eliminate this cost along with the time they save during the iteration phase (thanks again to real time rendering!).”

“ VideoGyan的Tootoo男孩系列是一个非常有趣的卡通节目,涉及从孩子的角度重新想象的每天场景。 它们在婴儿和幼儿园孩子中广受欢迎,包括我的女儿和侄子。 VideoGyan相对较小,需要大量投资来购买渲染场和渲染引擎许可,以渲染其视频。 使用Unity,他们消除了此成本以及在迭代阶段节省的时间(再次感谢实时渲染!)。”

Arvind Neelakantan, Technical Evangelist, South APAC Chennai, India

印度钦奈南部亚太地区技术传道者Arvind Neelakantan

命运之手2 (Hand of Fate 2)

“I really enjoy HoF’s unique gameplay mechanics, and the second installment has turned everything up to 11, out of a possible 5!”


Levi Bard, Developer, Core R&D Copenhagen, Denmark

Levi Bard,核心研发人员,丹麦哥本哈根

无尽太空2 (Endless Space 2)

“This is a crazy-fun, 4x style game with a lot of sophistication. Also, I can blow up planets… so that’s cool.”

“这是一款疯狂有趣的4x风格游戏,具有很多复杂性。 另外,我可以炸毁行星……这很酷。”

Mike Geig, Head of Global Evangelism Content Ohio, United States

美国俄亥俄州全球传福音内容负责人Mike Geig

猫任务 (Cat Quest)

“I remember the first time I saw Cat Quest- it was a video of the world map that they shared on Facebook. That was very early in development, but it captured my imagination of what kind of adventure I would experience in the world of Cat Quest.”

“我记得我第一次看到Cat Quest,这是他们在Facebook上分享的世界地图的视频。 那是开发的早期,但是它吸引了我对我在Cat Quest世界中会经历什么样的冒险的想象。”

Boon Yi Fei, Field Engineer Singapore

新加坡现场工程师Boon Yi Fei

We would love to hear in the comments what your favorite Made With Unity content was this year and what you are most looking forward to seeing in 2018!




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