


根据类的继承关系,我们能直接使用的信号在 QsciScintillaBase 和 QsciScintilla(是对前面的这个基类的进一步封装而已) 这个类里。


打开 qsciscintillabase.h 文件,可以看到所有的信号函数12个如下:

//! This signal is emitted whenever the cursor position changes.  \a line
//! contains the line number and \a index contains the character index
//! within the line.
void cursorPositionChanged(int line, int index);

//! This signal is emitted whenever text is selected or de-selected.
//! \a yes is true if text has been selected and false if text has been
//! deselected.  If \a yes is true then copy() can be used to copy the
//! selection to the clipboard.  If \a yes is false then copy() does
//! nothing. 
//! \sa copy(), selectionChanged()
void copyAvailable(bool yes);

//! This signal is emitted whenever the user clicks on an indicator.  \a
//! line is the number of the line where the user clicked.  \a index is the
//! character index within the line.  \a state is the state of the modifier
//! keys (Qt::ShiftModifier, Qt::ControlModifier, Qt::AltModifer and
//! Qt::MetaModifier) when the user clicked.
//! \sa indicatorReleased()
void indicatorClicked(int line, int index, Qt::KeyboardModifiers state);

//! This signal is emitted whenever the user releases the mouse on an
//! indicator.  \a line is the number of the line where the user clicked.
//! \a index is the character index within the line.  \a state is the state
//! of the modifier keys (Qt::ShiftModifier, Qt::ControlModifier,
//! Qt::AltModifer and Qt::MetaModifier) when the user released the mouse.
//! \sa indicatorClicked()
void indicatorReleased(int line, int index, Qt::KeyboardModifiers state);

//! This signal is emitted whenever the number of lines of text changes.
void linesChanged();

//! This signal is emitted whenever the user clicks on a sensitive margin.
//! \a margin is the margin.  \a line is the number of the line where the
//! user clicked.  \a state is the state of the modifier keys
//! (Qt::ShiftModifier, Qt::ControlModifier, Qt::AltModifer and
//! Qt::MetaModifier) when the user clicked.
//! \sa marginSensitivity(), setMarginSensitivity()
void marginClicked(int margin, int line, Qt::KeyboardModifiers state);

//! This signal is emitted whenever the user right-clicks on a sensitive
//! margin.  \a margin is the margin.  \a line is the number of the line
//! where the user clicked.  \a state is the state of the modifier keys
//! (Qt::ShiftModifier, Qt::ControlModifier, Qt::AltModifer and
//! Qt::MetaModifier) when the user clicked.
//! \sa marginSensitivity(), setMarginSensitivity()
void marginRightClicked(int margin, int line, Qt::KeyboardModifiers state);

//! This signal is emitted whenever the user attempts to modify read-only
//! text.
//! \sa isReadOnly(), setReadOnly()
void modificationAttempted();

//! This signal is emitted whenever the modification state of the text
//! changes.  \a m is true if the text has been modified.
//! \sa isModified(), setModified()
void modificationChanged(bool m);

//! This signal is emitted whenever the selection changes.
//! \sa copyAvailable()
void selectionChanged();

//! This signal is emitted whenever the text in the text edit changes.
void textChanged();

//! This signal is emitted when an item in a user defined list is activated
//! (selected).  \a id is the list identifier.  \a string is the text of
//! the item.
//! \sa showUserList()
void userListActivated(int id, const QString &string);


其它的信号函数是在 QsciScintillaBase 这个类里

打开 qsciscintillabase.h 文件,可以看到所有的信号函数33个如下:

//! This signal is emitted when text is selected or de-selected.
//! \a yes is true if text has been selected and false if text has been
//! deselected.
void QSCN_SELCHANGED(bool yes);    

//! This signal is emitted when the user cancels an auto-completion list.
void SCN_AUTOCCANCELLED();        

//! This signal is emitted when the user deletes a character when an
//! auto-completion list is active.

//! This signal is emitted after an auto-completion has inserted its text.
//! \a selection is the text of the selection.  \a position is the start
//! position of the word being completed.  \a ch is the fillup character
//! that triggered the selection if method is SC_AC_FILLUP.  \a method is
//! the method used to trigger the selection.
void SCN_AUTOCCOMPLETED(const char *selection, int position, int ch, int method);

//! This signal is emitted when the user selects an item in an
//! auto-completion list.  It is emitted before the selection is inserted.
//! The insertion can be cancelled by sending an SCI_AUTOCANCEL message
//! from a connected slot.
//! \a selection is the text of the selection.  \a position is the start
//! position of the word being completed.  \a ch is the fillup character
//! that triggered the selection if method is SC_AC_FILLUP.  \a method is
//! the method used to trigger the selection.

void SCN_AUTOCSELECTION(const char *selection, int position, int ch, int method);

//! \overload
void SCN_AUTOCSELECTION(const char *selection, int position);

//! This signal is emitted when the user highlights an item in an
//! auto-completion or user list.
//! \a selection is the text of the selection.  \a id is an identifier for
//! the list which was passed as an argument to the SCI_USERLISTSHOW
//! message or 0 if the list is an auto-completion list.  \a position is
//! the position that the list was displayed at.
void SCN_AUTOCSELECTIONCHANGE(const char *selection, int id, int position);

//! This signal is emitted when the document has changed for any reason.

//! This signal is emitted when the user clicks on a calltip.
//! \a direction is 1 if the user clicked on the up arrow, 2 if the user
//! clicked on the down arrow, and 0 if the user clicked elsewhere.
void SCN_CALLTIPCLICK(int direction);

//! This signal is emitted whenever the user enters an ordinary character
//! into the text.
//! \a charadded is the character. It can be used to decide to display a
//! call tip or an auto-completion list.
void SCN_CHARADDED(int charadded);

//! This signal is emitted when the user double clicks.
//! \a position is the position in the text where the click occured.
//! \a line is the number of the line in the text where the click occured.
//! \a modifiers is the logical or of the modifier keys that were pressed
//! when the user double clicked.
void SCN_DOUBLECLICK(int position, int line, int modifiers);

//! This signal is emitted when the user moves the mouse (or presses a key)
//! after keeping it in one position for the dwell period.
//! \a position is the position in the text where the mouse dwells.
//! \a x is the x-coordinate where the mouse dwells.  \a y is the
//! y-coordinate where the mouse dwells.
void SCN_DWELLEND(int position, int x, int y);

//! This signal is emitted when the user keeps the mouse in one position
//! for the dwell period.
//! \a position is the position in the text where the mouse dwells.
//! \a x is the x-coordinate where the mouse dwells.  \a y is the
//! y-coordinate where the mouse dwells.
void SCN_DWELLSTART(int position, int x, int y);

//! This signal is emitted when focus is received.

//! This signal is emitted when focus is lost.

//! This signal is emitted when the user clicks on text in a style with the
//! hotspot attribute set.
//! \a position is the position in the text where the click occured.
//! \a modifiers is the logical or of the modifier keys that were pressed
//! when the user clicked.
void SCN_HOTSPOTCLICK(int position, int modifiers);

//! This signal is emitted when the user double clicks on text in a style
//! with the hotspot attribute set.
//! \a position is the position in the text where the double click occured.
//! \a modifiers is the logical or of the modifier keys that were pressed
//! when the user double clicked.
void SCN_HOTSPOTDOUBLECLICK(int position, int modifiers);

//! This signal is emitted when the user releases the mouse button on text
//! in a style with the hotspot attribute set.
//! \a position is the position in the text where the release occured.
//! \a modifiers is the logical or of the modifier keys that were pressed
//! when the user released the button.
void SCN_HOTSPOTRELEASECLICK(int position, int modifiers);

//! This signal is emitted when the user clicks on text that has an
//! indicator.
//! \a position is the position in the text where the click occured.
//! \a modifiers is the logical or of the modifier keys that were pressed
//! when the user clicked.
void SCN_INDICATORCLICK(int position, int modifiers);

//! This signal is emitted when the user releases the mouse button on text
//! that has an indicator.
//! \a position is the position in the text where the release occured.
//! \a modifiers is the logical or of the modifier keys that were pressed
//! when the user released.
void SCN_INDICATORRELEASE(int position, int modifiers);

//! This signal is emitted when a recordable editor command has been
//! executed.
void SCN_MACRORECORD(unsigned int, unsigned long, void *);

//! This signal is emitted when the user clicks on a sensitive margin.
//! \a position is the position of the start of the line against which the
//! user clicked.
//! \a modifiers is the logical or of the modifier keys that were pressed
//! when the user clicked.
//! \a margin is the number of the margin the user clicked in: 0, 1 or 2.
void SCN_MARGINCLICK(int position, int modifiers, int margin);

//! This signal is emitted when the user right-clicks on a sensitive
//! margin.  \a position is the position of the start of the line against
//! which the user clicked.
//! \a modifiers is the logical or of the modifier keys that were pressed
//! when the user clicked.
//! \a margin is the number of the margin the user clicked in: 0, 1 or 2.
void SCN_MARGINRIGHTCLICK(int position, int modifiers, int margin);

void SCN_MODIFIED(int, int, const char *, int, int, int, int, int, int, int);

//! This signal is emitted when the user attempts to modify read-only
//! text.

void SCN_NEEDSHOWN(int, int);

//! This signal is emitted when painting has been completed.  It is useful
//! to trigger some other change but to have the paint be done first to
//! appear more reponsive to the user.

//! This signal is emitted when the current state of the text no longer
//! corresponds to the state of the text at the save point.

//! This signal is emitted when the current state of the text corresponds
//! to the state of the text at the save point. This allows feedback to be
//! given to the user as to whether the text has been modified since it was
//! last saved.

//! This signal is emitted when a range of text needs to be syntax styled.
//! The range is from the value returned by the SCI_GETENDSTYLED message
//! and \a position.  It is only emitted if the currently selected lexer is
void SCN_STYLENEEDED(int position);

//! This signal is emitted when a URI is dropped.
//! \a url is the value of the URI.
void SCN_URIDROPPED(const QUrl &url);

//! This signal is emitted when either the text or styling of the text has
//! changed or the selection range or scroll position has changed.
//! \a updated contains the set of SC_UPDATE_* flags describing the changes
//! since the signal was last emitted.
void SCN_UPDATEUI(int updated);

//! This signal is emitted when the user selects an item in a user list.
//! \a selection is the text of the selection.  \a id is an identifier for
//! the list which was passed as an argument to the SCI_USERLISTSHOW
//! message and must be at least 1.  \a ch is the fillup character that
//! triggered the selection if method is SC_AC_FILLUP.  \a method is the
//! method used to trigger the selection.  \a position is the position that
//! the list was displayed at.
void SCN_USERLISTSELECTION(const char *selection, int id, int ch, int method, int position);

//! \overload
void SCN_USERLISTSELECTION(const char *selection, int id, int ch, int method);

//! \overload
void SCN_USERLISTSELECTION(const char *selection, int id);

//编辑器发生了缩放,比如 ctrl+鼠标滚轮 进行了放大或者缩小
void SCN_ZOOM();


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