

  1. The main advantage of the proposed approach is its applicability to both steady-state and transient operating conditions.
  2. An important advantage of the method lies in the fact that it not only avoids some of the drawbacks of the classical Fourier method, which are deeply spread in the industrial environment, but also maintains its simplicity.
  3. HHT has some positive aspects in comparison with the DWT such as avoiding the necessity of selecting a mother wavelet or a possible better  representation of the LSH up to the fundamental frequency since it avoids the dyadic frequency decomposition of the Mallat algorithm.
  4. It has been also shown that the computational complexity of the DPT is very low compared with other TMCSA methods because it does not need to generate any 3-D time-frequency-amplitude image. Another advantage of the proposed method is ...
  5. Compared to online monitoring techniques, it is capable of providing a more reliable assessment of rotor bar condition since it is independent of motor operating conditions, such as rapidly varying frequency or load applications, or low slip operation, as it is a standstill test.
  6. The new method has many benefits compared to the existing offline and online test methods that are used in the field.
  7. This approach provides some advantages over other fundamental current-based diagnostic techniques in terms of interference with the fundamental motor operation and the influence of closed-loop current control.
  8. Although this is an approximate model of a faulty machine, which may not represent accurately the behavior of an induction machine with a rotor fault, it has the virtue of allowing us to obtain an analytical relationship between some of the effects of the fault and the number of adjacent broken bars.
  1. The main disadvantage of current spectrum analysis is the noise that causes uncertainty while separating the healthy bearing pattern from the defective.
  2. A limitation of the method is the need for a minimum startup time to avoid both the influence of the initial electromagnetic transient and the border effects of the transform.
  3. The only known shortcoming of the proposed technique compared to existing online methods is its inability to provide continuous online monitoring.
  4. The common drawback to all methods stated before is a rather complex numerical model they rely upon.
  5. The scope of application is limited to closed-loop drives featuring fast dynamics.
  6. Unfortunately, all of them revealed their inability for the diagnosis of faults in DRFOC drives.
  7. The lack of continuous monitoring and accessibility are the shortcomings of the aforementioned techniques.
  8. However, they suffer from the fact that improved resolution of the spectrum would entail long data records.
  9. Although alternative methods such as vibration analysis with accelerometers and thermal analysis provide satisfactory result, continual low-cost protection without the use of extra sensors and hardware is always the most attractive method for a great market share.
  10. These flaws are particularly inhibiting for monitoring of drives with variable of fluctuating load and inertia or with variable speed.
  11. In this way, the faulted machine steady-state model presented by the authors in XX can still be used for diagnostic aims, trading off between the simplicity of the model and the accuracy of the results.
此外,直接写出优点,而缺点则通过however, but等连词引出也是一种不错的表达方式。


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