
























dmeo2应用使用到的sql单独放在了sql.py文件中,通过编写返回sql语句函数,以及变量传参的方式来变换产生不同的sql查询语句。目前该项目views.py中的sql查询类已经通过类属性设置变量的方式在写入excel的时候使用了43条sql,每条sql 1100行左右,实际写入excel报表执行了52800条sql语句,算得上是复杂度中等。



global sqa3
sqa3 = '''
/*Total Call  30天内的每天创建的工单数量(不统计已删除工单)*/
SELECT'—',CAST(MAX(D1) + MAX(D2) + MAX(D3) + MAX(D4) + MAX(D5) + MAX(D6) + MAX(D7) + MAX(D8) + MAX(D9) + MAX(D10) +MAX(D11) + MAX(D12) + MAX(D13) + MAX(D14) + MAX(D15) + MAX(D16) + MAX(D17) + MAX(D18) + MAX(D19) + MAX(D20) +MAX(D21) + MAX(D22) + MAX(D23) + MAX(D24) + MAX(D25) + MAX(D26) + MAX(D27) + MAX(D28) + MAX(D29) + MAX(D30) as varchar),'Total Call' KPI,CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt1.c AS Total_Call,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t1.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t1.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t1.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t1.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t1.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t1.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t1.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t1.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t1.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t1.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t1.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t1.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t1.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t1.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t1.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t1.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t1.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t1.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t1.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t1.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t1.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t1.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t1.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t1.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t1.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t1.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t1.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t1.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t1.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t1.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,COUNT(TICKET_ID) cFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHEREdatediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND person1_root_org_name = @kehuAND TICKET_STATUS NOT IN ('Request - Delete','Approved','Submitted')--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDGROUP BYCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120)) AS t1) AS A
/*Unclosed 30天内的每天创建后,状态未关闭的工单数量(不统计已删除工单)*/
SELECT'—',CAST(MAX(D1) + MAX(D2) + MAX(D3) + MAX(D4) + MAX(D5) + MAX(D6) + MAX(D7) + MAX(D8) + MAX(D9) + MAX(D10) +MAX(D11) + MAX(D12) + MAX(D13) + MAX(D14) + MAX(D15) + MAX(D16) + MAX(D17) + MAX(D18) + MAX(D19) + MAX(D20) +MAX(D21) + MAX(D22) + MAX(D23) + MAX(D24) + MAX(D25) + MAX(D26) + MAX(D27) + MAX(D28) + MAX(D29) + MAX(D30) as varchar),'Unclosed',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt2.c AS Unclosed,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t2.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t2.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t2.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t2.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t2.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t2.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t2.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t2.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t2.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t2.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t2.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t2.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t2.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t2.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t2.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t2.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t2.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t2.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t2.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t2.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t2.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t2.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t2.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t2.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t2.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t2.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t2.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t2.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t2.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t2.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,COUNT(TICKET_ID) cFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHEREdatediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND TICKET_STATUS IN ('Active','Complete','Escalated','New','Pending','Queued','Resolved','Resolved-Validation')AND person1_root_org_name = @kehu--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDGROUP BYCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120)) AS t2) AS A
/*Scheduled  30天内,每天sla应到期工单数量且工单状态为未关*/
SELECT'—',CAST(MAX(D1) + MAX(D2) + MAX(D3) + MAX(D4) + MAX(D5) + MAX(D6) + MAX(D7) + MAX(D8) + MAX(D9) + MAX(D10) +MAX(D11) + MAX(D12) + MAX(D13) + MAX(D14) + MAX(D15) + MAX(D16) + MAX(D17) + MAX(D18) + MAX(D19) + MAX(D20) +MAX(D21) + MAX(D22) + MAX(D23) + MAX(D24) + MAX(D25) + MAX(D26) + MAX(D27) + MAX(D28) + MAX(D29) + MAX(D30) as varchar),'Scheduled',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt3.c AS Scheduled,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t3.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t3.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t3.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t3.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t3.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t3.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t3.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t3.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t3.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t3.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t3.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t3.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t3.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t3.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t3.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t3.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t3.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t3.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t3.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t3.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t3.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t3.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t3.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t3.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t3.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t3.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t3.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t3.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t3.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t3.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTa.cr_date,COUNT ( TICKET_ID ) cFROM(SELECTCONVERT (VARCHAR ( 10 ),DATEADD(SECOND,(SELECTtop 1 sla_due_byFROMVSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX AS vcWHEREvc.item_id=vi.ROW_IDORDER BYthreshold_sort_order DESC), '1970/1/1 08:00:00'),120) AS 'cr_date',vi.TICKET_IDFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHEREperson1_root_org_name = @kehuAND TICKET_STATUS not in ('closed','Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted')AND datediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,vi.CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshu--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 END) AS aGROUP BYa.cr_date) AS t3) AS A
/* P1_call 30天内创建的工单,优先级最高的数量(不统计已删除工单)*/
SELECT'—',CAST(MAX(D1) + MAX(D2) + MAX(D3) + MAX(D4) + MAX(D5) + MAX(D6) + MAX(D7) + MAX(D8) + MAX(D9) + MAX(D10) +MAX(D11) + MAX(D12) + MAX(D13) + MAX(D14) + MAX(D15) + MAX(D16) + MAX(D17) + MAX(D18) + MAX(D19) + MAX(D20) +MAX(D21) + MAX(D22) + MAX(D23) + MAX(D24) + MAX(D25) + MAX(D26) + MAX(D27) + MAX(D28) + MAX(D29) + MAX(D30) as varchar),'P1 call',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt4.c AS P1_call,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t4.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t4.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t4.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t4.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t4.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t4.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t4.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t4.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t4.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t4.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t4.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t4.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t4.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t4.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t4.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t4.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t4.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t4.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t4.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t4.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t4.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t4.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t4.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t4.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t4.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t4.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t4.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t4.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t4.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t4.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,count(TICKET_ID) cFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHEREdatediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND sla_target_name=@sla_target_nameAND person1_root_org_name = @kehuAND TICKET_STATUS not in ('Request - Delete','Approved','Submitted')--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDGROUP BYCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120)) AS t4) AS A
/*Over_SLA 30天创建的工单,状态已关闭,SLA已超时工单数量*/
SELECT'—',CAST(MAX(D1) + MAX(D2) + MAX(D3) + MAX(D4) + MAX(D5) + MAX(D6) + MAX(D7) + MAX(D8) + MAX(D9) + MAX(D10) +MAX(D11) + MAX(D12) + MAX(D13) + MAX(D14) + MAX(D15) + MAX(D16) + MAX(D17) + MAX(D18) + MAX(D19) + MAX(D20) +MAX(D21) + MAX(D22) + MAX(D23) + MAX(D24) + MAX(D25) + MAX(D26) + MAX(D27) + MAX(D28) + MAX(D29) + MAX(D30) as varchar),'Over SLA',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt5.c AS Over_SLA,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t5.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t5.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t5.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t5.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t5.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t5.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t5.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t5.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t5.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t5.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t5.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t5.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t5.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t5.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t5.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t5.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t5.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t5.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t5.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t5.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t5.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t5.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t5.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t5.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t5.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t5.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t5.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t5.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t5.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t5.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,count(TICKET_ID) cFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHEREsla_compliance_status_indicator='Breached SLA'AND datediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND person1_root_org_name = @kehuAND TICKET_STATUS IN ('closed','archive')--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDGROUP BYCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120)) AS t5) AS A
SELECT'Target',--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,显示ALL,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,@CCTI_CLASS值CASE WHEN@CCTI_CLASS=''THEN'ALL'ELSE@CCTI_CLASSEND,--判断到此结束'KPI',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTcase when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t6.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t6.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t6.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t6.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t6.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t6.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t6.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t6.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t6.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t6.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t6.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t6.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t6.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t6.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t6.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t6.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t6.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t6.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t6.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t6.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t6.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t6.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t6.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t6.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t6.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t6.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t6.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t6.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t6.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t6.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTt.cr_date,datename(day,t.cr_date) cFROM(SELECTconvert(varchar(10),dateadd(dd,number,(getdate()-@tianshu)),120) cr_dateFROMmaster..spt_valuesWHEREtype = 'P'AND number < @tianshu) AS t) AS t6)AS A
/*SLA_Met 最近30天创建的工单,SLA达成率,只计算关闭的工单。公式(达成SLA工单数量)/(总工单数量) */
SELECT'>90%',CAST(convert(decimal(16,2), CAST(sum(isnull(A.xjsl,0)) AS decimal(10,2)) *1.00*100 / CAST(sum(isnull(A.gdsl,0)) AS decimal(10,2))) AS varchar(50)) +'%','SLA Met',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt7.c AS SLA_Met,t7.xjsl,t7.gdsl,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t7.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t7.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t7.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t7.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t7.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t7.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t7.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t7.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t7.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t7.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t7.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t7.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t7.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t7.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t7.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t7.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t7.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t7.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t7.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t7.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t7.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t7.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t7.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t7.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t7.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t7.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t7.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t7.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t7.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t7.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTa.cr_date,a.xjsl,b.gdsl,CAST(convert(decimal(16,2),CAST(a.xjsl*1.0*100 / b.gdsl AS decimal(10,2))) AS varchar(50)) +'%' cFROM(SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,COUNT(TICKET_ID) xjslFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHEREdatediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND TICKET_STATUS IN ('closed','archive')AND sla_compliance_status_indicator NOT IN ('Breached SLA','SLA Not Applied')AND person1_root_org_name = @kehu--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDGROUP BYCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120))AS ajoin(SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,COUNT(TICKET_ID) gdslFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHEREdatediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND TICKET_STATUS IN ('closed','archive')AND sla_compliance_status_indicator NOT IN ('SLA Not Applied')AND person1_root_org_name = @kehu--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDGROUP BYCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120))AS bON a.cr_date=b.cr_date) AS t7) AS A
/* Worst_TAT 30天内创建的工单,处理工单所花费最长时间时间跨度的工单的时间值,关闭时间-创建时间(只计算关闭的工单)*/
SELECT'<24:00',MAX(A.Worst_TAT),'Worst TAT',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt8.c AS Worst_TAT,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t8.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t8.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t8.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t8.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t8.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t8.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t8.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t8.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t8.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t8.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t8.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t8.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t8.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t8.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t8.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t8.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t8.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t8.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t8.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t8.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t8.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t8.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t8.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t8.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t8.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t8.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t8.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t8.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t8.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t8.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTb.cr_date,max(b.zd) cFROM(SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CLOSED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00') - DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),108) zdFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHEREdatediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND person1_root_org_name = @kehuAND TICKET_STATUS IN ('closed','archive')--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 END) bGROUP BYb.cr_date) AS t8) AS A
/*Remote_Fixed 最近30天创建的工单,远程解决率,只计算关闭的工单。公式(第一次上门时间为空的工单数)/(总工单数量) */
SELECT'>30%',CAST(convert(decimal(16,2), CAST(sum(isnull(A.fengzi,0)) AS decimal(10,2)) *1.00*100 / CAST(sum(isnull(A.fengmu,0)) AS decimal(10,2))) AS varchar(50)) +'%','Remote Fixed',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt9.c AS Remote_Fixed,t9.fengzi,t9.fengmu,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t9.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t9.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t9.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t9.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t9.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t9.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t9.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t9.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t9.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t9.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t9.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t9.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t9.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t9.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t9.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t9.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t9.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t9.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t9.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t9.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t9.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t9.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t9.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t9.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t9.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t9.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t9.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t9.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t9.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t9.c else '' end as D30FROM (selecta.cr_date,a.fengzi,b.fengmu,CAST(convert(decimal(16,2), CAST(a.fengzi*1.00*100 / b.fengmu AS decimal(10,2))) AS varchar(50)) +'%' cfrom(selectCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,COUNT(TICKET_ID)  fengzifromVAPP_ITEM as viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHERETICKET_STATUS  IN ('Closed','Archive')AND  (SELECTTOP 1 DATEADD(SECOND, CONVERT(INT, ATTR_VALUE), '1970/1/1 08:00:00')FROMVAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES as vaWHEREva.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_IDand va.ATTR_ID=553) IS  NULLand person1_root_org_name = @kehuand datediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<=@tianshu--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDgroup byCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120))as ajoin(selectCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,COUNT(TICKET_ID) fengmufromVAPP_ITEM as viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHERETICKET_STATUS  IN ('Closed','Archive')and person1_root_org_name = @kehuand datediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<=@tianshu--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDGROUP BYCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120))as bon a.cr_date=b.cr_date) AS t9) AS A
/* Avg_onsite_time 30天内创建的工单,每日平均上门时间  只计算有第一次上门时间的工单。(不统计删除工单) #单位是小时*/
SELECT'<1:00',--将总平均值转换为时间格式(SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(12), avg(A.Avg_onsite_time) /60/60 % 24) + ':'+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),  avg(A.Avg_onsite_time) /60 % 60) + ':'+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),  avg(A.Avg_onsite_time) % 60)),'Avg Onsite Time',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt8.d AS Avg_onsite_time,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t8.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t8.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t8.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t8.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t8.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t8.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t8.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t8.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t8.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t8.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t8.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t8.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t8.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t8.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t8.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t8.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t8.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t8.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t8.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t8.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t8.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t8.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t8.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t8.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t8.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t8.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t8.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t8.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t8.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t8.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTb.cr_date,--计算总平均值AVG(b.zd) d,--将日平均值转时间格式(SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(12), avg(b.zd) /60/60 % 24) + ':'+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),  avg(b.zd) /60 % 60) + ':'+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),  avg(b.zd) % 60)) cFROM(SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,--如果上门时间早于创建时间,赋NULL。如果晚于创建时间,计算差值CASE WHEN(SELECTTOP 1 DATEADD(SECOND, CONVERT(INT, ATTR_VALUE), '1970/1/1 08:00:00')FROMVAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES AS vaWHERE va.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_IDAND va.ATTR_ID=553)  > DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')THENDATEDIFF(ss,DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00'),(SELECTTOP 1 DATEADD(SECOND, CONVERT(INT, ATTR_VALUE), '1970/1/1 08:00:00')FROMVAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES AS vaWHEREva.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_IDAND va.ATTR_ID=553))ELSENULLEND AS zd--判断到此结束FROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHERE(SELECTTOP 1 DATEADD(SECOND, CONVERT(INT, ATTR_VALUE), '1970/1/1 08:00:00')FROMVAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES AS vaWHEREva.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_IDAND va.ATTR_ID=553) is not nullAND datediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND person1_root_org_name = @kehuAND TICKET_STATUS IN ('closed','archive')--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 END) bGROUP BYb.cr_date) AS t8) AS A
/*No_onsite_time 30天内创建的工单,统计每天派给了硬件ccti=hw但是没有第一次上门时间的。(不统计删除工单)*/
SELECT'=0',CAST(MAX(D1) + MAX(D2) + MAX(D3) + MAX(D4) + MAX(D5) + MAX(D6) + MAX(D7) + MAX(D8) + MAX(D9) + MAX(D10) +MAX(D11) + MAX(D12) + MAX(D13) + MAX(D14) + MAX(D15) + MAX(D16) + MAX(D17) + MAX(D18) + MAX(D19) + MAX(D20) +MAX(D21) + MAX(D22) + MAX(D23) + MAX(D24) + MAX(D25) + MAX(D26) + MAX(D27) + MAX(D28) + MAX(D29) + MAX(D30) as varchar),'No Onsite Time',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt11.c AS No_onsite_time,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t11.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t11.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t11.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t11.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t11.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t11.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t11.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t11.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t11.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t11.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t11.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t11.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t11.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t11.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t11.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t11.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t11.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t11.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t11.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t11.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t11.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t11.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t11.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t11.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t11.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t11.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t11.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t11.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t11.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t11.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,COUNT(TICKET_ID) cFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHERE(SELECTTOP 1 DATEADD(SECOND, CONVERT(INT, ATTR_VALUE), '1970/1/1 08:00:00')FROMVAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES AS vaWHEREva.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_IDAND va.ATTR_ID=553) is null--AND CCTI_CLASS=@CCTI_CLASSAND closed_by_group_name IN ('@group')AND datediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND person1_root_org_name = @kehuAND TICKET_STATUS NOT IN ('Request - Delete','Approved','Submitted')--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDGROUP BYCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120)) AS t11) AS A
/*Onsite>1 30天内创建的,统计有第一次和第二次上门时间的工单数量(上门大于一次)(不统计删除工单) */'=0',CAST(MAX(D1) + MAX(D2) + MAX(D3) + MAX(D4) + MAX(D5) + MAX(D6) + MAX(D7) + MAX(D8) + MAX(D9) + MAX(D10) +MAX(D11) + MAX(D12) + MAX(D13) + MAX(D14) + MAX(D15) + MAX(D16) + MAX(D17) + MAX(D18) + MAX(D19) + MAX(D20) +MAX(D21) + MAX(D22) + MAX(D23) + MAX(D24) + MAX(D25) + MAX(D26) + MAX(D27) + MAX(D28) + MAX(D29) + MAX(D30) as varchar),'Onsite>1',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt12.c AS Onsite_1,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t12.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t12.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t12.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t12.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t12.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t12.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t12.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t12.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t12.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t12.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t12.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t12.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t12.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t12.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t12.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t12.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t12.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t12.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t12.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t12.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t12.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t12.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t12.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t12.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t12.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t12.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t12.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t12.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t12.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t12.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,COUNT(TICKET_ID) cFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHERE(SELECTTOP 1 DATEADD(SECOND, CONVERT(INT, ATTR_VALUE), '1970/1/1 08:00:00')FROMVAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES AS vaWHEREva.ITEM_ID=row_idAND va.ATTR_ID=555) is not nullAND (SELECTTOP 1 DATEADD(SECOND, CONVERT(INT, ATTR_VALUE), '1970/1/1 08:00:00')FROMVAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES AS vaWHEREva.ITEM_ID=row_idAND va.ATTR_ID=558) is not nullAND datediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND person1_root_org_name = @kehuAND TICKET_STATUS NOT IN ('Request - Delete','Approved','Submitted')--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDGROUP BYCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120)) AS t12) AS A



def sql_zong(kehu='WTC', CCTI_CLASS=' ',sla='WTC-P1',quyu=''):'''返回综合查询的拼接sql'''sqa1 = f'''/*本SQL报表抓取ServiceAI MSSQL数据库,统计客户在30天内的KPI值:Total Call  工单总数Unclosed    未关单总数Scheduled   预计解决数量P1 call#    P1紧急工单数量Over SLA#   超SLA数量SLA Met%    SLA达成率Worst TAT   当天完成跨度最长的工单所花的时间Remote Fixed    远程解决率Max late close  系统操作关闭时间-实际关闭时间之间的差值,该栏位列出最大的差值所花的时间,ServiceAI没有实际关单时间,可不统计。Repeat Call#    重复Call数量,ServiceAI没有该计算值,暂不统计。Avg onsite time 平均上门时间No Onsite time  没有上门时间的数量Onsite# > 1 上门次数大于1次的数量*//*@kehu 定义报表统计的客户*/--declare @kehu VARCHAR(20)declare @kehu nvarchar(2000)set @kehu =N'{kehu}'/*@CCTI_CLASS 定义报表中ccti的类型。为空,即统计所有CCTI。同时表标题列的范围,也会根据该值自动修改*/declare @CCTI_CLASS nvarchar(2000)set @CCTI_CLASS=N'{CCTI_CLASS}'/*@district 定义报表统计的区域。为空,即统计该客户所有区域*/-- declare @district nvarchar(2000)-- set @district=''/*@tianshu 定义报表统计的天数,目前由于格式,只能是30天*/declare @tianshu intset @tianshu=30/*@sla_target_name 定义查询工单的SLA*/declare @sla_target_name nvarchar(2000)set @sla_target_name=N'{sla}'/*@group 定义No Onsite time中没有产生上门时间的硬件组的名称*/declare @group nvarchar(2000)/*@org_name 定义要查询的客户区域*/declare @org_name nvarchar(2000)set @org_name=N'{quyu}''''sqa2 = r"set @group=N'''L1-HW-SH'',''L1-HW-BJ'',''L1-HW-GZ'',''L1-HW-SZ'''"zonghe = sqa1 + sqa2 + sqa3return zonghe'''
下面是 一,UNCLOSED  某个客户所有未关单   二,YESTERDAY NEW 某个客户昨天创建的所有工单三,YESTERDAY CLOSED 客户昨天关闭的所有工单的sql语句
kehu='WTC'#一,UNCLOSED  客户所有未关单
SELECTsla_target_name as 'Pri',(case when sla_compliance_status_indicator = 'Breached SLA' and TICKET_STATUS not in ('closed','Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted') then DATEDIFF(hh, DATEADD(SECOND, (select top 1 sla_due_by FROM VSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX as vc where vc.item_id=vi.ROW_ID order by threshold_sort_order desc), '1970/1/1 08:00:00'), GETDATE()) when sla_compliance_status_indicator = 'Breached SLA' and TICKET_STATUS in ('closed','Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted') then DATEDIFF(hh, DATEADD(SECOND, (select top 1 sla_due_by FROM VSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX as vc where vc.item_id=vi.ROW_ID order by threshold_sort_order desc), '1970/1/1 08:00:00'), DATEADD(SECOND, closed_date, '1970/1/1 08:00:00')) else null end) as 'Over Sla',ticket_identifier as 'Ticket#',TICKET_STATUS as 'State',[person1_root_org_name] as 'Cust_Name',person1_org_name as 'Store',assigned_to_username as 'Owner',ticket_description as 'Problem Description',ticket_details +'  ' + description_long +'  ' + last_worklog as 'Updates',(SELECT TOP 1 ATTR_VALUE FROM VAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES as va WHERE va.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_ID and va.ATTR_ID=578) as 'Solution'
fromVAPP_ITEM as vileft join (select row_number() over(partition by item_id order by threshold_sort_order desc) as iid, sla_due_by, item_id from VSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX) sla on vi.ROW_ID = sla.item_id and sla.iid = 1
whereperson1_root_org_name='{kehu}' and  TICKET_STATUS not in ('closed','Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted')
'''#二,YESTERDAY NEW 客户昨天创建的所有工单
SELECTsla_target_name as 'Pri',(case when sla_compliance_status_indicator = 'Breached SLA' and TICKET_STATUS not in ('closed','Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted') then DATEDIFF(hh, DATEADD(SECOND, (select top 1 sla_due_by FROM VSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX as vc where vc.item_id=vi.ROW_ID order by threshold_sort_order desc), '1970/1/1 08:00:00'), GETDATE()) when sla_compliance_status_indicator = 'Breached SLA' and TICKET_STATUS in ('closed','Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted') then DATEDIFF(hh, DATEADD(SECOND, (select top 1 sla_due_by FROM VSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX as vc where vc.item_id=vi.ROW_ID order by threshold_sort_order desc), '1970/1/1 08:00:00'), DATEADD(SECOND, closed_date, '1970/1/1 08:00:00')) else null end) as 'Over Sla',ticket_identifier as 'Ticket#',TICKET_STATUS as 'State',[person1_root_org_name] as 'Cust_Name',person1_org_name as 'Store',assigned_to_group_name as 'Queue',assigned_to_username as 'Owner',ticket_description as 'Problem Description',last_worklog as 'Last Update Description',(SELECT TOP 1 ATTR_VALUE FROM VAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES as va WHERE va.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_ID and va.ATTR_ID=578) as 'Solution',DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00') AS 'Created',DATEADD(SECOND, closed_date, '1970/1/1 08:00:00') AS 'Close_Time',CCTI_CLASS+':'+CCTI_CATEGORY+':'+CCTI_TYPE+':'+CCTI_TYPE AS 'Service',(SELECT TOP 1 ATTR_VALUE FROM VAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES as va WHERE va.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_ID and va.ATTR_ID=549) as 'Contact Person',(SELECT TOP 1 ATTR_VALUE FROM VAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES as va WHERE va.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_ID and va.ATTR_ID=550) as 'Telephone'
fromVAPP_ITEM as vileft join (select row_number() over(partition by item_id order by threshold_sort_order desc) as iid, sla_due_by, item_id from VSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX) sla on vi.ROW_ID = sla.item_id and sla.iid = 1
whereperson1_root_org_name='{kehu}'and  TICKET_STATUS not in ('Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted')and CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120)= convert(varchar(10),dateadd(DD,-1,getdate()),120)
'''#三,YESTERDAY CLOSED 客户昨天关闭的所有工单
SELECTsla_target_name as 'Pri',(case when sla_compliance_status_indicator = 'Breached SLA' and TICKET_STATUS not in ('closed','Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted') then DATEDIFF(hh, DATEADD(SECOND, (select top 1 sla_due_by FROM VSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX as vc where vc.item_id=vi.ROW_ID order by threshold_sort_order desc), '1970/1/1 08:00:00'), GETDATE()) when sla_compliance_status_indicator = 'Breached SLA' and TICKET_STATUS in ('closed','Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted') then DATEDIFF(hh, DATEADD(SECOND, (select top 1 sla_due_by FROM VSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX as vc where vc.item_id=vi.ROW_ID order by threshold_sort_order desc), '1970/1/1 08:00:00'), DATEADD(SECOND, closed_date, '1970/1/1 08:00:00')) else null end) as 'Over Sla',ticket_identifier as 'Ticket#',TICKET_STATUS as 'State',[person1_root_org_name] as 'Cust_Name',person1_org_name as 'Store',assigned_to_group_name as 'Queue',assigned_to_username as 'Owner',ticket_description as 'Problem Description',last_worklog as 'Last Update Description',(SELECT TOP 1 ATTR_VALUE FROM VAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES as va WHERE va.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_ID and va.ATTR_ID=578) as 'Solution',DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00') AS 'Created',DATEADD(SECOND, closed_date, '1970/1/1 08:00:00') AS 'Close_Time',CCTI_CLASS+':'+CCTI_CATEGORY+':'+CCTI_TYPE+':'+CCTI_TYPE AS 'Service',(SELECT TOP 1 ATTR_VALUE FROM VAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES as va WHERE va.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_ID and va.ATTR_ID=549) as 'Contact Person',(SELECT TOP 1 ATTR_VALUE FROM VAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES as va WHERE va.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_ID and va.ATTR_ID=550) as 'Telephone'
fromVAPP_ITEM as vileft join (select row_number() over(partition by item_id order by threshold_sort_order desc) as iid, sla_due_by, item_id from              VSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX) sla on vi.ROW_ID = sla.item_id and sla.iid = 1
whereperson1_root_org_name='{kehu}'and  TICKET_STATUS not in ('Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted')and CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(SECOND, closed_date, '1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120)= convert(varchar(10),dateadd(DD,-1,getdate()),120)
'''def sql_zong2(i):'''给调用函数返回 三条sql语句一,UNCLOSED  某个客户所有未关单二,YESTERDAY NEW 某个客户昨天创建的所有工单三,YESTERDAY CLOSED 客户昨天关闭的所有工单'''i2=int(i)if i2==1:return sqa4elif i2==2:return sqa5elif i2==3:return  sqa6else:print('你输入的数字不对,没有你要查询的sql')



# 定义数据库查询类
class Sql_chaxun2():'''初始化sqlserver 连接属性'''def __init__(self):self.servername = '888.888.888.888'  # 服务器名称self.username = '你猜'  # 账户self.port = '23350'  # 端口号self.password = '你猜'  # 密码self.dabasename = '你猜'  #数据库名称self.get_sql = []  # 获取8条拼接sql列表self.sqlj = []  # 获取8条sql执行结果列表self.ccti_list =[' ','HW','SW/PC01','SW/PC02', 'SW/POS','SW/手持','SW/SCO','NW']self.quyu=['东区','西区','南区','北区']def chaxun(self):'''执行all查询'''con = pymssql.connect(server=self.servername, user=self.username, password=self.password,database=self.dabasename, port=self.port, charset='utf8')print('sqlserver 连接成功')r5 = []  # 应用于写入excel 存储dataframe数据的列表q = 1for i in self.ccti_list:print(i)r4 = []i2 = sql_zong(CCTI_CLASS=f'{i}')d = pd.read_sql(i2,con)print(2)d = d.fillna(0)  # 将空值填充为0d = d.replace('100.00%', '100%')  # 替换值#将每一个dataframe中的数据取出来保存到一个列表中r5.append(d) #应用于写入excel 将每一个dataframe数据存储到列表中for ii2 in range(len(d)):r4.append(d.loc[ii2].tolist())#将每一个列表存储到一个总列表中self.sqlj.append(r4)print(f'第{q}句sql执行成功')q += 1# 添加新需求 给excel增加3个工作簿# 1, UNCLOSED  某个客户所有未关单 2, YESTERDAY NEW 某个客户昨天创建的所有工单  3,YESTERDAY CLOSED 客户昨天关闭的所有工单r6=[]for i in range(1,4):print(i)i3=sql_zong2(i)d2=pd.read_sql(i3,con)d2 = d2.fillna(' ')  # 将空值填充为空字符串空格d2 = d2.replace('100.00%', '100%')  # 替换值r6.append(d2)print(f'第{q}句sql执行成功')q += 1# 添加新需求 给excel增加屈臣氏的 东区 南区 西区 北区r8=[]for i in self.quyu:r7=[]for j in self.ccti_list:i4=sql_zong(CCTI_CLASS=f'{j}',quyu=f'{i}')d3=pd.read_sql(i4,con)d3 = d3.fillna(0)  # 将空值填充为空字符串空格d3 = d3.replace('100.00%', '100%')  # 替换值r7.append(d3)print(f'第{q}句sql执行成功')q += 1r8.append(r7)con.commit()  # 提交对数据库的操作con.close()  # 关闭数据库print('关闭数据库成功')jieguo=self.sqlj #将总列表保存给变量 用于locals传输#return self.sqlj 如果只是为了反回给html数据只需要将self.sqlj 返回给调用函数#但是新需求需要将数据写入excel 这就需要使用locals来返回当前函数的所有局部变量#以字典的形式返回给调用函数, 调用函数去除值得时候需要用字典取值得方式return locals()


#ccti_list 定义查询的ccti 在views.py 文件中70行中的列表修改
#quyu 定义查询客户的区域 在views.py文件中的71行中修改
report_name='Daily_Report_WTC'  #邮件主题 文件名称 图表名称
dircname='/docker/nginxWebUI/html' # 文件夹变量 格式:/docker/nginxWebUI/html
murl=''    #域名变量 格式:
Recipient=['2569449660@qq.com', 'bill.wang@value-exch.com']   #接收人变量'Figo.FEI@value-exch.com'
#kehu 客户变量在sql.py 第973行 作用修改sql查询中筛选的客户
#kehu 客户变量需要修改两次 sql.py 第1032行
email_text='''<strong>DR负责人: <span style="color:#ffffff"><span style="background-color:#e74c3c">Kame.Lu</span></span> (日常运作/内容变更/停止发送)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Backup:<span style="color:#ffffff"><span style="background-color:#e67e22">????</span></span><br /><br /><strong><u><span style="font-size:16px">Sheet Description</span></u></strong><br /><strong><span style="color:#ffffff"><span style="background-color:#ff0000">Customer Name</span></span></strong> 客户\区域过去31天服务统计 (Customer\District KPI statistics of last 31 days)<br /><br /><strong><u><span style="font-size:16px">KPI Description</span></u></strong><br /><strong>SLA Met%</strong> : 已关工单SLA达成率 (SLA achieved% of closed tickets)<br /><strong>Worst TAT</strong> (Turn Around Time) : 已关工单,处理时间最长的 (the longest repair time of tickets fixed)<br /><strong>First Call Fixed</strong>&nbsp;: 首次上门故障解决率<br /><strong>Remote Fixed​</strong>: 远程解决率<br /><strong>Avg onsite time</strong> : 平均上门所花费的时间<br /><strong>NoOnsiteTime</strong>: 没有填写过上门信息的数量<br /><strong>Onsite# &gt;1</strong>: 上门次数大于1次的数量</strong><br />



#wtc 报表2 横着过来
def baobiao2(request):# 展示时间模块from datetime import datetimedt = datetime.now()dt2 = f"{dt.year}年{dt.month}月{dt.day}日  {dt.hour}时{dt.minute}分"a = Sql_chaxun2()d = a.chaxun() #将locals返回的值赋值给变量c=d['jieguo']  #取出字典中的值name=report_name #表名称return render(request,'baobiao2.html',locals())


def baobiao2_sendmail(request):# 展示时间模块from datetime import datetimedt = datetime.now()dt2 = f"{dt.year}年{dt.month}月{dt.day}日  {dt.hour}时{dt.minute}分"a = Sql_chaxun2()c = a.chaxun()name = report_name  # 表名称html=render(request,'baobiao2.html',locals())html2=html.content.decode()#bytes类型转为strprint(type(html2))# 下面是保存网页并通过邮件发送的方式from django.core import mail  # 导入发送邮件的模块from email.mime.text import MIMEText  # html格式和文本格式邮件from django.core.mail import send_mail, EmailMultiAlternativesfrom email.header import make_headerfrom django.core.mail import send_mail, EmailMultiAlternatives'''将网页文件写入文本'''# 获取当前时间 时/分/秒import datetimetime = (str(datetime.datetime.now()).split(' ')[0])#根据操作系统来使用不同的写入文件方案import syssystem = sys.platformif system == 'win32':print('当前系统为windows,启用Windows方案')# windows 将网页写入文件中# 这个是写入django项目静态文件夹中try:with open(f'./static/mail/Daily_Report_WTC-ALL-{time}.html', 'wt', encoding='UTF-8') as p:p.write(html2)print('写入成功')except:print('文件写入失败')elif system == 'linux':print("当前系统为linux,启用linux方案")# linux中的docker 文件夹中写入文件try:with open(f'{dircname}/{report_name}-{time}.html', 'wt', encoding='UTF-8') as p:p.write(html2)print('写入成功')except:print('文件写入失败')'''开始生成emal邮件'''subject = f'{report_name}'  # 邮件主题# message = 'bill.ceshi' #邮件内容email_content=f'''{email_text}<strong>{murl}/{report_name}-{time}.html</strong>'''text_content ='-------------'from_email = 'serviceai@zh.value-exch.com.cn'  # 发件人# 'Figo.FEI@value-exch.com'recipient_list = Recipient # 收件人html_content = email_content#html_message=awmsg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject,text_content,from_email, recipient_list)msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")'''添加html附件之后发送'''if system == 'win32':print('当前系统为windows,启用Windows方案')# Windows发送msg.attach_file(f'./static/mail/Daily_Report_WTC-ALL-{time}.html')print('windows系统附件加载完成')elif system == 'linux':print("当前系统为linux,启用linux方案")# linux发送msg.attach_file(f'{dircname}/{report_name}-{time}.html')print("linux系统中附件加载完成")try:msg.send()return HttpResponse('这个是baobiao2_sendmail函数发送的邮件')except:return HttpResponse('邮件发送失败,请联系bill.wang@value-exch.com')




def styleframe(ceshi1,sl):'''定义函数设置excel表格格式'''# 第一步给dataframe重新设置列索引import numpy as npif sl==33:np1 = (np.arange(33)).tolist()ceshi2 = ceshi1.set_axis(np1, axis=1)  # 重新设置列索引elif sl==10:#np1 = (np.arange(9)).tolist()ceshi2 = ceshi1 # 重新设置列索引elif sl==16:#np1 = (np.arange(16)).tolist()ceshi2 = ceshi1  # 重新设置列索引# 第二步 设置sf = StyleFrame(ceshi2)  # 新建一个StyleFrame供接下来使用,新建StyleFrame使用的方法与新建DataFrame用的一样if sl==33:#style 指的是指定那些列设置什么样式# 设置除了第三列的样式之外的样式style=[0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,30, 31, 32]#style2 指的是指定那些列设置什么样式 因为不同的列有不同的样式所以 有style2变量 作用和style变量作用一样style2=[2,5]elif sl==10:#针对UNCLOSED 做判断# style 指的是指定那些列设置什么样式style = ['Pri', 'Over Sla', 'Ticket#', 'State', 'Cust_Name', 'Store', 'Owner', 'Problem Description', 'Updates','Solution']# style2 指的是指定那些列设置什么样式 因为不同的列有不同的样式所以 有style2变量 作用和style变量作用一样style2 = []style3=1elif sl==16:#针对 YESTERDAY NEW  YESTERDAY CLOSED 做判断# style 指的是指定那些列设置什么样式style = ['Pri', 'Over Sla', 'Ticket#', 'State', 'Cust_Name', 'Store', 'Queue', 'Owner', 'Problem Description','Last Update Description','Solution','Created', 'Close_Time', 'Service', 'Contact Person', 'Telephone']# style2 指的是指定那些列设置什么样式 因为不同的列有不同的样式所以 有style2变量 作用和style变量作用一样style2 = []style3=2#判断style2列表是否为空,如果为空 意思就是不给具体的列设置值if style2:print('d不是空的列表')# 设置除了第三列的样式之外的样式# style = [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,#          30, 31, 32]#有底色# sf.apply_column_style(cols_to_style=style,#                       styler_obj=Styler(font_color='black', bg_color='#C0C0C0', font_size=8, bold=True,#                                         border_type='thin'), style_header=True)#无底色sf.apply_column_style(cols_to_style=style,styler_obj=Styler(font_color='black', font_size=8, bold=True,border_type='thin'), style_header=True)# 设置第3列的样式# ss=style2[0]# ss2=style2[1]sf.apply_column_style(cols_to_style=[2],styler_obj=Styler(font_color='white', bg_color='#003366', font_size=8, bold=True,border_type='thin'))# 设置第五行的样式sf.apply_style_by_indexes(indexes_to_style=[5],styler_obj=Styler(font_color='white', bg_color='#003366', font_size=8, bold=True,border_type='thin'))elif not style2:# 针对 YESTERDAY NEW  YESTERDAY CLOSED 做判断# 设置所有列样式# 1,取消所有列自动换行wrap_text=Falsesf.apply_column_style(cols_to_style=style,styler_obj=Styler(font_color='black',  font_size=8, bold=True,border_type='thin',wrap_text=False,number_format='DD/MM/YY HH:MM'), style_header=True)print('d是空的列表,设置标题的样式')# 设置YESTERDAY NEW  YESTERDAY CLOSED标题的样式sf.apply_headers_style(styler_obj=Styler(font_color='white', bg_color='#003366', font_size=8, bold=True,border_type='thin'))# 设置 YESTERDAY NEW  YESTERDAY CLOSED 表格宽度sf.set_column_width(columns=style,width=10)return sf


# wtc 报表2 横着过来
def baobiao3(request):#django邮件发送模块from django.core.mail import send_mail, EmailMultiAlternatives# 展示时间模块from datetime import datetimedt = datetime.now()dt2 = f"{dt.year}年{dt.month}月{dt.day}日  {dt.hour}时{dt.minute}分"# 获取当前时间 时/分/秒import datetimetime = (str(datetime.datetime.now()).split(' ')[0])a = Sql_chaxun2() #实例化类对象d = a.chaxun()  # 将locals返回的值赋值给变量c = d['r5']  # 取出字典中的值 代表all所有区域c1=d['r8'][0] # 取出字典中的值 代表'东区'c2 = d['r8'][1]  # 取出字典中的值 代表'西区'c3 = d['r8'][2]  # 取出字典中的值 代表'南区'c4 = d['r8'][3]  # 取出字典中的值 代表'北区'b=d['r6']'''通过列表c索引取出来的每一个都是一个dataframe数据,之后调用styleframe函数设置每一个dataframe的样式每一个dataframe对应一个工作簿中的一个excel块'''#ALLsf1 = styleframe(c[0],33) #调用styleframe函数设置每一个dataframe样式sf2 = styleframe(c[1],33)sf3 = styleframe(c[2],33)sf4 = styleframe(c[3],33)sf5 = styleframe(c[4],33)sf6 = styleframe(c[5],33)sf7 = styleframe(c[6],33)sf8 = styleframe(c[7],33)#['东区',]sf12 = styleframe(c1[0], 33)  # 调用styleframe函数设置每一个dataframe样式sf13 = styleframe(c1[1], 33)sf14 = styleframe(c1[2], 33)sf15 = styleframe(c1[3], 33)sf16 = styleframe(c1[4], 33)sf17 = styleframe(c1[5], 33)sf18 = styleframe(c1[6], 33)sf19 = styleframe(c1[7], 33)# ['西区',]sf20 = styleframe(c2[0], 33)  # 调用styleframe函数设置每一个dataframe样式sf21 = styleframe(c2[1], 33)sf22 = styleframe(c2[2], 33)sf23 = styleframe(c2[3], 33)sf24 = styleframe(c2[4], 33)sf25 = styleframe(c2[5], 33)sf26 = styleframe(c2[6], 33)sf27 = styleframe(c2[7], 33)# ['南区',]sf28 = styleframe(c3[0], 33)  # 调用styleframe函数设置每一个dataframe样式sf29 = styleframe(c3[1], 33)sf30 = styleframe(c3[2], 33)sf31 = styleframe(c3[3], 33)sf32 = styleframe(c3[4], 33)sf33 = styleframe(c3[5], 33)sf34 = styleframe(c3[6], 33)sf35 = styleframe(c3[7], 33)# ['北区']sf36 = styleframe(c4[0], 33)  # 调用styleframe函数设置每一个dataframe样式sf37 = styleframe(c4[1], 33)sf38 = styleframe(c4[2], 33)sf39 = styleframe(c4[3], 33)sf40 = styleframe(c4[4], 33)sf41 = styleframe(c4[5], 33)sf42 = styleframe(c4[6], 33)sf43 = styleframe(c4[7], 33)#UNCLOSEDsf9=styleframe(b[0],10)#YESTERDAY NEWsf10 = styleframe(b[1],16)#YESTERDAY CLOSEDsf11 = styleframe(b[2],16)# 写入excel代码#第一步:根据操作系统自动识别路径import syssystem = sys.platformif system == 'win32':print('当前系统为windows,启用Windows方案')ew1 = StyleFrame.ExcelWriter(rf'D:\jiaoben\{report_name}-{time}.xlsx', index=False)lujing=f'D:\jiaoben\{report_name}-{time}.xlsx' #取出路径方便发送时使用print('Windows 系统excel 写入路径指定成功')elif system == 'linux':print("当前系统为linux,启用linux方案")ew1 = StyleFrame.ExcelWriter(rf'{dircname}/{report_name}-{time}.xlsx') #linux中不能使用 index=False 否则会报错lujing = f'{dircname}/{report_name}-{time}.xlsx' #取出路径方便发送时使用print('linux 系统excel 写入路径指定成功')#第二步:将文件对象赋值给ew#allew = ew1sf1.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='All', index=False, header=False, startrow=0)sf2.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='All', index=False, header=False, startrow=14)sf3.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='All', index=False, header=False, startrow=28)sf4.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='All', index=False, header=False, startrow=42)sf5.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='All', index=False, header=False, startrow=56)sf6.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='All', index=False, header=False, startrow=70)sf7.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='All', index=False, header=False, startrow=84)sf8.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='All', index=False, header=False, startrow=98)# ['东区',]sf12.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='东区', index=False, header=False, startrow=0)sf13.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='东区', index=False, header=False, startrow=14)sf14.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='东区', index=False, header=False, startrow=28)sf15.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='东区', index=False, header=False, startrow=42)sf16.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='东区', index=False, header=False, startrow=56)sf17.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='东区', index=False, header=False, startrow=70)sf18.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='东区', index=False, header=False, startrow=84)sf19.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='东区', index=False, header=False, startrow=98)# ['南区',]sf28.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='南区', index=False, header=False, startrow=0)sf29.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='南区', index=False, header=False, startrow=14)sf30.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='南区', index=False, header=False, startrow=28)sf31.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='南区', index=False, header=False, startrow=42)sf32.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='南区', index=False, header=False, startrow=56)sf33.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='南区', index=False, header=False, startrow=70)sf34.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='南区', index=False, header=False, startrow=84)sf35.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='南区', index=False, header=False, startrow=98)# ['西区',]sf20.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='西区', index=False, header=False, startrow=0)sf21.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='西区', index=False, header=False, startrow=14)sf22.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='西区', index=False, header=False, startrow=28)sf23.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='西区', index=False, header=False, startrow=42)sf24.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='西区', index=False, header=False, startrow=56)sf25.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='西区', index=False, header=False, startrow=70)sf26.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='西区', index=False, header=False, startrow=84)sf27.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='西区', index=False, header=False, startrow=98)# ['北区']sf36.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='北区', index=False, header=False, startrow=0)sf37.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='北区', index=False, header=False, startrow=14)sf38.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='北区', index=False, header=False, startrow=28)sf39.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='北区', index=False, header=False, startrow=42)sf40.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='北区', index=False, header=False, startrow=56)sf41.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='北区', index=False, header=False, startrow=70)sf42.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='北区', index=False, header=False, startrow=84)sf43.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='北区', index=False, header=False, startrow=98)#多个工作簿测试使用# UNCLOSEDsf9.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='UNCLOSED', index=False, header=True, startrow=0)# YESTERDAY NEWsf10.to_excel(ew,sheet_name='Yesterday NEW', index=False, header=True,startrow=0)# YESTERDAY CLOSEDsf11.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='Yesterday CLOSED', index=False, header=True, startrow=0)ew.save()  # 写入文件print('excel写入成功')#将excel发送代码'''开始生成emal邮件'''subject = f'{report_name}'  # 邮件主题# message = 'bill.ceshi' #邮件内容email_content = f'''{email_text}<strong>{murl}/{report_name}-{time}.xlsx</strong>'''text_content = '-------------'from_email = 'serviceai@zh.value-exch.com.cn'  # 发件人# 'Figo.FEI@value-exch.com'recipient_list = Recipient  # 收件人html_content = email_content# html_message=awmsg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, recipient_list)msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")'''添加html附件之后发送'''if system == 'win32':print('当前系统为windows,启用Windows方案')# Windows发送msg.attach_file(lujing)print('windows系统附件加载完成')elif system == 'linux':print("当前系统为linux,启用linux方案")# linux发送msg.attach_file(lujing)print("linux系统中附件加载完成")try:msg.send()return HttpResponse('这个是baobiao3 函数发送的邮件')except:return HttpResponse('邮件发送失败,请联系bill.wang@value-exch.com')



global sqa3
sqa3 = '''
/*Total Call  30天内的每天创建的工单数量(不统计已删除工单)*/
SELECT'—',CAST(MAX(D1) + MAX(D2) + MAX(D3) + MAX(D4) + MAX(D5) + MAX(D6) + MAX(D7) + MAX(D8) + MAX(D9) + MAX(D10) +MAX(D11) + MAX(D12) + MAX(D13) + MAX(D14) + MAX(D15) + MAX(D16) + MAX(D17) + MAX(D18) + MAX(D19) + MAX(D20) +MAX(D21) + MAX(D22) + MAX(D23) + MAX(D24) + MAX(D25) + MAX(D26) + MAX(D27) + MAX(D28) + MAX(D29) + MAX(D30) as varchar),'Total Call' KPI,CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt1.c AS Total_Call,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t1.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t1.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t1.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t1.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t1.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t1.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t1.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t1.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t1.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t1.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t1.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t1.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t1.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t1.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t1.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t1.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t1.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t1.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t1.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t1.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t1.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t1.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t1.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t1.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t1.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t1.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t1.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t1.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t1.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t1.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t1.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,COUNT(TICKET_ID) cFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHEREdatediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND person1_root_org_name = @kehuAND TICKET_STATUS NOT IN ('Request - Delete','Approved','Submitted')--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDGROUP BYCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120)) AS t1) AS A
/*Unclosed 30天内的每天创建后,状态未关闭的工单数量(不统计已删除工单)*/
SELECT'—',CAST(MAX(D1) + MAX(D2) + MAX(D3) + MAX(D4) + MAX(D5) + MAX(D6) + MAX(D7) + MAX(D8) + MAX(D9) + MAX(D10) +MAX(D11) + MAX(D12) + MAX(D13) + MAX(D14) + MAX(D15) + MAX(D16) + MAX(D17) + MAX(D18) + MAX(D19) + MAX(D20) +MAX(D21) + MAX(D22) + MAX(D23) + MAX(D24) + MAX(D25) + MAX(D26) + MAX(D27) + MAX(D28) + MAX(D29) + MAX(D30) as varchar),'Unclosed',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt2.c AS Unclosed,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t2.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t2.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t2.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t2.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t2.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t2.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t2.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t2.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t2.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t2.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t2.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t2.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t2.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t2.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t2.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t2.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t2.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t2.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t2.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t2.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t2.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t2.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t2.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t2.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t2.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t2.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t2.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t2.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t2.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t2.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t2.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,COUNT(TICKET_ID) cFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHEREdatediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND TICKET_STATUS IN ('Active','Complete','Escalated','New','Pending','Queued','Resolved','Resolved-Validation')AND person1_root_org_name = @kehu--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDGROUP BYCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120)) AS t2) AS A
/*Scheduled  30天内,每天sla应到期工单数量且工单状态为未关*/
SELECT'—',CAST(MAX(D1) + MAX(D2) + MAX(D3) + MAX(D4) + MAX(D5) + MAX(D6) + MAX(D7) + MAX(D8) + MAX(D9) + MAX(D10) +MAX(D11) + MAX(D12) + MAX(D13) + MAX(D14) + MAX(D15) + MAX(D16) + MAX(D17) + MAX(D18) + MAX(D19) + MAX(D20) +MAX(D21) + MAX(D22) + MAX(D23) + MAX(D24) + MAX(D25) + MAX(D26) + MAX(D27) + MAX(D28) + MAX(D29) + MAX(D30) as varchar),'Scheduled',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt3.c AS Scheduled,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t3.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t3.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t3.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t3.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t3.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t3.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t3.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t3.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t3.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t3.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t3.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t3.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t3.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t3.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t3.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t3.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t3.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t3.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t3.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t3.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t3.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t3.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t3.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t3.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t3.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t3.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t3.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t3.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t3.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t3.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t3.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTa.cr_date,COUNT ( TICKET_ID ) cFROM(SELECTCONVERT (VARCHAR ( 10 ),DATEADD(SECOND,(SELECTtop 1 sla_due_byFROMVSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX AS vcWHEREvc.item_id=vi.ROW_IDORDER BYthreshold_sort_order DESC), '1970/1/1 08:00:00'),120) AS 'cr_date',vi.TICKET_IDFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHEREperson1_root_org_name = @kehuAND TICKET_STATUS not in ('closed','Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted')AND datediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,vi.CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshu--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 END) AS aGROUP BYa.cr_date) AS t3) AS A
/* P1_call 30天内创建的工单,优先级最高的数量(不统计已删除工单)*/
SELECT'—',CAST(MAX(D1) + MAX(D2) + MAX(D3) + MAX(D4) + MAX(D5) + MAX(D6) + MAX(D7) + MAX(D8) + MAX(D9) + MAX(D10) +MAX(D11) + MAX(D12) + MAX(D13) + MAX(D14) + MAX(D15) + MAX(D16) + MAX(D17) + MAX(D18) + MAX(D19) + MAX(D20) +MAX(D21) + MAX(D22) + MAX(D23) + MAX(D24) + MAX(D25) + MAX(D26) + MAX(D27) + MAX(D28) + MAX(D29) + MAX(D30) as varchar),'P1 call',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt4.c AS P1_call,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t4.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t4.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t4.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t4.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t4.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t4.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t4.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t4.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t4.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t4.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t4.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t4.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t4.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t4.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t4.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t4.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t4.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t4.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t4.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t4.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t4.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t4.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t4.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t4.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t4.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t4.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t4.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t4.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t4.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t4.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t4.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,count(TICKET_ID) cFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHEREdatediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND sla_target_name=@sla_target_nameAND person1_root_org_name = @kehuAND TICKET_STATUS not in ('Request - Delete','Approved','Submitted')--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDGROUP BYCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120)) AS t4) AS A
/*Over_SLA 30天创建的工单,状态已关闭,SLA已超时工单数量*/
SELECT'—',CAST(MAX(D1) + MAX(D2) + MAX(D3) + MAX(D4) + MAX(D5) + MAX(D6) + MAX(D7) + MAX(D8) + MAX(D9) + MAX(D10) +MAX(D11) + MAX(D12) + MAX(D13) + MAX(D14) + MAX(D15) + MAX(D16) + MAX(D17) + MAX(D18) + MAX(D19) + MAX(D20) +MAX(D21) + MAX(D22) + MAX(D23) + MAX(D24) + MAX(D25) + MAX(D26) + MAX(D27) + MAX(D28) + MAX(D29) + MAX(D30) as varchar),'Over SLA',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt5.c AS Over_SLA,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t5.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t5.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t5.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t5.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t5.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t5.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t5.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t5.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t5.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t5.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t5.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t5.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t5.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t5.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t5.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t5.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t5.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t5.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t5.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t5.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t5.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t5.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t5.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t5.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t5.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t5.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t5.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t5.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t5.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t5.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t5.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,count(TICKET_ID) cFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHEREsla_compliance_status_indicator='Breached SLA'AND datediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND person1_root_org_name = @kehuAND TICKET_STATUS IN ('closed','archive')--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDGROUP BYCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120)) AS t5) AS A
SELECT'Target',--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,显示ALL,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,@CCTI_CLASS值CASE WHEN@CCTI_CLASS=''THEN'ALL'ELSE@CCTI_CLASSEND,--判断到此结束'KPI',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTcase when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t6.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t6.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t6.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t6.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t6.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t6.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t6.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t6.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t6.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t6.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t6.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t6.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t6.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t6.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t6.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t6.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t6.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t6.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t6.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t6.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t6.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t6.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t6.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t6.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t6.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t6.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t6.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t6.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t6.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t6.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t6.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTt.cr_date,datename(day,t.cr_date) cFROM(SELECTconvert(varchar(10),dateadd(dd,number,(getdate()-@tianshu)),120) cr_dateFROMmaster..spt_valuesWHEREtype = 'P'AND number < @tianshu) AS t) AS t6)AS A
/*SLA_Met 最近30天创建的工单,SLA达成率,只计算关闭的工单。公式(达成SLA工单数量)/(总工单数量) */
SELECT'>90%',CAST(convert(decimal(16,2), CAST(sum(isnull(A.xjsl,0)) AS decimal(10,2)) *1.00*100 / CAST(sum(isnull(A.gdsl,0)) AS decimal(10,2))) AS varchar(50)) +'%','SLA Met',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt7.c AS SLA_Met,t7.xjsl,t7.gdsl,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t7.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t7.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t7.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t7.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t7.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t7.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t7.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t7.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t7.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t7.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t7.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t7.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t7.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t7.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t7.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t7.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t7.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t7.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t7.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t7.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t7.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t7.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t7.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t7.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t7.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t7.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t7.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t7.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t7.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t7.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t7.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTa.cr_date,a.xjsl,b.gdsl,CAST(convert(decimal(16,2),CAST(a.xjsl*1.0*100 / b.gdsl AS decimal(10,2))) AS varchar(50)) +'%' cFROM(SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,COUNT(TICKET_ID) xjslFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHEREdatediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND TICKET_STATUS IN ('closed','archive')AND sla_compliance_status_indicator NOT IN ('Breached SLA','SLA Not Applied')AND person1_root_org_name = @kehu--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDGROUP BYCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120))AS ajoin(SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,COUNT(TICKET_ID) gdslFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHEREdatediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND TICKET_STATUS IN ('closed','archive')AND sla_compliance_status_indicator NOT IN ('SLA Not Applied')AND person1_root_org_name = @kehu--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDGROUP BYCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120))AS bON a.cr_date=b.cr_date) AS t7) AS A
/* Worst_TAT 30天内创建的工单,处理工单所花费最长时间时间跨度的工单的时间值,关闭时间-创建时间(只计算关闭的工单)*/
SELECT'<24:00',MAX(A.Worst_TAT),'Worst TAT',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt8.c AS Worst_TAT,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t8.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t8.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t8.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t8.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t8.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t8.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t8.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t8.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t8.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t8.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t8.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t8.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t8.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t8.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t8.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t8.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t8.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t8.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t8.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t8.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t8.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t8.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t8.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t8.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t8.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t8.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t8.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t8.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t8.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t8.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTb.cr_date,max(b.zd) cFROM(SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CLOSED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00') - DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),108) zdFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHEREdatediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND person1_root_org_name = @kehuAND TICKET_STATUS IN ('closed','archive')--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 END) bGROUP BYb.cr_date) AS t8) AS A
/*Remote_Fixed 最近30天创建的工单,远程解决率,只计算关闭的工单。公式(第一次上门时间为空的工单数)/(总工单数量) */
SELECT'>30%',CAST(convert(decimal(16,2), CAST(sum(isnull(A.fengzi,0)) AS decimal(10,2)) *1.00*100 / CAST(sum(isnull(A.fengmu,0)) AS decimal(10,2))) AS varchar(50)) +'%','Remote Fixed',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt9.c AS Remote_Fixed,t9.fengzi,t9.fengmu,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t9.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t9.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t9.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t9.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t9.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t9.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t9.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t9.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t9.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t9.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t9.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t9.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t9.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t9.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t9.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t9.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t9.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t9.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t9.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t9.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t9.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t9.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t9.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t9.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t9.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t9.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t9.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t9.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t9.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t9.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t9.c else '' end as D30FROM (selecta.cr_date,a.fengzi,b.fengmu,CAST(convert(decimal(16,2), CAST(a.fengzi*1.00*100 / b.fengmu AS decimal(10,2))) AS varchar(50)) +'%' cfrom(selectCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,COUNT(TICKET_ID)  fengzifromVAPP_ITEM as viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHERETICKET_STATUS  IN ('Closed','Archive')AND  (SELECTTOP 1 DATEADD(SECOND, CONVERT(INT, ATTR_VALUE), '1970/1/1 08:00:00')FROMVAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES as vaWHEREva.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_IDand va.ATTR_ID=553) IS  NULLand person1_root_org_name = @kehuand datediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<=@tianshu--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDgroup byCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120))as ajoin(selectCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,COUNT(TICKET_ID) fengmufromVAPP_ITEM as viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHERETICKET_STATUS  IN ('Closed','Archive')and person1_root_org_name = @kehuand datediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<=@tianshu--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDGROUP BYCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120))as bon a.cr_date=b.cr_date) AS t9) AS A
/* Avg_onsite_time 30天内创建的工单,每日平均上门时间  只计算有第一次上门时间的工单。(不统计删除工单) #单位是小时*/
SELECT'<1:00',--将总平均值转换为时间格式(SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(12), avg(A.Avg_onsite_time) /60/60 % 24) + ':'+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),  avg(A.Avg_onsite_time) /60 % 60) + ':'+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),  avg(A.Avg_onsite_time) % 60)),'Avg Onsite Time',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt8.d AS Avg_onsite_time,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t8.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t8.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t8.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t8.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t8.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t8.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t8.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t8.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t8.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t8.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t8.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t8.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t8.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t8.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t8.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t8.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t8.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t8.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t8.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t8.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t8.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t8.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t8.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t8.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t8.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t8.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t8.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t8.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t8.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t8.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t8.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTb.cr_date,--计算总平均值AVG(b.zd) d,--将日平均值转时间格式(SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(12), avg(b.zd) /60/60 % 24) + ':'+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),  avg(b.zd) /60 % 60) + ':'+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),  avg(b.zd) % 60)) cFROM(SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,--如果上门时间早于创建时间,赋NULL。如果晚于创建时间,计算差值CASE WHEN(SELECTTOP 1 DATEADD(SECOND, CONVERT(INT, ATTR_VALUE), '1970/1/1 08:00:00')FROMVAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES AS vaWHERE va.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_IDAND va.ATTR_ID=553)  > DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')THENDATEDIFF(ss,DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00'),(SELECTTOP 1 DATEADD(SECOND, CONVERT(INT, ATTR_VALUE), '1970/1/1 08:00:00')FROMVAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES AS vaWHEREva.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_IDAND va.ATTR_ID=553))ELSENULLEND AS zd--判断到此结束FROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHERE(SELECTTOP 1 DATEADD(SECOND, CONVERT(INT, ATTR_VALUE), '1970/1/1 08:00:00')FROMVAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES AS vaWHEREva.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_IDAND va.ATTR_ID=553) is not nullAND datediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND person1_root_org_name = @kehuAND TICKET_STATUS IN ('closed','archive')--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 END) bGROUP BYb.cr_date) AS t8) AS A
/*No_onsite_time 30天内创建的工单,统计每天派给了硬件ccti=hw但是没有第一次上门时间的。(不统计删除工单)*/
SELECT'=0',CAST(MAX(D1) + MAX(D2) + MAX(D3) + MAX(D4) + MAX(D5) + MAX(D6) + MAX(D7) + MAX(D8) + MAX(D9) + MAX(D10) +MAX(D11) + MAX(D12) + MAX(D13) + MAX(D14) + MAX(D15) + MAX(D16) + MAX(D17) + MAX(D18) + MAX(D19) + MAX(D20) +MAX(D21) + MAX(D22) + MAX(D23) + MAX(D24) + MAX(D25) + MAX(D26) + MAX(D27) + MAX(D28) + MAX(D29) + MAX(D30) as varchar),'No Onsite Time',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt11.c AS No_onsite_time,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t11.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t11.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t11.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t11.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t11.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t11.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t11.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t11.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t11.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t11.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t11.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t11.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t11.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t11.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t11.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t11.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t11.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t11.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t11.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t11.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t11.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t11.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t11.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t11.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t11.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t11.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t11.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t11.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t11.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t11.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t11.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,COUNT(TICKET_ID) cFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHERE(SELECTTOP 1 DATEADD(SECOND, CONVERT(INT, ATTR_VALUE), '1970/1/1 08:00:00')FROMVAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES AS vaWHEREva.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_IDAND va.ATTR_ID=553) is null--AND CCTI_CLASS=@CCTI_CLASSAND closed_by_group_name IN ('@group')AND datediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND person1_root_org_name = @kehuAND TICKET_STATUS NOT IN ('Request - Delete','Approved','Submitted')--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDGROUP BYCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120)) AS t11) AS A
/*Onsite>1 30天内创建的,统计有第一次和第二次上门时间的工单数量(上门大于一次)(不统计删除工单) */'=0',CAST(MAX(D1) + MAX(D2) + MAX(D3) + MAX(D4) + MAX(D5) + MAX(D6) + MAX(D7) + MAX(D8) + MAX(D9) + MAX(D10) +MAX(D11) + MAX(D12) + MAX(D13) + MAX(D14) + MAX(D15) + MAX(D16) + MAX(D17) + MAX(D18) + MAX(D19) + MAX(D20) +MAX(D21) + MAX(D22) + MAX(D23) + MAX(D24) + MAX(D25) + MAX(D26) + MAX(D27) + MAX(D28) + MAX(D29) + MAX(D30) as varchar),'Onsite>1',CAST(MAX(D1) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D2) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D3) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D4) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D5) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D6) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D7) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D8) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D9) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D10) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D11) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D12) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D13) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D14) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D15) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D16) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D17) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D18) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D19) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D20) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D21) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D22) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D23) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D24) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D25) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D26) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D27) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D28) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D29) as varchar),CAST(MAX(D30) as varchar)
FROM(SELECTt12.c AS Onsite_1,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =1 then t12.c else '' end as D1,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =2 then t12.c else '' end as D2,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =3 then t12.c else '' end as D3,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =4 then t12.c else '' end as D4,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =5 then t12.c else '' end as D5,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =6 then t12.c else '' end as D6,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =7 then t12.c else '' end as D7,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =8 then t12.c else '' end as D8,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =9 then t12.c else '' end as D9,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =10 then t12.c else '' end as D10,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =11 then t12.c else '' end as D11,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =12 then t12.c else '' end as D12,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =13 then t12.c else '' end as D13,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =14 then t12.c else '' end as D14,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =15 then t12.c else '' end as D15,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =16 then t12.c else '' end as D16,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =17 then t12.c else '' end as D17,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =18 then t12.c else '' end as D18,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =19 then t12.c else '' end as D19,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =20 then t12.c else '' end as D20,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =21 then t12.c else '' end as D21,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =22 then t12.c else '' end as D22,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =23 then t12.c else '' end as D23,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =24 then t12.c else '' end as D24,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =25 then t12.c else '' end as D25,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =26 then t12.c else '' end as D26,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =27 then t12.c else '' end as D27,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =28 then t12.c else '' end as D28,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =29 then t12.c else '' end as D29,case when datediff(dd, t12.cr_date, getdate()) =30 then t12.c else '' end as D30FROM (SELECTCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120) cr_date,COUNT(TICKET_ID) cFROMVAPP_ITEM AS viLEFT JOIN ORG_VEII ON vi.person1_org_name=ORG_VEII.ORG3WHERE(SELECTTOP 1 DATEADD(SECOND, CONVERT(INT, ATTR_VALUE), '1970/1/1 08:00:00')FROMVAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES AS vaWHEREva.ITEM_ID=row_idAND va.ATTR_ID=555) is not nullAND (SELECTTOP 1 DATEADD(SECOND, CONVERT(INT, ATTR_VALUE), '1970/1/1 08:00:00')FROMVAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES AS vaWHEREva.ITEM_ID=row_idAND va.ATTR_ID=558) is not nullAND datediff(dd,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120),GETDATE())<= @tianshuAND person1_root_org_name = @kehuAND TICKET_STATUS NOT IN ('Request - Delete','Approved','Submitted')--如果@CCTI_CLASS是空值,不参与统计,如果@CCTI_CLASS有值,使用@CCTI_CLASS值AND CCTI_CLASS= CASE WHEN @CCTI_CLASS <> '' THEN @CCTI_CLASS ELSE CCTI_CLASS ENDAND ORG_VEII.ORG1= CASE WHEN @org_name <> '' THEN @org_name ELSE ORG_VEII.ORG1 ENDGROUP BYCONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120)) AS t12) AS A
'''def sql_zong(kehu='WTC', CCTI_CLASS=' ',sla='WTC-P1',quyu=''):'''返回综合查询的拼接sql'''sqa1 = f'''/*本SQL报表抓取ServiceAI MSSQL数据库,统计客户在30天内的KPI值:Total Call  工单总数Unclosed    未关单总数Scheduled   预计解决数量P1 call#    P1紧急工单数量Over SLA#   超SLA数量SLA Met%    SLA达成率Worst TAT   当天完成跨度最长的工单所花的时间Remote Fixed    远程解决率Max late close  系统操作关闭时间-实际关闭时间之间的差值,该栏位列出最大的差值所花的时间,ServiceAI没有实际关单时间,可不统计。Repeat Call#    重复Call数量,ServiceAI没有该计算值,暂不统计。Avg onsite time 平均上门时间No Onsite time  没有上门时间的数量Onsite# > 1 上门次数大于1次的数量*//*@kehu 定义报表统计的客户*/--declare @kehu VARCHAR(20)declare @kehu nvarchar(2000)set @kehu =N'{kehu}'/*@CCTI_CLASS 定义报表中ccti的类型。为空,即统计所有CCTI。同时表标题列的范围,也会根据该值自动修改*/declare @CCTI_CLASS nvarchar(2000)set @CCTI_CLASS=N'{CCTI_CLASS}'/*@district 定义报表统计的区域。为空,即统计该客户所有区域*/-- declare @district nvarchar(2000)-- set @district=''/*@tianshu 定义报表统计的天数,目前由于格式,只能是30天*/declare @tianshu intset @tianshu=30/*@sla_target_name 定义查询工单的SLA*/declare @sla_target_name nvarchar(2000)set @sla_target_name=N'{sla}'/*@group 定义No Onsite time中没有产生上门时间的硬件组的名称*/declare @group nvarchar(2000)/*@org_name 定义要查询的客户区域*/declare @org_name nvarchar(2000)set @org_name=N'{quyu}''''sqa2 = r"set @group=N'''L1-HW-SH'',''L1-HW-BJ'',''L1-HW-GZ'',''L1-HW-SZ'''"zonghe = sqa1 + sqa2 + sqa3return zonghe'''
下面是 一,UNCLOSED  某个客户所有未关单   二,YESTERDAY NEW 某个客户昨天创建的所有工单三,YESTERDAY CLOSED 客户昨天关闭的所有工单的sql语句
kehu='WTC'#一,UNCLOSED  客户所有未关单
SELECTsla_target_name as 'Pri',(case when sla_compliance_status_indicator = 'Breached SLA' and TICKET_STATUS not in ('closed','Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted') then DATEDIFF(hh, DATEADD(SECOND, (select top 1 sla_due_by FROM VSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX as vc where vc.item_id=vi.ROW_ID order by threshold_sort_order desc), '1970/1/1 08:00:00'), GETDATE()) when sla_compliance_status_indicator = 'Breached SLA' and TICKET_STATUS in ('closed','Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted') then DATEDIFF(hh, DATEADD(SECOND, (select top 1 sla_due_by FROM VSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX as vc where vc.item_id=vi.ROW_ID order by threshold_sort_order desc), '1970/1/1 08:00:00'), DATEADD(SECOND, closed_date, '1970/1/1 08:00:00')) else null end) as 'Over Sla',ticket_identifier as 'Ticket#',TICKET_STATUS as 'State',[person1_root_org_name] as 'Cust_Name',person1_org_name as 'Store',assigned_to_username as 'Owner',ticket_description as 'Problem Description',ticket_details +'  ' + description_long +'  ' + last_worklog as 'Updates',(SELECT TOP 1 ATTR_VALUE FROM VAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES as va WHERE va.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_ID and va.ATTR_ID=578) as 'Solution'
fromVAPP_ITEM as vileft join (select row_number() over(partition by item_id order by threshold_sort_order desc) as iid, sla_due_by, item_id from VSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX) sla on vi.ROW_ID = sla.item_id and sla.iid = 1
whereperson1_root_org_name='{kehu}' and  TICKET_STATUS not in ('closed','Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted')
'''#二,YESTERDAY NEW 客户昨天创建的所有工单
SELECTsla_target_name as 'Pri',(case when sla_compliance_status_indicator = 'Breached SLA' and TICKET_STATUS not in ('closed','Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted') then DATEDIFF(hh, DATEADD(SECOND, (select top 1 sla_due_by FROM VSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX as vc where vc.item_id=vi.ROW_ID order by threshold_sort_order desc), '1970/1/1 08:00:00'), GETDATE()) when sla_compliance_status_indicator = 'Breached SLA' and TICKET_STATUS in ('closed','Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted') then DATEDIFF(hh, DATEADD(SECOND, (select top 1 sla_due_by FROM VSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX as vc where vc.item_id=vi.ROW_ID order by threshold_sort_order desc), '1970/1/1 08:00:00'), DATEADD(SECOND, closed_date, '1970/1/1 08:00:00')) else null end) as 'Over Sla',ticket_identifier as 'Ticket#',TICKET_STATUS as 'State',[person1_root_org_name] as 'Cust_Name',person1_org_name as 'Store',assigned_to_group_name as 'Queue',assigned_to_username as 'Owner',ticket_description as 'Problem Description',last_worklog as 'Last Update Description',(SELECT TOP 1 ATTR_VALUE FROM VAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES as va WHERE va.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_ID and va.ATTR_ID=578) as 'Solution',DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00') AS 'Created',DATEADD(SECOND, closed_date, '1970/1/1 08:00:00') AS 'Close_Time',CCTI_CLASS+':'+CCTI_CATEGORY+':'+CCTI_TYPE+':'+CCTI_TYPE AS 'Service',(SELECT TOP 1 ATTR_VALUE FROM VAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES as va WHERE va.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_ID and va.ATTR_ID=549) as 'Contact Person',(SELECT TOP 1 ATTR_VALUE FROM VAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES as va WHERE va.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_ID and va.ATTR_ID=550) as 'Telephone'
fromVAPP_ITEM as vileft join (select row_number() over(partition by item_id order by threshold_sort_order desc) as iid, sla_due_by, item_id from VSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX) sla on vi.ROW_ID = sla.item_id and sla.iid = 1
whereperson1_root_org_name='{kehu}'and  TICKET_STATUS not in ('Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted')and CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120)= convert(varchar(10),dateadd(DD,-1,getdate()),120)
'''#三,YESTERDAY CLOSED 客户昨天关闭的所有工单
SELECTsla_target_name as 'Pri',(case when sla_compliance_status_indicator = 'Breached SLA' and TICKET_STATUS not in ('closed','Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted') then DATEDIFF(hh, DATEADD(SECOND, (select top 1 sla_due_by FROM VSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX as vc where vc.item_id=vi.ROW_ID order by threshold_sort_order desc), '1970/1/1 08:00:00'), GETDATE()) when sla_compliance_status_indicator = 'Breached SLA' and TICKET_STATUS in ('closed','Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted') then DATEDIFF(hh, DATEADD(SECOND, (select top 1 sla_due_by FROM VSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX as vc where vc.item_id=vi.ROW_ID order by threshold_sort_order desc), '1970/1/1 08:00:00'), DATEADD(SECOND, closed_date, '1970/1/1 08:00:00')) else null end) as 'Over Sla',ticket_identifier as 'Ticket#',TICKET_STATUS as 'State',[person1_root_org_name] as 'Cust_Name',person1_org_name as 'Store',assigned_to_group_name as 'Queue',assigned_to_username as 'Owner',ticket_description as 'Problem Description',last_worklog as 'Last Update Description',(SELECT TOP 1 ATTR_VALUE FROM VAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES as va WHERE va.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_ID and va.ATTR_ID=578) as 'Solution',DATEADD(S,CREATED_DATE,'1970/1/1 08:00:00') AS 'Created',DATEADD(SECOND, closed_date, '1970/1/1 08:00:00') AS 'Close_Time',CCTI_CLASS+':'+CCTI_CATEGORY+':'+CCTI_TYPE+':'+CCTI_TYPE AS 'Service',(SELECT TOP 1 ATTR_VALUE FROM VAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES as va WHERE va.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_ID and va.ATTR_ID=549) as 'Contact Person',(SELECT TOP 1 ATTR_VALUE FROM VAPP_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES as va WHERE va.ITEM_ID=vi.ROW_ID and va.ATTR_ID=550) as 'Telephone'
fromVAPP_ITEM as vileft join (select row_number() over(partition by item_id order by threshold_sort_order desc) as iid, sla_due_by, item_id from              VSLA_AGREEMENT_COMPLIANCE_LIST_UX) sla on vi.ROW_ID = sla.item_id and sla.iid = 1
whereperson1_root_org_name='{kehu}'and  TICKET_STATUS not in ('Request - Delete','archive','Approved','Submitted')and CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),(DATEADD(SECOND, closed_date, '1970/1/1 08:00:00')),120)= convert(varchar(10),dateadd(DD,-1,getdate()),120)
'''def sql_zong2(i):'''给调用函数返回 三条sql语句一,UNCLOSED  某个客户所有未关单二,YESTERDAY NEW 某个客户昨天创建的所有工单三,YESTERDAY CLOSED 客户昨天关闭的所有工单'''i2=int(i)if i2==1:return sqa4elif i2==2:return sqa5elif i2==3:return  sqa6else:print('你输入的数字不对,没有你要查询的sql')


from django.urls import path,include
from .views import * #导入视图文件中的所有视图函数
urlpatterns=[# 报表二path('ceshi2', baobiao2),# 发送邮件视图# 该视图不用访问url download网页而是直接将渲染过后的网页保存下来然后通过邮件发送path('sendmail2', baobiao2_sendmail),#将报表写入excel视图函数path("wrexcel",baobiao3)


from django.shortcuts import render
import json
from random import randrangefrom django.http import HttpResponse
from rest_framework.views import APIView#导入模板
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.template.defaulttags import register #首先在view.py里导入register模块,这是干嘛的呢?他是Django自定义函数的
import pyecharts
from pyecharts.charts import Bar   #导入柱形图
from pyecharts import options as opts #导入配置
import pymssql #连接sqlserver数据库的包
import pandas as pd
from pyecharts.globals import ThemeType #导入主题
from pyecharts.charts import Pie,Line, Grid #导入饼图 折线图
from pyecharts.commons.utils import JsCode
from .sql import * #导入sql语句中的变量
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import *
import datetime
import requests
from pyecharts.charts import Liquid
from pyecharts.components import Table
from pyecharts.options import ComponentTitleOpts
from styleframe import StyleFrame,Styler,utils #导入写入excel库
#ccti_list 定义查询的ccti 在views.py 文件中70行中的列表修改
#quyu 定义查询客户的区域 在views.py文件中的71行中修改
report_name='Daily_Report_WTC'  #邮件主题 文件名称 图表名称
dircname='/docker/nginxWebUI/html' # 文件夹变量 格式:/docker/nginxWebUI/html
murl=''    #域名变量 格式:
Recipient=['2569449660@qq.com', 'bill.wang@value-exch.com']   #接收人变量'Figo.FEI@value-exch.com'
#kehu 客户变量在sql.py 第973行 作用修改sql查询中筛选的客户
#kehu 客户变量需要修改两次 sql.py 第1032行
email_text='''<strong>DR负责人: <span style="color:#ffffff"><span style="background-color:#e74c3c">Kame.Lu</span></span> (日常运作/内容变更/停止发送)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Backup:<span style="color:#ffffff"><span style="background-color:#e67e22">????</span></span><br /><br /><strong><u><span style="font-size:16px">Sheet Description</span></u></strong><br /><strong><span style="color:#ffffff"><span style="background-color:#ff0000">Customer Name</span></span></strong> 客户\区域过去31天服务统计 (Customer\District KPI statistics of last 31 days)<br /><br /><strong><u><span style="font-size:16px">KPI Description</span></u></strong><br /><strong>SLA Met%</strong> : 已关工单SLA达成率 (SLA achieved% of closed tickets)<br /><strong>Worst TAT</strong> (Turn Around Time) : 已关工单,处理时间最长的 (the longest repair time of tickets fixed)<br /><strong>First Call Fixed</strong>&nbsp;: 首次上门故障解决率<br /><strong>Remote Fixed​</strong>: 远程解决率<br /><strong>Avg onsite time</strong> : 平均上门所花费的时间<br /><strong>NoOnsiteTime</strong>: 没有填写过上门信息的数量<br /><strong>Onsite# &gt;1</strong>: 上门次数大于1次的数量</strong><br />
'''# 定义数据库查询类
class Sql_chaxun2():'''初始化sqlserver 连接属性'''def __init__(self):self.servername = '888.888.888.888'  # 服务器名称self.username = '你猜'  # 账户self.port = '23350'  # 端口号self.password = '你猜'  # 密码self.dabasename = '你猜'  #数据库名称self.get_sql = []  # 获取8条拼接sql列表self.sqlj = []  # 获取8条sql执行结果列表self.ccti_list =[' ','HW','SW/PC01','SW/PC02', 'SW/POS','SW/手持','SW/SCO','NW']self.quyu=['东区','西区','南区','北区']def chaxun(self):'''执行all查询'''con = pymssql.connect(server=self.servername, user=self.username, password=self.password,database=self.dabasename, port=self.port, charset='utf8')print('sqlserver 连接成功')r5 = []  # 应用于写入excel 存储dataframe数据的列表q = 1for i in self.ccti_list:print(i)r4 = []i2 = sql_zong(CCTI_CLASS=f'{i}')d = pd.read_sql(i2,con)print(2)d = d.fillna(0)  # 将空值填充为0d = d.replace('100.00%', '100%')  # 替换值#将每一个dataframe中的数据取出来保存到一个列表中r5.append(d) #应用于写入excel 将每一个dataframe数据存储到列表中for ii2 in range(len(d)):r4.append(d.loc[ii2].tolist())#将每一个列表存储到一个总列表中self.sqlj.append(r4)print(f'第{q}句sql执行成功')q += 1# 添加新需求 给excel增加3个工作簿# 1, UNCLOSED  某个客户所有未关单 2, YESTERDAY NEW 某个客户昨天创建的所有工单  3,YESTERDAY CLOSED 客户昨天关闭的所有工单r6=[]for i in range(1,4):print(i)i3=sql_zong2(i)d2=pd.read_sql(i3,con)d2 = d2.fillna(' ')  # 将空值填充为空字符串空格d2 = d2.replace('100.00%', '100%')  # 替换值r6.append(d2)print(f'第{q}句sql执行成功')q += 1# 添加新需求 给excel增加屈臣氏的 东区 南区 西区 北区r8=[]for i in self.quyu:r7=[]for j in self.ccti_list:i4=sql_zong(CCTI_CLASS=f'{j}',quyu=f'{i}')d3=pd.read_sql(i4,con)d3 = d3.fillna(0)  # 将空值填充为空字符串空格d3 = d3.replace('100.00%', '100%')  # 替换值r7.append(d3)print(f'第{q}句sql执行成功')q += 1r8.append(r7)con.commit()  # 提交对数据库的操作con.close()  # 关闭数据库print('关闭数据库成功')jieguo=self.sqlj #将总列表保存给变量 用于locals传输#return self.sqlj 如果只是为了反回给html数据只需要将self.sqlj 返回给调用函数#但是新需求需要将数据写入excel 这就需要使用locals来返回当前函数的所有局部变量#以字典的形式返回给调用函数, 调用函数去除值得时候需要用字典取值得方式return locals()#wtc 报表2 横着过来
def baobiao2(request):# 展示时间模块from datetime import datetimedt = datetime.now()dt2 = f"{dt.year}年{dt.month}月{dt.day}日  {dt.hour}时{dt.minute}分"a = Sql_chaxun2()d = a.chaxun() #将locals返回的值赋值给变量c=d['jieguo']  #取出字典中的值name=report_name #表名称return render(request,'baobiao2.html',locals())#本视图函数是为了渲染页面的时候直接得时候保存为html文件发送给固定人员
def baobiao2_sendmail(request):# 展示时间模块from datetime import datetimedt = datetime.now()dt2 = f"{dt.year}年{dt.month}月{dt.day}日  {dt.hour}时{dt.minute}分"a = Sql_chaxun2()c = a.chaxun()name = report_name  # 表名称html=render(request,'baobiao2.html',locals())html2=html.content.decode()#bytes类型转为strprint(type(html2))# 下面是保存网页并通过邮件发送的方式from django.core import mail  # 导入发送邮件的模块from email.mime.text import MIMEText  # html格式和文本格式邮件from django.core.mail import send_mail, EmailMultiAlternativesfrom email.header import make_headerfrom django.core.mail import send_mail, EmailMultiAlternatives'''将网页文件写入文本'''# 获取当前时间 时/分/秒import datetimetime = (str(datetime.datetime.now()).split(' ')[0])#根据操作系统来使用不同的写入文件方案import syssystem = sys.platformif system == 'win32':print('当前系统为windows,启用Windows方案')# windows 将网页写入文件中# 这个是写入django项目静态文件夹中try:with open(f'./static/mail/Daily_Report_WTC-ALL-{time}.html', 'wt', encoding='UTF-8') as p:p.write(html2)print('写入成功')except:print('文件写入失败')elif system == 'linux':print("当前系统为linux,启用linux方案")# linux中的docker 文件夹中写入文件try:with open(f'{dircname}/{report_name}-{time}.html', 'wt', encoding='UTF-8') as p:p.write(html2)print('写入成功')except:print('文件写入失败')'''开始生成emal邮件'''subject = f'{report_name}'  # 邮件主题# message = 'bill.ceshi' #邮件内容email_content=f'''{email_text}<strong>{murl}/{report_name}-{time}.html</strong>'''text_content ='-------------'from_email = 'serviceai@zh.value-exch.com.cn'  # 发件人# 'Figo.FEI@value-exch.com'recipient_list = Recipient # 收件人html_content = email_content#html_message=awmsg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject,text_content,from_email, recipient_list)msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")'''添加html附件之后发送'''if system == 'win32':print('当前系统为windows,启用Windows方案')# Windows发送msg.attach_file(f'./static/mail/Daily_Report_WTC-ALL-{time}.html')print('windows系统附件加载完成')elif system == 'linux':print("当前系统为linux,启用linux方案")# linux发送msg.attach_file(f'{dircname}/{report_name}-{time}.html')print("linux系统中附件加载完成")try:msg.send()return HttpResponse('这个是baobiao2_sendmail函数发送的邮件')except:return HttpResponse('邮件发送失败,请联系bill.wang@value-exch.com')#设置函数设置excel表格样式
def styleframe(ceshi1,sl):'''定义函数设置excel表格格式'''# 第一步给dataframe重新设置列索引import numpy as npif sl==33:np1 = (np.arange(33)).tolist()ceshi2 = ceshi1.set_axis(np1, axis=1)  # 重新设置列索引elif sl==10:#np1 = (np.arange(9)).tolist()ceshi2 = ceshi1 # 重新设置列索引elif sl==16:#np1 = (np.arange(16)).tolist()ceshi2 = ceshi1  # 重新设置列索引# 第二步 设置sf = StyleFrame(ceshi2)  # 新建一个StyleFrame供接下来使用,新建StyleFrame使用的方法与新建DataFrame用的一样if sl==33:#style 指的是指定那些列设置什么样式# 设置除了第三列的样式之外的样式style=[0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,30, 31, 32]#style2 指的是指定那些列设置什么样式 因为不同的列有不同的样式所以 有style2变量 作用和style变量作用一样style2=[2,5]elif sl==10:#针对UNCLOSED 做判断# style 指的是指定那些列设置什么样式style = ['Pri', 'Over Sla', 'Ticket#', 'State', 'Cust_Name', 'Store', 'Owner', 'Problem Description', 'Updates','Solution']# style2 指的是指定那些列设置什么样式 因为不同的列有不同的样式所以 有style2变量 作用和style变量作用一样style2 = []style3=1elif sl==16:#针对 YESTERDAY NEW  YESTERDAY CLOSED 做判断# style 指的是指定那些列设置什么样式style = ['Pri', 'Over Sla', 'Ticket#', 'State', 'Cust_Name', 'Store', 'Queue', 'Owner', 'Problem Description','Last Update Description','Solution','Created', 'Close_Time', 'Service', 'Contact Person', 'Telephone']# style2 指的是指定那些列设置什么样式 因为不同的列有不同的样式所以 有style2变量 作用和style变量作用一样style2 = []style3=2#判断style2列表是否为空,如果为空 意思就是不给具体的列设置值if style2:print('d不是空的列表')# 设置除了第三列的样式之外的样式# style = [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,#          30, 31, 32]#有底色# sf.apply_column_style(cols_to_style=style,#                       styler_obj=Styler(font_color='black', bg_color='#C0C0C0', font_size=8, bold=True,#                                         border_type='thin'), style_header=True)#无底色sf.apply_column_style(cols_to_style=style,styler_obj=Styler(font_color='black', font_size=8, bold=True,border_type='thin'), style_header=True)# 设置第3列的样式# ss=style2[0]# ss2=style2[1]sf.apply_column_style(cols_to_style=[2],styler_obj=Styler(font_color='white', bg_color='#003366', font_size=8, bold=True,border_type='thin'))# 设置第五行的样式sf.apply_style_by_indexes(indexes_to_style=[5],styler_obj=Styler(font_color='white', bg_color='#003366', font_size=8, bold=True,border_type='thin'))elif not style2:# 针对 YESTERDAY NEW  YESTERDAY CLOSED 做判断# 设置所有列样式# 1,取消所有列自动换行wrap_text=Falsesf.apply_column_style(cols_to_style=style,styler_obj=Styler(font_color='black',  font_size=8, bold=True,border_type='thin',wrap_text=False,number_format='DD/MM/YY HH:MM'), style_header=True)print('d是空的列表,设置标题的样式')# 设置YESTERDAY NEW  YESTERDAY CLOSED标题的样式sf.apply_headers_style(styler_obj=Styler(font_color='white', bg_color='#003366', font_size=8, bold=True,border_type='thin'))# 设置 YESTERDAY NEW  YESTERDAY CLOSED 表格宽度sf.set_column_width(columns=style,width=10)return sf#excel写入文件并发送
# wtc 报表2 横着过来
def baobiao3(request):#django邮件发送模块from django.core.mail import send_mail, EmailMultiAlternatives# 展示时间模块from datetime import datetimedt = datetime.now()dt2 = f"{dt.year}年{dt.month}月{dt.day}日  {dt.hour}时{dt.minute}分"# 获取当前时间 时/分/秒import datetimetime = (str(datetime.datetime.now()).split(' ')[0])a = Sql_chaxun2() #实例化类对象d = a.chaxun()  # 将locals返回的值赋值给变量c = d['r5']  # 取出字典中的值 代表all所有区域c1=d['r8'][0] # 取出字典中的值 代表'东区'c2 = d['r8'][1]  # 取出字典中的值 代表'西区'c3 = d['r8'][2]  # 取出字典中的值 代表'南区'c4 = d['r8'][3]  # 取出字典中的值 代表'北区'b=d['r6']'''通过列表c索引取出来的每一个都是一个dataframe数据,之后调用styleframe函数设置每一个dataframe的样式每一个dataframe对应一个工作簿中的一个excel块'''#ALLsf1 = styleframe(c[0],33) #调用styleframe函数设置每一个dataframe样式sf2 = styleframe(c[1],33)sf3 = styleframe(c[2],33)sf4 = styleframe(c[3],33)sf5 = styleframe(c[4],33)sf6 = styleframe(c[5],33)sf7 = styleframe(c[6],33)sf8 = styleframe(c[7],33)#['东区',]sf12 = styleframe(c1[0], 33)  # 调用styleframe函数设置每一个dataframe样式sf13 = styleframe(c1[1], 33)sf14 = styleframe(c1[2], 33)sf15 = styleframe(c1[3], 33)sf16 = styleframe(c1[4], 33)sf17 = styleframe(c1[5], 33)sf18 = styleframe(c1[6], 33)sf19 = styleframe(c1[7], 33)# ['西区',]sf20 = styleframe(c2[0], 33)  # 调用styleframe函数设置每一个dataframe样式sf21 = styleframe(c2[1], 33)sf22 = styleframe(c2[2], 33)sf23 = styleframe(c2[3], 33)sf24 = styleframe(c2[4], 33)sf25 = styleframe(c2[5], 33)sf26 = styleframe(c2[6], 33)sf27 = styleframe(c2[7], 33)# ['南区',]sf28 = styleframe(c3[0], 33)  # 调用styleframe函数设置每一个dataframe样式sf29 = styleframe(c3[1], 33)sf30 = styleframe(c3[2], 33)sf31 = styleframe(c3[3], 33)sf32 = styleframe(c3[4], 33)sf33 = styleframe(c3[5], 33)sf34 = styleframe(c3[6], 33)sf35 = styleframe(c3[7], 33)# ['北区']sf36 = styleframe(c4[0], 33)  # 调用styleframe函数设置每一个dataframe样式sf37 = styleframe(c4[1], 33)sf38 = styleframe(c4[2], 33)sf39 = styleframe(c4[3], 33)sf40 = styleframe(c4[4], 33)sf41 = styleframe(c4[5], 33)sf42 = styleframe(c4[6], 33)sf43 = styleframe(c4[7], 33)#UNCLOSEDsf9=styleframe(b[0],10)#YESTERDAY NEWsf10 = styleframe(b[1],16)#YESTERDAY CLOSEDsf11 = styleframe(b[2],16)# 写入excel代码#第一步:根据操作系统自动识别路径import syssystem = sys.platformif system == 'win32':print('当前系统为windows,启用Windows方案')ew1 = StyleFrame.ExcelWriter(rf'D:\jiaoben\{report_name}-{time}.xlsx', index=False)lujing=f'D:\jiaoben\{report_name}-{time}.xlsx' #取出路径方便发送时使用print('Windows 系统excel 写入路径指定成功')elif system == 'linux':print("当前系统为linux,启用linux方案")ew1 = StyleFrame.ExcelWriter(rf'{dircname}/{report_name}-{time}.xlsx') #linux中不能使用 index=False 否则会报错lujing = f'{dircname}/{report_name}-{time}.xlsx' #取出路径方便发送时使用print('linux 系统excel 写入路径指定成功')#第二步:将文件对象赋值给ew#allew = ew1sf1.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='All', index=False, header=False, startrow=0)sf2.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='All', index=False, header=False, startrow=14)sf3.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='All', index=False, header=False, startrow=28)sf4.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='All', index=False, header=False, startrow=42)sf5.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='All', index=False, header=False, startrow=56)sf6.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='All', index=False, header=False, startrow=70)sf7.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='All', index=False, header=False, startrow=84)sf8.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='All', index=False, header=False, startrow=98)# ['东区',]sf12.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='东区', index=False, header=False, startrow=0)sf13.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='东区', index=False, header=False, startrow=14)sf14.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='东区', index=False, header=False, startrow=28)sf15.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='东区', index=False, header=False, startrow=42)sf16.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='东区', index=False, header=False, startrow=56)sf17.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='东区', index=False, header=False, startrow=70)sf18.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='东区', index=False, header=False, startrow=84)sf19.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='东区', index=False, header=False, startrow=98)# ['南区',]sf28.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='南区', index=False, header=False, startrow=0)sf29.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='南区', index=False, header=False, startrow=14)sf30.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='南区', index=False, header=False, startrow=28)sf31.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='南区', index=False, header=False, startrow=42)sf32.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='南区', index=False, header=False, startrow=56)sf33.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='南区', index=False, header=False, startrow=70)sf34.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='南区', index=False, header=False, startrow=84)sf35.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='南区', index=False, header=False, startrow=98)# ['西区',]sf20.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='西区', index=False, header=False, startrow=0)sf21.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='西区', index=False, header=False, startrow=14)sf22.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='西区', index=False, header=False, startrow=28)sf23.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='西区', index=False, header=False, startrow=42)sf24.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='西区', index=False, header=False, startrow=56)sf25.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='西区', index=False, header=False, startrow=70)sf26.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='西区', index=False, header=False, startrow=84)sf27.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='西区', index=False, header=False, startrow=98)# ['北区']sf36.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='北区', index=False, header=False, startrow=0)sf37.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='北区', index=False, header=False, startrow=14)sf38.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='北区', index=False, header=False, startrow=28)sf39.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='北区', index=False, header=False, startrow=42)sf40.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='北区', index=False, header=False, startrow=56)sf41.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='北区', index=False, header=False, startrow=70)sf42.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='北区', index=False, header=False, startrow=84)sf43.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='北区', index=False, header=False, startrow=98)#多个工作簿测试使用# UNCLOSEDsf9.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='UNCLOSED', index=False, header=True, startrow=0)# YESTERDAY NEWsf10.to_excel(ew,sheet_name='Yesterday NEW', index=False, header=True,startrow=0)# YESTERDAY CLOSEDsf11.to_excel(ew, sheet_name='Yesterday CLOSED', index=False, header=True, startrow=0)ew.save()  # 写入文件print('excel写入成功')#将excel发送代码'''开始生成emal邮件'''subject = f'{report_name}'  # 邮件主题# message = 'bill.ceshi' #邮件内容email_content = f'''{email_text}<strong>{murl}/{report_name}-{time}.xlsx</strong>'''text_content = '-------------'from_email = 'serviceai@zh.value-exch.com.cn'  # 发件人# 'Figo.FEI@value-exch.com'recipient_list = Recipient  # 收件人html_content = email_content# html_message=awmsg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, recipient_list)msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")'''添加html附件之后发送'''if system == 'win32':print('当前系统为windows,启用Windows方案')# Windows发送msg.attach_file(lujing)print('windows系统附件加载完成')elif system == 'linux':print("当前系统为linux,启用linux方案")# linux发送msg.attach_file(lujing)print("linux系统中附件加载完成")try:msg.send()return HttpResponse('这个是baobiao3 函数发送的邮件')except:return HttpResponse('邮件发送失败,请联系bill.wang@value-exch.com')


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<head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>Awesome-pyecharts</title><style>.fl-table {margin: 1px;/*报表左边距*/border-radius: 5px;font-size: 12px;border: none;border-collapse: collapse;max-width: 100%;white-space: nowrap;word-break: keep-all;width:100%;/* 和注释2 搭配 使得table铺满整个屏幕*/height:100%;/* 和注释2 搭配 使得table铺满整个屏幕*/overflow:scroll;/* 和注释2 搭配 使得table铺满整个屏幕*/}.fl-table th {text-align: left;font-size: 20px;}.fl-table tr {display: table-row;vertical-align: inherit;border-color: inherit;}.fl-table tr:hover td {background: #00d1b2;color: #F8F8F8;}.fl-table td, .fl-table th {border-style: none;border-top: 1px solid #dbdbdb;border-left: 1px solid #dbdbdb;border-bottom: 3px solid #dbdbdb;border-right: 1px solid #dbdbdb;padding: .5em .55em;font-size: 15px;}.fl-table td {border-style: none;font-size: 2px;/*2,修改单元格的字体大小*/vertical-align: center;border-bottom: 1px solid #dbdbdb;border-left: 1px solid #dbdbdb;border-right: 1px solid #dbdbdb;height: 20px; /*修改单元格高度*/width:40px;/*单元格宽度*/}.fl-table tr:nth-child(odd) {background: #F8F8F8;}table tr:nth-child(1){border-top: 1px solid #ccc;}table tr:nth-child(6){background-color:#003366; font-weight:600;color:#F8F8F8;}/*给第6行加上背景颜色*/table{text-align: center;width:120px;}table td:nth-child(3){ background-color:#003366; font-weight:600;color:#F8F8F8;}/*第三列加背景颜色,字体加粗*/</style>
<body><!--第一个单元格排序规则不是按照视图中的排序规则,而是按照之前epsm 中的excel中的排序规则 ccti==all--><p class="title" style="font-size: 18px; font-weight:bold;">{{ dt2 }}</p>{% for r6 in c %}<p class="title" style="font-size: 18px; font-weight:bold;" > {{ name }}-{{ r6.5.1 }}</p><table class="fl-table"><tbody>{% for r7 in r6 %}<tr><td>{{ r7.0 }}</td><td>{{ r7.1 }}</td><td>{{ r7.2 }}</td><td>{{ r7.3 }}</td><td>{{ r7.4 }}</td><td>{{ r7.5 }}</td><td>{{ r7.6 }}</td><td>{{ r7.7 }}</td><td>{{ r7.8 }}</td><td>{{ r7.9 }}</td><td>{{ r7.10 }}</td><td>{{ r7.11 }}</td><td>{{ r7.12 }}</td><td>{{ r7.13 }}</td><td>{{ r7.14 }}</td><td>{{ r7.15 }}</td><td>{{ r7.16 }}</td><td>{{ r7.17 }}</td><td>{{ r7.18 }}</td><td>{{ r7.19 }}</td><td>{{ r7.20 }}</td><td>{{ r7.21 }}</td><td>{{ r7.22 }}</td><td>{{ r7.23 }}</td><td>{{ r7.24 }}</td><td>{{ r7.25 }}</td><td>{{ r7.26 }}</td><td>{{ r7.27 }}</td><td>{{ r7.28 }}</td><td>{{ r7.29 }}</td><td>{{ r7.30 }}</td><td>{{ r7.31 }}</td><td>{{ r7.32 }}</td></tr>{% endfor %}</tbody>
</table>{% endfor %}

django项目 html报表和excel报表写入并通过邮件发送到outlook和QQ邮箱相关推荐

  1. ssh项目实战----Spring计时器任务 Spring整合JavaMail(邮件发送)

    一.常用数据频度维护 对于系统使用度较高的数据,客户在查看时希望这些数据最好先出现,此时需要为其添加排序规则.在进行排序时,使用次数成为排序的依据.因此需要设置一个字段用来描述某种数据的使用次数,也就 ...

  2. python做表格计算公式_Python自学Day45 制作Excel报表

    制作报表 导出Excel报表 报表就是用表格.图表等格式来动态显示数据,所以有人用这样的公式来描述报表: 报表 = 多样的格式 + 动态的数据 有很多的三方库支持在 安装xlwt. pip insta ...

  3. Myxls导出excel报表

    最近项目中有一个导出excel报表的需求.大体就是将一个datatable中的数据导出到excel供用户下载.开始也想过几种方法: 1.因为报表已经在页面上展现出来了,所以想能不能使用js直接将页面的 ...

  4. ExcelReport(Excel报表系统)

    类型:应用扩展        功能:报表实现        描述:ExcelReport组件实现Excel报表功能,组件可以生成任意复杂格式的Excel报表,Excel报表系统具有极好的易用性(可能是 ...

  5. Django实现定时任务和邮件发送(含各种附件)功能

    文本初衷是为了实现在 Django 项目中设置定时任务,通过定时任务备份数据并发送到指定的邮箱中. 先来看一下最终的效果 文章目录 settings.py 邮箱配置 定时任务配置 定时任务邮件功能 发 ...

  6. Android读出Excel报表数据然后导出写入到SQLite数据库

    Android读出Excel报表数据然后导出写入到SQLite数据库 假设现在有一个excel.xls位于Android手机外部存储器的根目录下,数据报表为: 需要把excel.xls的数据导出,写入 ...

  7. Excel管理项目步骤,用Excel制作甘特图和自动报表来推进项目进度太牛了!

    今日小寒,一年中最冷的时候来了,各位粉丝们注意保暖!下面是正文干货: 1.什么是复杂问题? 复杂问题需要很多道工序,涉及到与多个人进行沟通,人的注意力没法持续关注,导致很容易忘掉很多重要步骤.像这种问 ...

  8. 【趣味项目之Excel报表汇总】Python+pandas+xlwings实现批量提取表格信息汇总到表格并发送到邮箱

    文章目录 前言 一.分功能详解 1.GUI 2.多线程 3.Excel处理 3.1 初始化xlwings 3.2 os库批量读取Excel表格 3.3 pandas库读取表格元素 3.4 xlwing ...

  9. POI报表入门,excel,使用事件模型解析百万数据excel报表

    POI报表入门,excel 1.pom依赖: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project ...


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