



The entire DevOps Lifecycle

GitLab is the first single application for software development, security, and operations that enables Concurrent DevOps, making the software lifecycle faster and radically improving the speed of business.

GitLab provides solutions for each of the stages of the DevOps lifecycle:

DevOps stage Documentation for
Manage Statistics and analytics features.
Plan Project planning and management features.
Create Source code, data creation, and management features.
Verify Testing, code quality, and continuous integration features.
Package Docker container registry.
Secure Security capability features.
Release Application release and delivery features.
Configure Application and infrastructure configuration tools.
Monitor Application monitoring and metrics features.
Defend Protection against security intrusions.

支持GitHub, Bitbucket,, FogBugz, and SVN的迁移:

Coming to GitLab from another platform

If you are coming to GitLab from another platform, you’ll find the following information useful:

Topic Description
Importing to GitLab Import your projects from GitHub, Bitbucket,, FogBugz, and SVN into GitLab.
Migrating from SVN Convert a SVN repository to Git and GitLab.

ps:DevOps = (dev开发+operations运维)

Hello GitLab相关推荐

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  4. Pycharm上传Gitlab

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  6. gitLab创建自己的私有库

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  7. 通过Shell脚本将VSS项目批量创建并且提交迁移至Gitlab

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