Reactive Programming with RxJava,介绍一本书和Rx

标签(空格分隔): book RxJava

Who Should Read This Book

Reactive Programming with RxJava targets intermediate and advanced Java program-
mers. You should be fairly comfortable with Java; however, prior knowledge of reac-
tive programming is not required. Many concepts in this book relate to functional
programming, but you do not need to be familiar with it either. There are two distinct
groups of programmers that can benefit from this book;


  • Craftsmen who seek improved performance on the server or more maintainable code on mobile devices. If you fal into this categroy, you will find ideas and solutions to real problems, you will find ideas and solutions to real problems as well as practical advice. In this case, RxJava is just another tool that this book will help to master.
  • Curious developers who’ve heard about reactive programming or RxJava in particular and want to get a fair understanding of it. If this is you, and if you are not planning to take advantage of RxJava in production code, you will significantly broaden your horizons.

  • 目标是在服务器和移动设备上提高性能或者更好的程序扩展性的工程师,如果你属于这类人,在本书中你能发现解决问题的办法以及实用的建议。本书讲帮你掌握这一工具。

  • 对流行起来的响应式编程或RxJava感兴趣并且希望有一个清晰的认识的人,如果你属于这类人,并且不准备将RxJava的优点应用在产品代码中。你可以显著的拓宽视野。

Additionally, if you are a hands-on software architect, this book will likely help you.
RxJava influences the overall architecture of entire systems, so it is worth knowing.
But even if you are just beginning your adventure with programming, try to go through the
first few chapters, which explain the basics. Underlying concepts like transformations and
composition are quite unversal and not related to reactive programming.


The book was struvtured such that you will derive the most from it by reading it from cover
to cover. If you can not afford that much time, however, fell free to cherry pick only the parts that are most insteresting. If there s a concept that was introduced earlier, you will most likely find a back reference to it. Following is an overview of each chapter:


  • Chapter 1 very briefly goes through the inception of RxJava, basic concepts, and ideas(Ben).
  • Chapter 2 explains how RxJava can appear in your application and how to interact with it. This chapter is very basic, but, but understanding concepts like hot versus cold sources is tremendously important(Tomasz).
  • Chapter 3 is a whirlwind tour of many operators provided by RxJava. We will introduce you to the expressive and powerful functions that are a foundation of this library(Tomasz).
  • Chapter 4 is more practical, showing how to embed RxJava in various places across your codebase. It also touches on concurrency(Tomasz).
  • Chapter 5 is advanced, explaining how to implement reactive applications from top to bottom.
  • Chapter 6 explains an important problem of flow control and backpressure mechainisms in RxJava that support it (Tomasz).
  • Chapter 7 shows techniques of unit testing, maintaining, and troubleshooting Rx-base applications(Tomasz).
  • Chapter 8 shows a few selected applications of RxJava, especially in distributed systems(Tomasz).
  • Chapter 9 highlights future plans for RxJava 2.x(ben).

  • 第一章简要介绍了RxJava的起步,基本概念,和想法。

  • 第二章阐述了如何将RxJava集成并运用在项目中,本章非常基础,同样理解如 动态编程和静态编程是风场重要的。
  • 第三章浏览了RxJava的很多操作符。我们会展示给你基于RxJava基础库强力有效的功能。
  • 第四章偏向与实战,展示了如何将RxJava的代码应用到你的代码中。RxJava同样样涉及并发。
  • 第五章是高级,阐述了如何将响应式程序应用到各个层面。
  • 第六章阐述了重要的流处理问题和RxJava支持的反压机制。
  • 第七章演示了RxJava程序如何进行单元测试,扩展和调试技术。
  • 第八章展示了使用RxJava的项目,特别是在分布式操作系统。
  • 第九章标注了第二版RxJava的功能概览。

CHAPTER 1 Reactive Programming with RxJava

RxJava is a specific implementation of reactive programming for Java and Android that is influenced by functional programming. It favors function composition, avoidance of global state and side effects, and thinking in streams to compose asynchronous and event-base programs. It begins with the observer pattern of producer/consumer callbacks and extends it with dozens of operators that allow composing, transforming, scheduling, throttling, error handling, and lifecycle management.

RxJava is a mature open source library that has found broad adoption both on the server and on Android mobile devices. Alone with the library, an active community of developers has built up around RxJava and reactive programming to contribute to the project, speak, write, and help one another.

This chapter will provide an overview of RxJava-what it is and how it works-and the rest of this book wull take you through all the details of how to use and apply it in your applications You can begin reading this book with no piror experience with reactive programming, but we will start at the beginning and take you through the concepts and practices of RxJava so that you can apply its strengths to your use cases.


RxJava是一个成熟的开源库,已经在服务器和Android设备得到了广泛的应用,围绕RxJava,响应式编程 一个活跃的开发者社区已经被建立起来,提供项目,交流,写作和互相帮助。


Reactive Programming and RxJava

Reactive programming is a general programming term that is focused on reacting to changes, such as data values or events. It can and often is done imperatively. A callback is an approach to reactive programming done imperatively. A spreadsheet is great example of reactive programming: cells dependent on other cells automatically “react” when those other cells change.


On today’s computers everything ends up being imperative at some point as it hits the operating system and hardware. The computer must be told explicitly whtat needs to be done and how to do it. Hunmans do not think like CPUs and related systems, so we add abstractions. Reactive-functional programming is an abstraction, just like our higher-level imperative programming idioms are abstractions for the underlying binary and assembly instructions. The fact that everything ends up imperative is important to remember and understand because it helps us with the mental model of what reactive-functional programming is addressing and how it ultimately executes-there is no magic.


Reactive-functional programming therefore is an approach to programming-an abstraction on top of imperative systems-that allows us to program asynchronous and event-driven use cases without having to think like the computer itself and imperatively define the complex interactions of state, particularly across thread and network boundaries. Not having to think like the computer is a useful trait when it comes to asynchrony and event-driven systems, because concurrency and parallelism are involved, and these are very challenging characteristics to use correctly and efficiently. Within the Java community, the boooks Java Concurrency in Practive by Brian Goetz and Concurrent Programming in Java by Doug Lea(Addison-Wesley), and forums, and communities since I started using RxJava has convinced me even more than before of how difficult it really is to write high-performance, efficient, scalable, and correct concurrent software. And we haven’t been brought in distributed systems, which take concurrency and parallelism to another level.


So, the short answer to what reactive-functional programming is solving is concurrency and parallelism. More colloquially, it is solving callback hell, which results from addressing reactive and asyncronous use cases in an imperative way. Reactive programming such as that implemented by RxJava is influenced by functional programming and uses a declarative approach to avoiding the typical pitfalls of reactive-imperative code.


When You Need Reactive Programming

Reactive programming is useful in scenarios such as the following:

  • Processing use events such as mouse movement and clicks, keyboard typing, GPS signals changing over time as users move with their device, device gyroscope signals, touch events, and so on.
  • Responding to and processing any and all latency-bound IO events from disk or network, given that IO is inherently asynchronous(a request is made, time passes, a response might or might not be received, which the tiggers further work.
  • Handling events or data pushed at an application by a producer it cannot control(system events from a server, the aforementioned user events, signals from hardware, events triggered by the analog world from sensors, and so on).


  • 处理用户事件,比如鼠标移动和点击,键盘编辑,GPS信号随着时间的变化当用户移动自己的设备,陀螺仪信号,触摸时间等等。
  • 响应和处理任何磁盘或网络相关的异步IO事件(执行一个请求,时间执行,一个响应可能或者不能被收到,然后继续执行下一步工作)。
  • 处理被程序生产者推出的不可控时间或者消息(服务器发出的系统消息,上面提到的用户事件,硬件信号,传感器模拟事件的触发等等)。

Now, if the code in question is handling only on event stream, reactive-imperative programming with a callback is going to be fine, and bringing in reactive-functional programming is not going to give you much benefit. You can have hundreds of different event streams, and if they are all completed indendent of one another, imperative programming is not likely to be a problem. In such straightforward use cases, imperative approaches are going to be the most efficient because they eliminate the abstraction layer of reactive programming and stay closer to that for which current operating systems, languages, and compilers are optimized.


If your program is like most through, you need to combine events(or asynchronous responses from functions or network calls), have conditional logic interacting between them, and must handle failure scenarios and resouce cleanup on any and all of them. This is where the reactive-imperative approach begins to dramatically increase in complexity and reactive-functional programming begins to shine. A nonscientific view I have come to accept is that reactive-functional programming has an initially heigher learning curve and barrier to entry but that the ceiling for complexity is far lower than with reactive-imperative programming.


Hence this is where the tagling fo Reactive Extensions(Rx) in general and RxJava specifically comes from, “a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs”. RxJava is a concrete implementation of reactive programming principles influenced by functional and data-flow programming. There are different approaches to be “reactive,” and RxJava is but one of them. Let’s dig into how it works.


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