使用到动态组件是因为我在做一个Table的控件,表格中有按钮等控件,并具有相应逻辑,同时项目中多处使用到该表格,故想提取一个可复用的控件以减少工作量。主要参考的文章是大神的修仙之路Angular 4.x 动态创建组件以及官方文档Dynamic Component Loader;



  • 在/src/app目录下通过以下命令可以创建一个简单的TestComponent
ng generate component test
  • 对应需要引用该动态组件的父组件(eg: ParentComponent),首先我们要将TestComponent引入其对应的ParentModule
import { TestComponent } from '.../test.component'
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';@NgModule({imports: [...],declarations: [ ..., TestComponent ],entryComponents: [TestComponent]


Generally, the Angular compiler generates a ComponentFactory for any component referenced in a template. However, there are no selector references in the templates for dynamically loaded components since they load at runtime.

To ensure that the compiler still generates a factory, add dynamically loaded components to the NgModule's entryComponents array:


class ComponentFactory<C> {get selector: stringget componentType: Type<any>get ngContentSelectors: string[]get inputs: {...}get outputs: {...}create(injector: Injector, projectableNodes?: any[][], rootSelectorOrNode?: string | any, ngModule?: NgModuleRef<any>): ComponentRef<C>


  • 在ParentComponent中动态添加组件,代码如下:
import { ViewContainerRef, AfterViewInit, ViewChild, ComponentFactoryResolver} from '@angular/core';
import { TestComponent } from '.../test.component'
export class ParentComponent{@ViewChild("Container", { read: ViewContainerRef }) vcRef: ViewContainerRef;constructor(private componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) { }...ngAfterViewInit() {let componentFactory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(TestComponent);this.vcRef.clear();let dynamicComponent =  vcRef.createComponent(componentFactory);...}
  • 在test.component.html中添加代码如下:
<ng-template #Container></ng-template>

*ViewContainerRef 类型代表装载视图的容器类

Represents a container where one or more Views can be attached


You can use ViewChild to get the first element or the directive matching the selector from the view DOM. If the view DOM changes, and a new child matches the selector, the property will be updated.

*此处利用定义html锚点#container,当实例化ViewChild时,传入第一个参数为锚点名字“container”,第二个参数{read: <Type>}为查询条件,设置查询的类型,此处设置返回ViewContainerRef的实例;



*对组件dynamicComponent的操作,可通过以下代码进行,例如,动态组件TestComponent中有@Input() Data,可通过.data进行赋值;

(<any>dynamicComponent.instance).data = "test";


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